usage() {
echo "Usage: $1 [install-playwright, build-plugin, reset-storage-state, run-local, run-chromium]" >&2
echo "* install-playwright: installs playwright and its dependencies" >&2
echo "* build-plugin: builds the plugin to be used in the playwright tests" >&2
echo "* reset-storage-state: clear out cached data" >&2
echo "* run-chromium: runs the playwright tests against a locally running version of Cosmos using Chrome" >&2
exit 1
if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
usage $0
case $1 in
install-playwright )
# Attempt to clean up downloaded browser binaries
[ -d $HOME/.cache/ms-playwright ] && rm -rf $HOME/.cache/ms-playwright # linux
[ -d $HOME/Library/Caches/ms-playwright ] && rm -rf $HOME/Library/Caches/ms-playwright # mac
rm -rf node_modules
yarn; yarn playwright install --with-deps; yarn playwright --version
build-plugin )
rm -rf openc3-cosmos-pw-test
../ cli generate plugin PW_TEST --ruby
cd openc3-cosmos-pw-test
../../ cli generate target PW_TEST --ruby
../../ cli rake build VERSION=1.0.0
cp openc3-cosmos-pw-test-1.0.0.gem openc3-cosmos-pw-test-1.0.1.gem
../../ cli validate openc3-cosmos-pw-test-1.0.0.gem
cd -
reset-storage-state )
run-chromium )
yarn playwright test "${@:2}" --project=chromium