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Test Coverage
shortname: 4/OCS-M
name: OpenCannabis Media Extension
status: raw
editor: Sam Gammon <>
  - Randal Stevens <>

<a name="top"></a>

# OpenCannabis: Media Extension
- Version `1.0`
- Status: `RAW`

### Status of this Memo

This memo defines an extension for the core _OpenCannabis Specification, version 1_, that provides structures and
definitions related to the expression of digital media (to include: images, videos, documents, audio, and more).
Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

This specification's current status is considered `RAW`, i.e. pre-`DRAFT`.

### Abstract

This document describes an extension to the _OpenCannabis Specification, version 1_, that introduces digital-media-
related definitions and structures.

_"Digital media,"_ in this context, refers to:
- Images
- Video
- Audio
- Documents
- Raw data

### Table of Contents
- [Protocol Definition](#Protocol-Definition): `media`: Images, video, documents, etc.
  - [MediaOrientation](
  - [MediaKey](
  - [DocumentType](
  - [ImageType](
  - [MediaType](
  - [VideoType](
  - [DocumentType.DocumentKind](
  - [ImageType.ImageKind](
  - [MediaType.Kind](
  - [VideoType.VideoKind](
  - [MediaItem](
- [Copyright & Licensing](#Copyright-Notice)


## Protocol Definition

Specifies a type of media, device orientation, file-type and so on

{% nomnoml %}

#fill: #d5e7ee; #8ebff2
 |  UP:0
 | DOWN:1
 | LEFT:2
 | RIGHT:3

 | id: string]

 | kind: DocumentType.DocumentKind
 | compressed: bool]

 | kind: ImageType.ImageKind]

 | kind: MediaType.Kind
 | image_type: ImageType
 | document_type: DocumentType
 | video_type: VideoType]

 | kind: VideoType.VideoKind]

{% endnomnoml %}

{% nomnoml %}

#fill: #d5e7ee; #8ebff2
 | TXT: 0
 | HTML: 1
 | PDF: 2

 | PNG: 0
 | JPG: 1
 | GIF: 2
 | SVG: 3
 | WEBP: 4]

 | LINK: 0
 | IMAGE: 1
 | VIDEO: 3]

 | MP4: 0
 | FLV: 1
 | HLS: 2]

 | key: MediaKey
 | type: MediaType
 | name: string
 | uri: string]
{% endnomnoml %}

<a name="media/MediaOrientation.proto"></a>

### `MediaOrientation.Number`
Orientation status of a piece of media. Provided by camera operations on mobile devices,
in some cases, and also stored along with media sometimes.

| Name | Number | Description |
| ---- | ------ | ----------- |
| UP | 0 | Media is oriented &#39;up&#39;. |
| DOWN | 1 | Media is oriented &#39;down&#39;. |
| LEFT | 2 | Media is oriented &#39;left&#39;. |
| RIGHT | 3 | Media is oriented &#39;right&#39;. |
| UP_MIRRORED | 4 | Media is oriented &#39;up,&#39; and mirrored. |
| DOWN_MIRRORED | 5 | Media is oriented &#39;down,&#39; and mirrored. |
| LEFT_MIRRORED | 6 | Media is oriented &#39;left,&#39; and mirrored. |
| RIGHT_MIRRORED | 7 | Media is oriented &#39;right,&#39; and mirrored. |

<a name="media/MediaKey.proto"></a>

### `MediaKey.Type`
Key uniquely describing an item of media known to the system. An &#34;item of media&#34; can be anything from an image
or a video, to a PDF document, or larger data.

| Field | Type | Label | Description |
| ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- |
| id | [string](#string) |  | Unique ID for this media item. |

<a name="media/MediaType.proto"></a>

## `MediaType`

<a name=""></a>

### `DocumentType.Type`
Specifies document type information.

| Field | Type | Label | Description |
| ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- |
| kind | [DocumentType.DocumentKind]( |  | Specifies the kind of document being attached or described. |
| compressed | [bool](#bool) |  | Specifies whether the attached document is compressed or not. |

<a name=""></a>

### `ImageType.Type`
Specifies image type information.

| Field | Type | Label | Description |
| ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- |
| kind | [ImageType.ImageKind]( |  | Specifies the format of the attached or described image. |

<a name=""></a>

### `MediaType.Type`
Specifies the type of media being attached or described.

| Field | Type | Label | Description |
| ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- |
| kind | [MediaType.Kind]( |  | Specifies the generic kind of media being described or attached. |
| image_type | [ImageType]( |  | Specifies content for an image-based media item. |
| document_type | [DocumentType]( |  | Specifies content for a document-based media item. |
| video_type | [VideoType]( |  | Specifies content for a video-based media item. |

<a name=""></a>

### `VideoType.Type`
Specifies video type information.

| Field | Type | Label | Description |
| ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- |
| kind | [VideoType.VideoKind]( |  | Specifies the kind of video being attached or described. |

<a name=""></a>

### `DocumentType.DocumentKind.Number`
Specifies kinds of documents that may be attached or described.

| Name | Number | Description |
| ---- | ------ | ----------- |
| TXT | 0 | Plaintext format. |
| HTML | 1 | HTML format. |
| PDF | 2 | PDF format. |
| MARKDOWN | 3 | Markdown format. |

<a name=""></a>

### `ImageType.ImageKind.Number`
Specifies kinds of images that may be attached or described.

| Name | Number | Description |
| ---- | ------ | ----------- |
| PNG | 0 | PNG image. |
| JPG | 1 | JPG image. |
| GIF | 2 | GIF image. |
| SVG | 3 | SVG image. |
| WEBP | 4 | WEBP image. |

<a name=""></a>

### `MediaType.Kind.Number`
Enumerates, in generic terms, the kinds of media that can be attached or described.

| Name | Number | Description |
| ---- | ------ | ----------- |
| LINK | 0 | Web link, or URI. |
| IMAGE | 1 | Image or photograph. |
| DOCUMENT | 2 | Document or text data. |
| VIDEO | 3 | Video data. |

<a name=""></a>

### `VideoType.VideoKind.Number`
Specifies kinds of videos that may be attached or described.

| Name | Number | Description |
| ---- | ------ | ----------- |
| MP4 | 0 | MP4 video. |
| FLV | 1 | Flash video. |
| HLS | 2 | HTTP Live Streaming video. |

<a name="media/MediaItem.proto"></a>

### `MediaItem.Type`
Describes an individual media item, which can be an image, video, etc.

| Field | Type | Label | Description |
| ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- |
| key | [MediaKey]( |  | Key uniquely identifying this media item. |
| type | [MediaType]( |  | Type of media this is describing. |
| name | [string](#string) |  | Friendly name for this media. |
| uri | [string](#string) |  | Absolute URI to this media. |

## Copyright Notice

Copyright (©) 2018, the OpenCannabis Editor and Contributors. All rights reserved.

## License  [![License: GPL v3](](

This Specification is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
[GNU General Public License](../3/ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.

This Specification is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see