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// This is a manifest file that'll be compiled into application.js, which will include all the files
// listed below.
// Any JavaScript/Coffee file within this directory, lib/assets/javascripts, vendor/assets/javascripts,
// or vendor/assets/javascripts of plugins, if any, can be referenced here using a relative path.
// It's not advisable to add code directly here, but if you do, it'll appear at the bottom of the
// compiled file.
// Read Sprockets README ( for details
// about supported directives.
// When adding packery back, make sure to include `packery.pkgd.js` and `angular-packery.js`
//= require features
//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs

//= require jquery-ui/core
//= require jquery-ui/widget
//= require jquery-ui/mouse
//= require jquery-ui/position
//= require jquery-ui/sortable
//= require particles.js
//= require jquery.hotkeys.js

//= require angular
//= require angular-resource
//= require angular-route
//= require angular-ui-bootstrap-tpls
//= require angular-animate
//= require angular-sanitize
//= require angular-growl
//= require angular-ui-tree
//= require ng-rails-csrf
//= require_tree ./support

//= require_tree ./openfn
//= require_tree ./the_bridge_ng

Array.prototype.diff = function(a) {
  return this.filter(function(i) {return a.indexOf(i) < 0;});