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//    Copyright 2023 Jij Inc.

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//    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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//! @file polynomial.hpp
//! @brief Graph class to represent polynomial unconstrained binary model or
//! Ising model with polynomial interactions.
//! @date 2021-03-11
//! @copyright Copyright (c) Jij Inc. 2023

#pragma once

#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>

#include <cimod/binary_polynomial_model.hpp>

#include "openjij/graph/graph.hpp"
#include "openjij/graph/json/parse.hpp"
#include "openjij/utility/index_type.hpp"
#include "openjij/utility/pairhash.hpp"

namespace openjij {
namespace graph {

//! @brief Polynomial graph class, which can treat many-body interactions.
//! The Hamiltonian is like
//! \f[
//! H=\sum_{i \neq j} Q_{ij} x_i x_j +  \sum_{i \neq j \neq k} Q_{ijk} x_i x_j
//! x_k + \ldots \f] Note here that \f$ x_i \in \{0, 1\} \f$ or \f$ x_i \in
//! \{-1, +1\} \f$.
//! @tparam FloatType floating-point type
template <typename FloatType> class Polynomial : public Graph {
                "FloatType must be floating-point type.");

  //! @brief Floating-point type
  using value_type = FloatType;

  //! @brief Constructor of Polynomial class to initialize variables and
  //! vartype.
  //! @param num_variables std::size_t
  explicit Polynomial(const std::size_t num_variables) : Graph(num_variables) {}

  //! @brief Constructor of Polynomial class to initialize num_variables, and
  //! interactions from json.
  //! @param j JSON object
  explicit Polynomial(const nlohmann::json &j)
      : Graph("variables").size()) {
    const auto &v_k_v = json_parse_polynomial<FloatType>(j);
    const auto &poly_key_list = std::get<0>(v_k_v);
    const auto &poly_value_list = std::get<1>(v_k_v);

    if (poly_key_list.size() != poly_value_list.size()) {
      throw std::runtime_error(
          "The sizes of key_list and value_list must match each other");

    int64_t num_interactions = static_cast<int64_t>(poly_key_list.size());


#pragma omp parallel for
    for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_interactions; ++i) {
      poly_key_list_[i] = poly_key_list[i];
      poly_value_list_[i] = poly_value_list[i];

    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < poly_key_list.size(); ++i) {
      poly_key_inv_[poly_key_list_[i]] = i;

  //! @brief Access the interaction corresponding to the input argument to set
  //! an interaction.
  //! @details Note that the input argument "key" will be sorted. If the
  //! interaction specified by "key" is empty, the zero will be added to the
  //! polynomial graph.
  //! @param key std::vector<Index>&
  //! @return The interaction corresponding to "key".
  FloatType &J(std::vector<Index> &key) {
    std::sort(key.begin(), key.end());
    if (poly_key_inv_.count(key) == 0) {
      poly_key_inv_[key] = poly_value_list_.size();
    return poly_value_list_[];

  //! @brief Access the interaction corresponding to the input argument to set
  //! an interaction.
  //! @details If the interaction specified by "key" is empty, the zero will be
  //! added to the polynomial graph.
  //! @param key const std::vector<Index>&
  //! @return The interaction corresponding to "key".
  FloatType &J(const std::vector<Index> &key) {
    std::vector<Index> copied_key = key;
    return J(copied_key);

  //! @brief Return the interaction corresponding to the input argument.
  //! @details Note that the input argument "key" will be sorted. If the
  //! interaction specified by "key" is empty, this function returns the zero.
  //! @param key std::vector<Index>&
  //! @return The interaction corresponding to "key".
  FloatType J(std::vector<Index> &key) const {
    std::sort(key.begin(), key.end());
    if (poly_key_inv_.count(key) == 0) {
      return 0.0;
    } else {
      return poly_value_list_[];

  //! @brief Return the interaction corresponding to the input argument.
  //! @details If the interaction specified by "key" is empty, this function
  //! returns the zero.
  //! @param key const std::vector<Index>&
  //! @return The interaction corresponding to "key".
  FloatType J(const std::vector<Index> &key) const {
    std::vector<Index> copied_key = key;
    return J(copied_key);

  //! @brief Access the interaction corresponding to the input argument to set
  //! an interaction.
  //! @details If the interaction specified by "args" is empty, the zero will be
  //! added to the polynomial graph.
  //! @param args parameter pack
  //! @return The interaction corresponding to "args".
  template <typename... Args> FloatType &J(Args... args) {
    std::vector<Index> copied_key{(Index)args...};
    return J(copied_key);

  //! @brief Access the interaction corresponding to the input argument to set
  //! an interaction.
  //! @details If the interaction specified by "args" is empty, this function
  //! returns the zero.
  //! @param args parameter pack
  //! @return The interaction corresponding to "args".
  template <typename... Args> FloatType J(Args... args) const {
    std::vector<Index> copied_key{(Index)args...};
    return J(copied_key);

  //! @brief Generate and return all the polynomial interactions as
  //! std::unordered_map<std::vector<Index>, FloatType>.
  //! @return All the interactions
  cimod::Polynomial<Index, FloatType> get_polynomial() const {
    cimod::Polynomial<Index, FloatType> poly_map;
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < poly_key_list_.size(); ++i) {
      poly_map[poly_key_list_[i]] = poly_value_list_[i];
    return poly_map;

  //! @brief Get the PolynomialKeyList object (all the keys of polynomial
  //! interactions).
  //! @return PolynomialKeyList object as std::vector<std::vector<Index>>.
  const cimod::PolynomialKeyList<Index> &get_keys() const {
    return poly_key_list_;

  //! @brief Get the PolynomialValueList object (all the values of polynomial
  //! interactions).
  //! @return PolynomialValueList object as std::vector<FloatType>.
  const cimod::PolynomialValueList<FloatType> &get_values() const {
    return poly_value_list_;

  //! @brief Return the number of all the interactions.
  //! @return The number of all the interactions.
  std::size_t get_num_interactions() const { return poly_key_list_.size(); }

  //! @brief Return the total energy corresponding to the input variables, Spins
  //! or Binaries.
  //! @param spins const Spins& or const Binaries& (both are the same type)
  //! @param omp_flag if true OpenMP is enabled.
  //! @return The total energy
  FloatType energy(const Spins &spins, const bool omp_flag = true) const {
    if (spins.size() != Graph::size()) {
      throw std::out_of_range("The size of spins/binaries does not equal to "
                              "the size of polynomial graph");

    FloatType energy = 0.0;

    int64_t num_interactions = static_cast<int64_t>(poly_key_list_.size());

    if (omp_flag) {
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+ : energy)
      for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_interactions; ++i) {
        Spin spin_multiple = 1;
        for (const auto &index : poly_key_list_[i]) {
          spin_multiple *= spins[index];
          if (spin_multiple == 0.0) {
        energy += spin_multiple * poly_value_list_[i];
    } else {
      for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_interactions; ++i) {
        Spin spin_multiple = 1;
        for (const auto &index : poly_key_list_[i]) {
          spin_multiple *= spins[index];
          if (spin_multiple == 0.0) {
        energy += spin_multiple * poly_value_list_[i];
    return energy;

  //! @deprecated
  //! @brief Return the total energy corresponding to the input variables, Spins
  //! or Binaries.
  //! @param spins const Spins& or const Binaries& (both are the same type)
  //! @param omp_flag if true OpenMP is enabled.
  //! @return The total energy
  FloatType calc_energy(const Spins &spins, const bool omp_flag = true) const {
    return energy(spins, omp_flag);

  //! @brief The list of the indices of the polynomial interactions (namely, the
  //! list of key of the polynomial interactions as std::unordered_map) as
  //! std::vector<std::vector<Index>>.
  cimod::PolynomialKeyList<Index> poly_key_list_;

  //! @brief The list of the values of the polynomial interactions (namely, the
  //! list of value of the polynomial interactions as std::unordered_map) as
  //! std::vecto<FloatType>.
  cimod::PolynomialValueList<FloatType> poly_value_list_;

  //! @brief The inverse key list, which indicates the index of the
  //! poly_key_list_ and poly_value_list_
  std::unordered_map<std::vector<Index>, std::size_t, cimod::vector_hash>

  //! @brief Check if the input keys are valid
  void CheckKeyValid(const std::vector<Index> &key) const {
    if (key.size() > Graph::size()) {
      std::stringstream ss;
      ss << "Too small system size. ";
      ss << "The degree of the input polynomial interaction is " << key.size();
      ss << ". But the system size is " << Graph::size();
      throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());
    if (0 < key.size()) {
      // key is assumed to be sorted
      for (std::size_t i = 0; i < key.size() - 1; ++i) {
        if (key[i] == key[i + 1]) {
          throw std::runtime_error("No self-loops allowed");
        if (key[i] >= Graph::size()) {
          std::stringstream ss;
          ss << "Too small system size. ";
          ss << "The index of a interaction: " << key[i] << " is out of range";
          throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());
      if (key.back() >= Graph::size()) {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "Too small system size. ";
        ss << "The index of a interaction: " << key.back()
           << " is out of range";
        throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());

} // namespace graph
} // namespace openjij