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Test Coverage
//    Copyright 2022 Jij Inc.

//    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
//    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
//    You may obtain a copy of the License at


//    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
//    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
//    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
//    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
//    limitations under the License.

#pragma once

#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
#include <pybind11/functional.h>
#include <pybind11/eigen.h>

#include <pybind11_json/pybind11_json.hpp>

#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>

#include <sstream>

#include <cimod/binary_polynomial_model.hpp>
#include <cimod/binary_quadratic_model.hpp>
#include <cimod/binary_quadratic_model_dict.hpp>
#include <cimod/disable_eigen_warning.hpp>

namespace py = pybind11;

using namespace py::literals;
using namespace cimod;

template<typename IndexType, typename FloatType, typename DataType>
inline void declare_BQM( py::module& m, const std::string& name ) {

  using BQM = BinaryQuadraticModel<IndexType, FloatType, DataType>;

  using DenseMatrix = Eigen::Matrix<FloatType, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor>;
  using SparseMatrix = Eigen::SparseMatrix<FloatType, Eigen::RowMajor>;

  auto pyclass_BQM = py::class_<BQM>( m, name.c_str() );

          py::init<Linear<IndexType, FloatType>, Quadratic<IndexType, FloatType>, FloatType, Vartype>(),
          "vartype"_a )
          py::init<Linear<IndexType, FloatType>, Quadratic<IndexType, FloatType>, Vartype>(),
          "vartype"_a )
          py::init<Eigen::Ref<const DenseMatrix>, std::vector<IndexType>, FloatType, Vartype, bool>(),
          "fix_format"_a = true )
          py::init<Eigen::Ref<const DenseMatrix>, std::vector<IndexType>, Vartype, bool>(),
          "fix_format"_a = true )
          py::init<const SparseMatrix&, std::vector<IndexType>, FloatType, Vartype>(),
          py::init<const SparseMatrix&, std::vector<IndexType>, Vartype>(),
      .def( py::init<const BQM&>(), "bqm"_a )
      .def( "length", &BQM::length )
      .def( "get_num_variables", &BQM::get_num_variables )
      .def( "get_linear", py::overload_cast<IndexType>( &BQM::get_linear, py::const_ ) )
      .def( "get_linear", py::overload_cast<>( &BQM::get_linear, py::const_ ) )
      .def( "get_quadratic", py::overload_cast<IndexType, IndexType>( &BQM::get_quadratic, py::const_ ) )
      .def( "get_quadratic", py::overload_cast<>( &BQM::get_quadratic, py::const_ ) )
      .def( "get_offset", &BQM::get_offset )
      .def( "get_vartype", &BQM::get_vartype )
      .def( "get_variables", &BQM::get_variables )
      //.def("print", &BQM::print)
      .def( "empty", &BQM::empty, "vartype"_a )
      .def( "add_variable", &BQM::add_variable, "v"_a, "bias"_a )
      .def( "add_variables_from", &BQM::add_variables_from, "linear"_a )
      .def( "add_interaction", &BQM::add_interaction, "u"_a, "v"_a, "bias"_a )
      .def( "add_interactions_from", &BQM::add_interactions_from, "quadratic"_a )
      .def( "remove_variable", &BQM::remove_variable, "v"_a )
      .def( "remove_variables_from", &BQM::remove_variables_from, "variables"_a )
      .def( "remove_interaction", &BQM::remove_interaction, "u"_a, "v"_a )
      .def( "remove_interactions_from", &BQM::remove_interactions_from, "interactions"_a )
      .def( "add_offset", &BQM::add_offset, "offset"_a )
      .def( "remove_offset", &BQM::remove_offset )
          "ignored_variables"_a = std::vector<IndexType>(),
          "ignored_interactions"_a = std::vector<std::pair<IndexType, IndexType>>(),
          "ignored_offset"_a = false )
          "bias_range"_a = std::pair<FloatType, FloatType>( 1.0, 1.0 ),
          "use_quadratic_range"_a = false,
          "quadratic_range"_a = std::pair<FloatType, FloatType>( 1.0, 1.0 ),
          "ignored_variables"_a = std::vector<IndexType>(),
          "ignored_interactions"_a = std::vector<std::pair<IndexType, IndexType>>(),
          "ignored_offset"_a = false )
      .def( "fix_variable", &BQM::fix_variable, "v"_a, "value"_a )
      .def( "fix_variables", &BQM::fix_variables, "fixed"_a )
      .def( "flip_variable", &BQM::flip_variable, "v"_a )
      //.def("contract_variables", &BQM::contract_variables, "u"_a, "v"_a)
      .def( "change_vartype", py::overload_cast<const Vartype&>( &BQM::change_vartype ), "vartype"_a )
      .def( "change_vartype", py::overload_cast<const Vartype&, bool>( &BQM::change_vartype ), "vartype"_a, "inplace"_a )
      .def( "energy", &BQM::energy, "sample"_a )
      .def( "energies", &BQM::energies, "samples_like"_a )
      .def( "to_qubo", &BQM::to_qubo )
      .def( "to_ising", &BQM::to_ising )
      .def_static( "from_qubo", &BQM::from_qubo, "Q"_a, "offset"_a = 0.0 )
      .def_static( "from_ising", &BQM::from_ising, "h"_a, "J"_a, "offset"_a = 0.0 )
      .def( "interaction_matrix", py::overload_cast<>( &BQM::interaction_matrix, py::const_ ) )
      //.def("to_serialiable", &BQM::to_serializable)
      //.def_static("from_serialiable", &BQM::from_serializable, "input"_a);
      .def( "to_serializable", []( const BQM& self ) { return static_cast<py::object>( self.to_serializable() ); } )
          []( const py::object& input ) { return BQM::from_serializable( static_cast<nlohmann::json>( input ) ); },
          "input"_a );

  // interaction_matrix for Dict (legacy BQM) class
  if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<DataType, cimod::Dict> )
    pyclass_BQM.def( "_generate_indices", &BQM::_generate_indices )
            "interaction_matrix", py::overload_cast<const std::vector<IndexType>&>( &BQM::interaction_matrix, py::const_ ) );

template<typename IndexType, typename FloatType>
inline void declare_BPM( py::module& m, const std::string& name ) {

  using BPM = BinaryPolynomialModel<IndexType, FloatType>;

  py::class_<BPM>( m, name.c_str() )
      .def( py::init<Polynomial<IndexType, FloatType>&, const Vartype>(), "polynomial"_a, "vartype"_a )
          py::init<PolynomialKeyList<IndexType>&, PolynomialValueList<FloatType>&, const Vartype>(),
          "vartype"_a )
              const std::vector<IndexType>&,
              const PolynomialKeyList<std::size_t>&,
              const PolynomialValueList<FloatType>&,
              const Vartype>(),
          "vartype"_a )
          []( const BPM& self ) {
            py::dict py_polynomial;
            const auto& poly_key_list = self.GetKeyList();
            const auto& poly_value_list = self.GetValueList();
            for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < poly_key_list.size(); ++i ) {
              py::tuple tuple;
              for ( const auto& index : poly_key_list[ i ] ) {
                tuple = tuple + py::make_tuple( index );
              py_polynomial[ tuple ] = poly_value_list[ i ];
            return py_polynomial;
          } )
      .def( "get_polynomial", py::overload_cast<std::vector<IndexType>&>( &BPM::GetPolynomial, py::const_ ), "key"_a )
      .def( "get_variables_to_integers", py::overload_cast<>( &BPM::GetVariablesToIntegers ) )
      .def( "get_variables_to_integers", py::overload_cast<const IndexType&>( &BPM::GetVariablesToIntegers ), "v"_a )
      .def( "get_key_list", &BPM::GetKeyList )
      .def( "get_value_list", &BPM::GetValueList )
      .def( "get_variables", py::overload_cast<>( &BPM::GetSortedVariables ) )
      .def( "indices", py::overload_cast<>( &BPM::GetSortedVariables ) ) // This will be depricated
      .def( "get_degree", &BPM::GetDegree )
      .def( "get_offset", &BPM::GetOffset )
      .def( "get_vartype", &BPM::GetVartype )
      .def( "get_num_interactions", &BPM::GetNumInteractions )
      .def( "get_num_variables", &BPM::GetNumVariables )
      .def( "empty", &BPM::Empty, "vartype"_a )
      .def( "clear", &BPM::Clear )
      .def( "remove_interaction", py::overload_cast<std::vector<IndexType>&>( &BPM::RemoveInteraction ), "key"_a )
          py::overload_cast<PolynomialKeyList<IndexType>&>( &BPM::RemoveInteractionsFrom ),
          "keys"_a )
      .def( "remove_offset", &BPM::RemoveOffset )
      .def( "remove_variable", &BPM::RemoveVariable, "v"_a )
      .def( "remove_variables_from", &BPM::RemoveVariablesFrom, "variables"_a )
          py::overload_cast<std::vector<IndexType>&, const FloatType&, const Vartype>( &BPM::AddInteraction ),
          "vartype"_a = Vartype::NONE )
          py::overload_cast<PolynomialKeyList<IndexType>&, const PolynomialValueList<FloatType>&, const Vartype>(
              &BPM::AddInteractionsFrom ),
          "vartype"_a = Vartype::NONE )
          py::overload_cast<const Polynomial<IndexType, FloatType>&, const Vartype>( &BPM::AddInteractionsFrom ),
          "vartype"_a = Vartype::NONE )
      .def( "add_offset", &BPM::AddOffset, "offset"_a )
          py::overload_cast<const Sample<IndexType>&, bool>( &BPM::Energy, py::const_ ),
          "omp_flag"_a = true )
      .def( "energy", py::overload_cast<const std::vector<int32_t>&, bool>( &BPM::Energy ), "sample"_a, "omp_flag"_a = true )
      .def( "energies", py::overload_cast<const std::vector<Sample<IndexType>>&>( &BPM::Energies, py::const_ ), "samples"_a )
      .def( "energies", py::overload_cast<const std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>>&>( &BPM::Energies ), "samples"_a )
          "ignored_interactions"_a = PolynomialKeyList<IndexType>{},
          "ignored_offset"_a = false )
          "range"_a = std::pair<FloatType, FloatType>{ 1.0, 1.0 },
          "ignored_interactions"_a = PolynomialKeyList<IndexType>{},
          "ignored_offset"_a = false )
      .def( "change_vartype", py::overload_cast<const Vartype, const bool>( &BPM::ChangeVartype ), "vartype"_a, "inplace"_a )
      .def( "change_vartype", py::overload_cast<const Vartype>( &BPM::ChangeVartype ), "vartype"_a )
      .def( "has_variable", &BPM::HasVariable, "v"_a )
          []( const BPM& self ) {
            py::dict py_polynomial;
            for ( const auto& it : self.ToHubo() ) {
              py::tuple tuple;
              for ( const auto& index : it.first ) {
                tuple = tuple + py::make_tuple( index );
              py_polynomial[ tuple ] = it.second;
            return py_polynomial;
          } )
          []( const BPM& self ) {
            py::dict py_polynomial;
            for ( const auto& it : self.ToHising() ) {
              py::tuple tuple;
              for ( const auto& index : it.first ) {
                tuple = tuple + py::make_tuple( index );
              py_polynomial[ tuple ] = it.second;
            return py_polynomial;
          } )
      .def( "to_serializable", []( const BPM& self ) { return static_cast<py::object>( self.ToSerializable() ); } )
          []( const py::object& input ) { return BPM::FromSerializable( static_cast<nlohmann::json>( input ) ); },
          "input"_a )
          "from_hubo", py::overload_cast<const Polynomial<IndexType, FloatType>&>( &BPM::FromHubo ), "polynomial"_a )
          py::overload_cast<PolynomialKeyList<IndexType>&, const PolynomialValueList<FloatType>&>( &BPM::FromHubo ),
          "value"_a )
          "from_hising", py::overload_cast<const Polynomial<IndexType, FloatType>&>( &BPM::FromHising ), "polynomial"_a )
          py::overload_cast<PolynomialKeyList<IndexType>&, const PolynomialValueList<FloatType>&>( &BPM::FromHising ),
          "value"_a )
      .def( "__repr__", []( const BPM& self ) {
        const auto& poly_key_list = self.GetKeyList();
        const auto& poly_value_list = self.GetValueList();
        std::ostringstream out;
        out << "cxxcimod.BinaryPolynomialModel({";
        for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < poly_key_list.size(); ++i ) {
          py::tuple tuple;
          for ( const auto& it : poly_key_list[ i ] ) {
            tuple = tuple + py::make_tuple( it );
          out << tuple.attr( "__repr__" )();
          if ( i == poly_key_list.size() - 1 ) {
            out << ": " << poly_value_list[ i ];
          } else {
            out << ": " << poly_value_list[ i ] << ", ";
        out << "}, ";
        if ( self.GetVartype() == Vartype::SPIN ) {
          out << "Vartype.SPIN"
              << ")";
        } else if ( self.GetVartype() == Vartype::BINARY ) {
          out << "Vartype.BINARY"
              << ")";
        } else {
          out << "Vartype.NONE"
              << ")";
        return out.str();
      } );