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# Ember Vertical Timeline

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* Ember.js v2.18 or above
* Ember CLI v2.13 or above

## Description

This addon is meant to be a simple Ember wrapper of the great vertical timeline initially created by the people over at [CodyHouse](https://codyhouse.co/gem/vertical-timeline/)!

__👨‍💻 Currently not looking to add features to this addon, I'm simply keeping it safe and healthy with the help of Dependabot. I've changed job and I'm no longer working with Ember. 😕__

## Installation

Like most ember addons, simply run `ember install ember-vertical-timeline` and you should be all set!

If you want to include the basic styles for the components in your application; just add `@import "ember-vertical-timeline";` to your application's Sass stylesheet. Try out [ember-cli-sass](https://github.com/aexmachina/ember-cli-sass) if you are not already using Sass in your application.

## Docs

Here's how you would go about creating a simple timeline:

{{#vertical-timeline as |timeline|}}

  {{#timeline.block as |block|}}

    {{#block.content as |content|}}

      {{!Whatever you want to display inside of the timeline block.}}

      {{#content.date}}Jun 28{{/content.date}}

  {{!More blocks would go here}}



## Contributions
Any contribution is more than welcomed. If you plan on introducing a new feature, please open an issue and share your idea prior to implementing it, it could save you precious time!

## Troubleshooting
If something is not working as expected, simply open an issue and we'll discuss how we'll go about fixing it!

## Credits
Once again, the [initial timeline](https://codyhouse.co/gem/vertical-timeline/) was created by the people over at [CodyHouse](https://codyhouse.co)!