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Test Coverage
# Contributing

## Compiling

mvn clean install

This will build the plugin into a jar file into `sonar-zap-plugin/target/sonar-zap-plugin-<version>.jar`.

If you set the `docker` property, a Docker image will also be created for testing.
The image will be named `org.sonarsource.owasp/sonar-zap-plugin:<version>` and
will have the `lts` version of SonarQube pulled from Docker Hub with the
newly-built `zap-sonar-plugin` installed.

To always create the Docker image when building locally, you can set the docker
property in an active profile in your `settings.xml`:



Consider pulling the latest SonarQube LTS image prior to building:

docker pull sonarqube:lts

To test with another version of SonarQube, you can build on a specific
Docker Hub image by passing the `docker.sonarqube` property (default is

mvn clean install -Ddocker.sonarqube=sonarqube:7.9.6-community

## Testing

Once you build the Docker image, you can start it with

docker run -d --name sonarqube -p 9000:9000 -p 9092:9092 org.sonarsource.owasp/sonar-zap-plugin:version

The SonarQube server may take a few minutes to start. You can check the start
process by watching the logs:

docker logs sonarqube

Look for a line that says `SonarQube is up`.

(If you add the `-f` flag it will follow the output, so you don't have to reload.
But you'll need to <key><key>Ctrl</key>-<key>C</key><key> to stop following.)

Then run an analysis using the test report:

mvn sonar:sonar

On SonarQube 8.x, you'll need to use a browser to visit the server
(at <http://localhost:9000>), change the default password (`admin`),
and then pass the new login credentials to the analysis:

mvn sonar:sonar -Dsonar.login=admin -Dsonar.password=S00p3RS3krEt

The ZAP results can be viewed at
There should be 25 issues: 8 Major, 10 Minor, 7 Info.

The ZAP HTML report can be viewed from within SonarQube under `More` > `ZAP` at

## Releasing

You will need a valid code signing key registered with OSSRH.

Once you push the changes, all checks come back clean, and you update the
version number for release, then merge the pull request into `main`.

git checkout main
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion='2.0.3'
git add pom.xml
git commit -m 'Releasing to Central Repository'
mvn clean deploy -P release
git tag -a sonar-zap-plugin-2.0.3 -m 'Support for SonarQube 7.9 LTS'
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=2.0.4-SNAPSHOT
git add pom.xml
git commit -m 'Preparing for next development version'
git push origin
git push --tags origin