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const Redis = require("ioredis");

const ChildWrapper = require("./ChildWrapper");
const { NonMutatingMethods, SupportedArrayMethods } = require("./Constants");

function genTree(stack) {
  const ret = isNaN(stack[0]) ? {} : [];
  let ref = ret;

  for (let i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) {
    const key = stack[i];
    const next = stack[i + 1];

    ref = ref[key] = isNaN(next) ? {} : [];

  return ret;

 * Redis proxy wrapper.
 * @prop {Redis} $redis Internal Redis connection.
 * @prop {Function} $serialise Data serialisation function.
 * @prop {Function} $parse Data parser function.
 * @prop {String} $deletedString Temporary string used when deleting items from a list.
 * @prop {Boolean} $ignoreUndefinedValues Whether to ignore `undefined` when setting values.
class Redite {
  constructor(options = {}) {
    this.$redis = options.client || new Redis(options.url);
    this.$serialise = options.serialise || JSON.stringify;
    this.$parse = options.parse || JSON.parse;
    this.$deletedString = options.deletedString || "@__DELETED__@";
    this.$ignoreUndefinedValues = options.ignoreUndefinedValues || false;

    // (https://stackoverflow.com/a/40714458/8778928)
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-constructor-return
    return new Proxy(this, {
      get(obj, key) {
        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key) || obj[key]) return obj[key];

        // "Special" methods
        if (key === "set")
          throw new Error("You cannot use #set on the root object.");
        if (key === "has")
          return (key) => obj.$redis.exists(key).then((val) => !!val);
        if (key === "delete")
          return (key) => obj.$redis.del(key).then(() => {});

        // Continue the chain with a child object.
        return new ChildWrapper(obj, key);

                Throw errors for other things users may try on the root object, as they are not supported.
      set() {
        throw new Error("Redite does not support setting (foo = bar)");

      has() {
        throw new Error(
          'Redite does not support containment checks ("foo" in bar)'

      deleteProperty() {
        throw new Error("Redite does not support deletion (delete foo.bar)");

   * Get an object from Redis.
   * You should probably get an object through a simulated object tree.
   * @param {String} key Root key to get.
   * @param {String[]} [stack=[]] Extra keys to apply for the final result.
   * @returns {Promise<*>} Redis value.
  async getStack(key, stack = []) {
    const client = this.$redis;
    const type = await client.type(key);
    const hasStack = Array.isArray(stack) && stack.length;
    let result;

    if (type === "none") return;

    if (type === "hash") {
      result = hasStack
        ? await client.hget(key, stack.shift())
        : await client.hgetall(key);

      if (hasStack) result = this.$parse(result);
        result = Object.entries(result).reduce((map, [key, val]) => {
          map[key] = this.$parse(val);
          return map;
        }, {});
    } else if (type === "list") {
      result = hasStack
        ? await client.lindex(key, stack.shift())
        : await client.lrange(key, 0, -1);

      if (hasStack) result = this.$parse(result);
      else result = result.map((val) => this.$parse(val));
    } else {
      result = await client.get(key);
      result = this.$parse(result);

    stack.forEach((key) => (result = result[key]));

    return result;

   * Set an object in Redis, with special handling for native types.
   * @param {*} value Value to set.
   * @param {String[]} [stack=[]] Key stack to set to.
   * @param {Number?} [ttl] TTL of the key in seconds (only works for root keys)
  async setStack(value, stack = [], ttl = null) {
    if (!stack || !stack.length)
      throw new Error("At least one key is required in the stack");
    if (value === undefined && this.$ignoreUndefinedValues) return;

    const client = this.$redis;
    const stackOneKey = stack.length === 1;
    const isObj =
      value && typeof value === "object" && value.constructor === Object;

    if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length && stackOneKey) {
      await client.del(stack[0]);
      await client.rpush(
        stack.concat(value.map((val) => this.$serialise(val)))

      if (ttl) await client.expire(stack[0], ttl);

    } else if (Array.isArray(value) && stackOneKey) return;

    if (isObj && Object.keys(value).length && stackOneKey) {
      // Merges the key stack (which is only 1 key long), with the user's value, mapped to the form of [key, serialisedValue]
      // This is done in order to meet HMSET's arguments of "key, hashKey1, hashValue1, hashKeyN, hashValueN".
      const hm = [].concat.apply(
        Object.entries(value).map(([key, val]) => [key, this.$serialise(val)])

      await client.del(stack[0]);
      await client.hmset(hm);

      if (ttl) await client.expire(stack[0], ttl);

    } else if (isObj && !Object.keys(value).length && stackOneKey) {
      // Redis doesn't support having empty values, which includes lists and hashmaps,
      // and since hashmaps aren't order dependent, we can simulate an empty hash with a placeholder key.
      await this.setStack(
          // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
          __setting_empty_hash__: "__setting_empty_hash__",

    const type = await client.type(stack[0]);
    const stackTwoKeys = stack.length === 2;
    let result;

    if (type === "list") {
      if (stackTwoKeys) {
        await client.lset(stack.concat(this.$serialise(value)));

      result = await client.lindex(stack.slice(0, 2));
    } else if (type === "hash") {
      if (stackTwoKeys) {
        await client.hset(stack.concat(this.$serialise(value)));

      result = await client.hget(stack.slice(0, 2));
    } else if (type === "none" && stack.length > 1)
      result = genTree(stack.slice(1));
    else {
      await client.set(stack[0], this.$serialise(value));

    if (type !== "none") result = this.$parse(result);

    let ref = result;
    const keys = stack.slice(type === "none" ? 1 : 2, -1);

    for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
      const key = keys[i];
      const next = keys[i + 1];

      if (!ref.hasOwnProperty(key)) ref = ref[key] = isNaN(next) ? {} : [];
      else ref = ref[key];

    ref[stack.slice(-1)[0]] = value;

    if (type === "list")
      await client.lset(stack[0], stack[1], this.$serialise(result));
    else if (type === "hash")
      await client.hset(stack[0], stack[1], this.$serialise(result));
    else if (Array.isArray(result))
      await client.rpush(
        [stack[0]].concat(result.map((val) => this.$serialise(val)))
    else {
      const hm = [].concat.apply(
        Object.entries(result).map(([key, val]) => [key, this.$serialise(val)])

      await client.hmset(hm);

   * Delete's a given tree from Redis.
   * Only deletes whatever happens to be the top level key.
   * @param {String} key Root key to delete from.
   * @param {String[]} [stack=[]] Key stack to follow and eventually delete. If left blank, the root key will be deleted.
  async deleteStack(key, stack = []) {
    if (!stack || !stack.length) {
      await this.$redis.del(key);

    const client = this.$redis;
    const stackOneKey = stack.length === 1;
    const type = await client.type(key);

    if (type === "hash" && stackOneKey) {
      await client.hdel(key, stack[0]);
    } else if (type === "list" && stackOneKey) {
      await client.lset(key, stack[0], this.$deletedString);
      await client.lrem(key, 0, this.$deletedString);

    } else if (type === "none") return;

    const result = await this.getStack(key, [stack[0]]);
    const ref = stack.slice(1, -1).reduce((obj, key) => obj[key], result);

    if (Array.isArray(ref)) ref.splice(stack.slice(-1), 1);
    else delete ref[stack.slice(-1)[0]];

    await this.setStack(result, [key, stack[0]]);

   * Determines whether a tree exists in Redis.
   * @param {String} key Root key to check existance for.
   * @param {String[]} [stack=[]] Key stack to follow and check existance for.
   * @returns {Promise<Boolean>} Whether the key exists.
  async hasStack(key, stack = []) {
    if (!stack || !stack.length) return !!(await this.$redis.exists(key));

    const client = this.$redis;
    const type = await client.type(key);
    let result;

    if (type === "list") result = await client.lindex(key, stack.shift());
    else if (type === "hash" && stack.length === 1)
      return !!(await client.hexists(key, stack[0]));
    else if (type === "hash") result = await client.hget(key, stack.shift());
    else if (type === "none") return false;
    else result = await client.get(key);

    if (!result) return false;

    result = this.$parse(result);

    for (const key of stack)
      if (!result.hasOwnProperty(key)) return false;
      else result = result[key];

    return true;

   * @function ArrayMethodHandler
   * A function that handles array methods for Redis values.
   * @see {@link /ARRAY_METHODS.md}
   * @param {...*[]} [args] Arguments to pass to the method.
   * @returns {Promise<*>} Result from the method.

   * Handles resolution of the various supported array methods.
   * @param {String} method Array method to run.
   * @param {String[]} stack Key stack to run the method on.
   * @returns {ArrayMethodHandler} Function emulating the specified method.
  arrayStack(method, stack) {
    if (!SupportedArrayMethods.includes(method))
      throw new Error(`Method "${method}" is not supported`);
    if (!stack || !stack.length)
      throw new Error("At least one key is required in the stack");

    const client = this.$redis;

    return async function (...args) {
      const type = await client.type(stack[0]);

      if ((type === "list" || type === "none") && stack.length === 1) {
        const serialisedArgs = args.map((val) => this.$serialise(val));
        let p;

        switch (method) {
          case "push":
            p = client.rpush(stack.concat(serialisedArgs));
          case "pop":
            p = client.rpop(stack[0]).then((res) => this.$parse(res));
          case "unshift":
            p = client.lpush(stack.concat(serialisedArgs));
          case "shift":
            p = client.lpop(stack[0]).then((res) => this.$parse(res));
          case "remove":
            p = client.lrem(stack[0], Number(args[1]) || 0, serialisedArgs[0]);
          case "removeIndex":
            p = client
              .lset(stack[0], args[0], this.$deletedString)
              .then(() => client.lrem(stack[0], 0, this.$deletedString));
          case "length":
            p = client.llen(stack[0]);
            throw new Error(
              `Unable to apply method "${method}" on a first level value.`

        return p;

      let result = await this.getStack(stack[0], stack.slice(1));

      if (!Array.isArray(result))
        throw new TypeError(
          `Unable to apply method "${method}" to a non-array (${typeof result})`

      let write = true;
      let ret;

      if (method === "length") {
        ret = result.length;
        write = false;
      } else if (method === "remove") {
        if (!args.length) throw new Error("You must provide an item to remove");

        const [toRemove, amt] = [args[0], Number(args[1]) || 0];
        const count = result.filter((x) => x === toRemove).length;
        const amount = Math.abs(amt) > count ? count : amt;
        const symbol = Symbol("replacer");
        const aimFor = amount === 0 ? -1 : 0;

        let i = amount;

        while (result.indexOf(toRemove) !== -1 && i !== aimFor)
          if (amount > 0) {
            result[result.indexOf(toRemove)] = symbol;
          } else if (amount < 0) {
            result[result.lastIndexOf(toRemove)] = symbol;
          } else result = result.map((x) => (x === toRemove ? symbol : x));

        result = result.filter((x) => x !== symbol);
      } else if (method === "removeIndex") {
        if (typeof args[0] !== "number")
          throw new Error("You must provide an index to remove.");

        result.splice(args[0], 1);
      } else {
        // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-spread
        ret = result[method].apply(result, args);

        if (NonMutatingMethods.includes(method)) write = false;

      if (write) await this.setStack(result, stack);

      return ret;

module.exports = Redite;