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PSACFILES  := $(shell ls src/main/java/ml/peya/plugins --color=auto)


    make maven

edit: ## Edit makefile
    @edit Makefile

list: ## Show source files in this repo
    @$(foreach val, $(PSACFILES), /bin/ls -dF $(val);)

pom: ## Show pom information
    mvn help:effective-pom

settings: ## Show settings file information
    mvn help:effective-settings

clean: ## Remove built files
    mvn clean

help: ## Self-documented makefile
    @echo "Makefile help:"
    @grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) \
        | sort \
        | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'

deps: ## Show dependency tree
    mvn dependency:tree

maven: ## Compile and package into .jar file
    mvn package

install: ## Execute install commands
    bash install

ant: ## Build in ant
    mvn ant:ant
    ant compile

eclipse: ## Generate a eclipse project
    mvn eclipse:eclipse

idea: ## Generate a IntelliJ IDEA workspace
    mvn idea:idea

javadoc: ## Checkout javadoc branch
    git checkout javadoc

format: ## Format documents with .editorconfig
    mvn editorconfig:format

refresh: ## Refresh project files
    mvn ant:ant
    make eclipse
    make idea
    make javadoc