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# PeyangSuperbAntiCheat (PSAC) English Documentation

[Overview](#overview) | [Installation](#installation) | [Permissions](#permissions) | [Commands](#commands) | [Config settings](#config-settings) | [SQL](SQL-en.md) | [BungeeCord](BUNGEE-en.md) | [Contributing](CONTRIBUTING-en.md) | [Security](SECURITY-en.md) | [FAQ](#what-is-this-npcwatchdog)

<summary>Table of Contents</summary>

- [PeyangSuperbAntiCheat (PSAC) English Documentation](#peyangsuperbanticheat-psac-english-documentation)
  - [Overview](#overview)
    - [Markdown formatting (This area is not so important)](#markdown-formatting-this-area-is-not-so-important)
  - [Installation](#installation)
    - [Download binary](#download-binary)
    - [Auto Build \(Only supports Linux, MacOS, Git Bash\)](#auto-build-only-supports-linux-macos-git-bash)
    - [Manual Build](#manual-build)
  - [Permissions](#permissions)
  - [Commands](#commands)
  - [/report](#report)
    - [Aliases](#aliases)
    - [Description](#description)
    - [Usages](#usages)
    - [Reasons](#reasons)
        - [To avoid reporting spam, the same player cannot report to the same player.](#to-avoid-reporting-spam-the-same-player-cannot-report-to-the-same-player)
    - [Permission](#permission)
  - [/aurabot](#aurabot)
    - [Aliases](#aliases-1)
    - [Description](#description-1)
    - [Usage](#usage)
    - [Permission](#permission-1)
  - [/acpanic](#acpanic)
    - [Aliases](#aliases-2)
    - [Description](#description-2)
    - [Usage](#usage-1)
    - [Permission](#permission-2)
  - [/testkb](#testkb)
    - [Aliases](#aliases-3)
    - [Description](#description-3)
    - [Usage](#usage-2)
    - [Permission](#permission-3)
  - [/pull](#pull)
    - [Aliases](#aliases-4)
    - [Description](#description-4)
    - [Usage](#usage-3)
    - [Permission](#permission-4)
  - [/target](#target)
    - [Description](#description-6)
    - [Usage](#usage-5)
    - [Permission](#permission-6)
  - [/tracking](#tracking)
    - [Alias](#alias)
    - [Description](#description-7)
    - [Usages](#usages-1)
    - [Permission](#permission-7)
  - [/trust](#trust)
  - [Alias](#alias-1)
    - [Description](#description-8)
    - [Usage](#usage-6)
    - [Permission](#permission-8)
  - [/userinfo](#userinfo)
    - [Description](#description-9)
    - [Usage](#usage-7)
    - [Permission](#permission-9)
  - [/silentteleport](#silentteleport)
    - [Aliases](#aliases-6)
    - [Description](#description-10)
    - [Usages](#usages-2)
    - [Permission](#permission-10)
  - [/kick](#kick)
    - [Description](#description-11)
    - [Usages](#usages-3)
    - [Permission](#permission-11)
  - [/ban](#ban)
    - [Aliases](#aliases-7)
    - [Description](#description-12)
    - [Usages](#usages-4)
  - [/unban](#unban)
    - [Aliases](#aliases-8)
    - [Description](#description-13)
    - [Usage](#usage-8)
    - [Permission](#permission-12)
  - [/tempban](#tempban)
    - [Description](#description-14)
    - [Units](#units)
    - [Usage](#usage-9)
    - [Example](#example)
    - [Permission](#permission-13)
  - [/psac](#psac)
    - [Aliases](#aliases-9)
    - [Description](#description-15)
    - [Arguments](#arguments)
      - [/psac help](#psac-help)
      - [/psac view \[Pages\]](#psac-view-pages)
      - [/psac show \<ManagementID\>](#psac-show-managementid)
      - [/psac drop \<ManagementID\>](#psac-drop-managementid)
    - [Broadcast Messages](#broadcast-messages)
  - [Config settings](#config-settings)
  - [What is this NPC\(WatchDog\)?](#what-is-this-npcwatchdog)
    - [What is \<ManagementID\>?](#what-is-managementid)
    - [Why not automatically execute BAN commands in this plugin?](#why-not-automatically-execute-ban-commands-in-this-plugin)
  - [What is a learning function?](#what-is-a-learning-function)
    - [Learning mechanism](#learning-mechanism)
  - [What is the `lang` property?](#what-is-the-lang-property)
    - [English](#english)
    - [Japanese](#japanese)
  - [What is the _YAML resources file_?](#what-is-the-yaml-resources-file)
  - [What utility items for /target?](#what-utility-items-for-target)
  - [What library does this plugin use?](#what-library-does-this-plugin-use)
  - [Did you find any bugs or errors?](#did-you-find-any-bugs-or-errors)
      - [Assignees](#assignees)
  - [Thanks](#thanks)


> This repository has jokes in commit messages and sources by a developer(and a little contributor).
> If you want to introduce an anti-cheat plugin with a high detection rate, **please do not use this plugin.**

> [!WARNING] **With this plugin, DetectOPM will run +4 timers at the same time.
> In other words, it may consume a certain amount of RAM or CPU, so please use a server with specifications.**
> For more information on the number of threads, see [Plugin Threads Summary](PluginThreads.txt).

## Overview

AntiCheat plugin for Bukkit / Spigot / PaperMC based server.  
It has been confirmed to work with version 1.12.2.

This plugin is a **Cheat Report Management** / **Cheat Detection Test** plugin.

In the description of **hack**, the meaning of hacking (cracking) of the server itself is ambiguous, so it is written as **cheat**.

Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct](CODE-OF-CONDUCT-en.md). By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

### Markdown formatting (This area is not so important)

This document defines a simple markdown grammar to make it easy for users to understand.

> foo is **not** bar, please understand.\*\*

**This represents information that all users should know.**

This is a message[CLICK]

This means that the messages within the code block will send to the Minecraft chat area.

> [!NOTE]
> foo and bar.

This means important items that the user should read.

> [!TIP] The word "foo" can be translated as "hoge" in Japanese.

This allows the user to view more useful information.

> "hoge" can be used with "hogehoge" in Japanese, but there is no "foofoo".

- /foo \<bar\> \[player\]

This list represents commands and arguments.  
Argument enclosed in \<\>, represents the necessary command, Enclosed in \[\] indicates an arbitrary command.

- `fooperm.bar`

This block of code represents permission.

> [!TIP]
> No permission group is described. Before referring to permissions, make sure you understand them.


## Installation

### Download binary

- Download binary jar file from [releases](https://github.com/peyang-Celeron/PeyangSuperbAntiCheat/releases).

  $ curl -sL "https://github.com/peyang-Celeron/PeyangSuperbAntiCheat/releases/download/0.3a/PSAC.jar" -o (Your plugins dir)

### Auto Build \(Only supports Linux, macOS, Git Bash\)

1. Execute this command.

   `maven` `curl` `make` `git` required.

   $ bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/peyang-Celeron/PeyangSuperbAntiCheat/master/build)"

2. Move / Copy ProtocolLib \([\[Spigot\]](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/protocollib.1997/) | [\[Bukkit\]](https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/protocollib)\) to the `plugins` directory.

   $ mv ProtocolLib.jar (Your plugins dir)

3. Move / Copy the built plugin in the `plugins` directory.

   $ mv PSACBuild/target/(PSAC jar file) (Your plugins dir)

4. Start / Restart server.



   $ java -jar server.jar

### Manual Build

1. Clone this repository.

   $ git clone https://github.com/peyang-Celeron/PeyangSuperbAntiCheat.git PSACBuild

2. Enter repository root and build in Java environment **with Maven** \([`mvn shade` is not needed](#what-is-yaml-resources-file)\).

   $ cd PSACBuild && mvn package

3. Move / Copy ProtocolLib \([\[Spigot\]](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/protocollib.1997/) | [\[Bukkit\]](https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/protocollib)\) to the `plugins` directory.

   $ mv ProtocolLib.jar (Your plugins dir)

4. Move / Copy the built plugin in the `plugins` directory.

   $ mv target/(PSAC jar file) (Your plugins dir)

5. Start / Restart server.



   $ java -jar server.jar


## Permissions

Commands are always assigned one or more permissions.  
Other settings can be done using permissions.

|     Permission      |     Assigned Command     | Description                                                                                                                               | Default Value | Permission Group |
| :-----------------: | :----------------------: | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :-----------: | :--------------: |
|  **_psac.member_**  |          group           | This is a server member permission group.                                                                                                 |     true      |       none       |
|    `psac.report`    |    [/report](#report)    | This permission can execute report commands. Player deprived of this permission cannot report.                                            |     true      |   psac.member    |
|    `psac.report`    | [/psac help](#arguments) | This permission can view help for members of this plugin.                                                                                 |     true      |   psac.member    |
| `psac.notification` |           none           | This permission will receive broadcast messages when other players are kicked.                                                            |     true      |   psac.member    |
|   `psac.regular`    |           none           | This permission can visible sent regular messages.                                                                                        |     true      |   psac.member    |
|   **_psac.mod_**    |          group           | This permission can kick or test the player.                                                                                              |      op       |       none       |
|     `psac.kick`     | [/psac kick](#arguments) | This permission can kick player manually.                                                                                                 |      op       |     psac.mod     |
|   `psac.aurabot`    |   [/aurabot](#aurabot)   | This permission can summon [KillAura Test NPC](#aurabot).                                                                                 |      op       |     psac.mod     |
|  `psac.aurapanic`   |   [/acpanic](#acpanic)   | This permission can summon [Panic NPC](#acpanic).                                                                                         |      op       |     psac.mod     |
|    `psac.testkb`    |    [/testkb](#testkb)    | This permission can release invisible arrow to the player and check for knockback.                                                        |      op       |     psac.mod     |
|   `psac.viewnpc`    |           none           | This permission visible NPC other than the target player.                                                                                 |      op       |     psac.mod     |
|     `psac.view`     | [/psac view](#arguments) | This permission can view report information.                                                                                              |      op       |     psac.mod     |
|     `psac.show`     | [/psac show](#arguments) | This permission can view _verbose_ report information.                                                                                    |      op       |     psac.mod     |
|     `psac.bans`     |      [/bans](#bans)      | This permission can view ban statics.                                                                                                     |      op       |     psac.mod     |
|   `psac.ntfadmin`   |           none           | If the player calling the NPC has this permission, when that player detects a cheat, a message will be sent indicating the player's name. |      op       |     psac.mod     |
|  `psac.reportntf`   |           none           | Players with this permission can be notified when the player submits a report.                                                            |      op       |     psac.mod     |
|     `psac.pull`     |      [/pull](#pull)      | This permission can pull other players.                                                                                                   |      op       |     psac.mod     |
|  `psac.chattarget`  |           none           | A mark will be added to the left of the chat for players with this permission.                                                            |      op       |     psac.mod     |
|   `psac.userinfo`   |  [/userinfo](#userinfo)  | This permission can see the player information. If `message.lynx` enabled, add some information.                                          |      op       |     psac.mod     |
|     `psac.ban`      |       [/ban](#ban)       | This permission allows you to restrict player access.                                                                                     |      op       |     psac.mod     |
|   `psac.tempban`    |   [/tempban](#tempban)   | This permission allows you to restrict player access temporally.                                                                          |      op       |     psac.mod     |
|    `psac.unban`     |     [/unban](#unban)     | This permission can removes the player's access ban.                                                                                      |      op       |     psac.mod     |
|  **_psac.admin_**   |          group           | This permission can use all commands of the plugin.                                                                                       |     false     |       none       |
|     `psac.drop`     | [/psac drop](#arguments) | This permission can delete submitted report.                                                                                              |     false     |    psac.admin    |
|    `psac.error`     |           none           | This permission can get error information when the plugin encountered an internal error.                                                  |     false     |    psac.admin    |
|    `psac.trust`     |     [/trust](#trust)     | This permission can add and execute Scan / Kick / Test with trusted players.                                                              |     false     |    psac.admin    |


## Commands

This section describes plugin commands.

## /report

### Aliases

- /peyangreport
- /pcr
- /rep
- /wdr
- /watchdogreport

### Description

Send the content of the report selected and submitted by the player to the staff.

> [!WARNING] It is not a command to automatically summon NPC.

The staff can see if the player is doing the same as the report.  
Users can also set the format for the report.

[PeyangSuperbAntiCheat] プレイヤーがレポートを提出しました!クリックしてレポートを確認してください! [CLICK]

Staff can check the contents of the report with the `[CLICK]` button.

[STAFF] [ADMIN] Fishy: Report of <PlayerName> <Reason1>, [Reason2]...

This report format lets them know who reported who and why.

> **WARNING: This report format is compatible with the Hypixel Lynx Mod (Keep leaking users down).
> This mod may be bannable on the Hypixel server, so never use this on the Hypixel server.
> [Developer](https://github.com/peyang-Celeron) does not take any responsibility.**

### Usages

- /report \<PlayerName\>

  Players can execute this command with this argument to open a book where you can select the reason for the report.  
  If you click on the reporting reason displayed in the book, the reason will be added as the content of the report.

- ![#008000](https://via.placeholder.com/15/008000/000000?text=+) Click to send report in "レポートを送信" , or:

- ![#ff0000](https://via.placeholder.com/15/ff0000/000000?text=+) Click the "レポートをキャンセル" to discard.

- /report \<PlayerName\> \<Reason1\> \[Reason2\]...

  Players can execute this command with this argument to report directly in chat/console without using a book.

  > [!TIP] Can use an alias for this reason.

### Reasons

The books are sorted in the order they are displayed.

|    Reason     |          Aliases           | Description                                                                                         |
| :-----------: | :------------------------: | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|      Fly      |           flight           | Fly without creative mode.                                                                          |
|   KillAura    |     killaura, aura, ka     | Attack to an entity without aiming.                                                                    |
|  AutoClicker  | autoclicker, ac, autoclick | Click Entity/Block automatically(External software clickers and macros also belong to AutoClicker). |
|     Speed     |     speed, bhop, timer     | Run at an impossible speed(Bunny hops and Timer belong to speed).                                    |
| AntiKnockback |   akb, velocity, antikb    | Never be knocked back.                                                                              |
|     Reach     |           reach            | Extend the attack distance.                                                                         |
|    Dolphin    |          dolphin           | Swimming automatically like a dolphin.                                                              |

##### To avoid reporting spam, the same player cannot report to the same player.

### Permission

- `psac.report`

## /aurabot

### Aliases

- /testaura
- /auratest
- /killauratest

### Description

Executing this command will summon an NPC that spins around the player at a constant speed.  
When the NPC is attacked a certain number of times, it kicks that player.  
Also, using the reach mode adds the "-r" argument to the first or second argument.  
Reach mode can scan the radius and check the reaching.

### Usage

- /aurabot \<PlayerName\>

  Summon the NPC that performs the above actions to the player specified by \<PlayerName\>.

- /aurabot \<PlayerName\> \[-r\]

  Summon the NPC that performs the above actions to the player specified by \<PlayerName\> in reach mode.

### Permission

- `psac.aurabot`

Manages the permission to execute the command on the summoning of AuraBot.  
Players with this permission can summon Watchdogs.

## /acpanic

### Aliases

- /testpanic
- /panictest
- /aurapanictest

### Description

This command always summons the NPC that is trying to move behind the player.  
When an NPC is attacked a certain number of times, it kicks that player.  
Also, using the reach mode adds the "-r" argument to the first or second argument.

### Usage

- /acpanic \<PlayerName\>

  Summon the NPC that performs the above actions to the player specified by \<PlayerName\>.

- /acpanic \<PlayerName\> \[-r\]

  Summon the NPC that performs the above actions to the player specified by \<PlayerName\> in reach mode.

### Permission

- `psac.aurapanic`

## /testkb

### Aliases

- /testknockback
- /kbtest
- /knockbacktest

### Description

Fire an **invisible arrow** at the specified player.  
This allows you to see if the player is knocking back.

### Usage

- /testkb \<PlayerName\>

  Fire an invisible arrow at \<PlayerName\>.

### Permission

- `psac.testkb`

## /pull

Pull the specified player.

### Aliases

- /pul

### Description

Pull the specified player to the executed player.  
It cannot be run from the console.

### Usage

- /pull \<PlayerName\>

  Pull \<PlayerName\> to the executed player.

### Permission

- `psac.pull`

## /bans

### Aliases

- /banlist
- /playerbans
- /banlookup

### Description

Displays the player's kick (BAN) history **remaining in this plugin**.

### Usage

- /bans \[\-a | ban | kick\] \<PlayerName\>

  Displays the BAN history of the player specified by \<PlayerName\>.  
  Add \-a to show all bans and kicks.

### Permission

- `psac.bans`

## /target

Tracks the specified player as a target.

### Description

When you execute this command, it gives utility items.  
These items allow you to execute useful commands with a click.  
Dropping a given item clears all items.

### Usage

- /target \<PlayerName\>

  Start tracking \<PlayerName\> with utility items.

### Permission

- `psac.target`

## /tracking

Tracks the specified player as a target without utility items.

> [!TIP] [/target](#target) behaves like this, but [/target](#target) also provides utility items.

### Alias

- /track

### Description

Tracks the specified player.  
If tracking is currently started and no argument is specified, tracking will be stopped.

### Usages

- /tracking \[PlayerName\]

  Start tracking \[PlayerName\].

- /tracking

  Stop track if tracking.

### Permission

- `psac.tracking`

## /trust

Trust specified player.

## Alias

- /noscan
- /trustplayer

### Description

Add the specified player as a "trusted player".  
If the player is already trusted, remove the player from "trusted player".  
Players without permission `psac.trust` cannot run the following commands on trusted players.

- [/aurabot](#aurabot)
- [/acpanic](#acpanic)
- [/testkb](#testkb)
- [/pull](#pull)
- [/target](#target)
- [/track](#tracking)
- [/psac kick](#arguments)

### Usage

- /trust \<PlayerName\>

  Add / Remove \<PlayerName\> into "trusted player".

### Permission

- `psac.trust`

## /userinfo

Lists player information.

### Description

Lists the information of the specified player.  
If you add "-f" to the argument, more information (such as rank) will be displayed if "message.lynx" is enabled.  
This command was created to be consistent with Lynx but states that [main developer](https://github.com/peyang-Celeron) doesn't need it.  
If `-f` is not specified or is not available, concise information is displayed.

### Usage

- /userinfo \[f\] \<PlayerName\>

  Displays information about \<PlayerName\>.  
  If \[-f\] is specified, more detailed information will be displayed.

### Permission

- `psac.userinfo`

## /silentteleport

Causes the specified player to teleport you or the specified player.  
Used for utility item internal commands in the [/target](#target).  
It also suppresses broadcast messages on servers that do not have Essentials installed.

### Aliases

- /stp
- /tpto

### Description

Teleports to the player specified in the argument.

### Usages

- /stp \[PlayerName\]

  Teleport to \[PlayerName\].

- /stp \[PlayerName\] \[DestPlayerName\]

  Teleport \[PlayerName\] to \[DestPlayerName\].

### Permission

- `psac.silentteleport`

## /kick

Kick specified player.

### Description

Kick the player and record it on the record.  
You can specify \[test\] as the second argument kick player in _test mode_.

### Usages

- /kick \<PlayerName\>

  Kick \<PlayerName\>.

- /kick \<PlayerName\> test

  Kick \<PlayerName\> as test mode.

### Permission

- `psac.kick`.

## /ban

Ban specified player **manually**.

### Aliases

- /permban
- /acban

### Description

Ban the player and record it on the record.  
If you not specify \[Reasons...\], ban \<PlayerName\> with reason `Banned by operator`.

### Usages

- /ban \<PlayerName\> \[Reasons...\]

  Ban \<PlayerName\> with \[Reasons...\].

- /ban \<PlayerName\>

  Ban \<PlayerName\> with `Kicked by operator`.

## /unban

Removes the ban on the specified player.

### Aliases

- /pardon

### Description

Removes the ban on the player.  
Even if it is permanent, the player's access ban will be lifted.

### Usage

- /unban \<PlayerName\>

  Removes the ban on \<PlayerName\>.

### Permission

- `psac.unban`

## /tempban

Temporarily bans the specified player.

### Description

Specify the player's ban limit in seconds to temporarily block access.  
This is recommended over banning access permanently, but you need to remember the time.  
The period is specified in units and is in no particular order.

### Units

| Keyword | Alias  |      Example      | Description          |
| :-----: | :----: | :---------------: | :------------------- |
|  year   |   y    |     3year, 3y     | Specify the years.   |
|  month  |   mo   |    3month, 3mo    | Specify the months.  |
|   day   |   d    |     3day, 3d      | Specify the days.    |
|  hour   |   h    |     3hour, 3h     | Specify the hours.   |
| minute  | min, m | 3minute, 3min, 3m | Specify the minutes. |
| second  | sec, s | 3second, 3sec, 3s | Specify the seconds. |

### Usage

- /tempban \<Units...\> \<PlayerName\>

  Ban \<PlayerName\> for \<Units...\>.

- /tempban \<Units...\> \<PlayerName\> \<Reasons...\>

  Ban \<PlayerName\> for \<Units...\> with \<Reasons...\>.

### Example

- /tempban 1y 1mo 4days 5hour 1min 4sec SaikyouPeyangsan Blacklisted Modifications

  In this case, ban SaikyouPeyangsan for One year, one month, four days, five hours, one minute, four seconds with Blacklisted Modifications.

### Permission

- `psac.tempban`

## /psac

### Aliases

- /peyangsuperbanticheat
- /psr
- /wdadmin
- /anticheat

### Description

The main command of this plugin. It works by adding an argument.

### Arguments

#### /psac help

Displays help for this plugin command.  
**Commands related to management ID can be used in `psac.mod`, but they are not shown in help.**  
Players with `psac.mod` or `psac.admin` permissions will also see other help.

The command's permission is `psac.help`.

#### /psac view \[Pages\]

See the report submitted by the player.
The reports are sorted by highest risk, five at a time.

The command's permission is `psac.view`.

#### /psac show \<ManagementID\>

View details of the report sent by the player.  
You can run this command from the player to view the report details in the player's book.  
If you run it from the console, it will appear as a log to the console.

The command's permission is `psac.show`.

#### /psac drop \<ManagementID\>

**Completely** discards the reports sent by the player, except the command execution log.

> The log of the deletion itself is not displayed. Be careful when discarding.

The command's permission is `psac.drop`.

### Broadcast Messages

**The following broadcast message will be played when the player is kicked.**

[PEYANG CHEAT DETECTION] ハッキング、または不適切な発言によってゲームからプレイヤーが削除されました。


This message is sent when the watchdog automatically detects a cheat.  
For staff kicks, you will only broadcast a secondary message.


## Config settings

In this plugin, the following config is set by default.

|     Setting name     |  Default value  | Description                                                                                                                                      |
| :------------------: | :-------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|   database.method    | org.sqlite.JDBC | A SQL [database driver](SQL-en.md#methods). By default, the [SQLite driver](https://github.com/xerial/sqlite-jdbc) is used.                      |
|     database.url     |   jdbc:sqlite   | A SQL [database access protocol](SQL-en.md#protocols). This used as a URL prefix.                                                                |
|   database.logPath   |    ./log.db     | A SQL database path that stores the kick records.                                                                                                |
|  database.learnPath  |  ./learn.json   | A JSON file path that stores the neural network weights and learning count from learning.                                                        |
|  database.trustPath  |   ./trust.db    | A SQL database path that saves trusted players information.                                                                                      |
|   database.banPath   |    ./bans.db    | A SQL database path that manages ban records.                                                                                                    |
|     npc.seconds      |        3        | Some seconds the [NPC](#aurabot) will orbit the player.                                                                                   |
|       npc.time       |      0.35       | A value of [NPC](#aurabot) orbit speed.                                                                                                          |
|      npc.range       |    3.0, 1.5     | A radius that the NPC will rotate. The default distance is suitable for KillAura detection.                                                      |
|    npc.reachRange    |       4.6       | A radius that the NPC will rotate. The default distance is suitable for KillAura detection with reach mode.                                      |
|    npc.panicRange    |       1.5       | A relative height of the [Panic NPC](#acpanic) and player.                                                                                       |
| npc.panicReachRange  |       4.6       | A relative height of the [Panic NPC](#acpanic) and the player with reach mode.                                                                       |
|       npc.wave       |      true       | Whether the [NPC](#aurabot) spins like a wave.                                                                                                   |
|     npc.waveMin      |       0.3       | A minimum radius that a [NPC](#aurabot) orbits like a wave.                                                                                      |
|    npc.speed.wave    |      true       | An orbital velocity of NPC variable.                                                                                                             |
| npc.speed.waveRange  |      0.03       | A [NPC](#aurabot) speed changing range.                                                                                                          |
|       npc.kill       |        3        | A maximum number to call when an NPC is killed within 10 seconds.                                                                                |
|      npc.learn       |       0.3       | A learning coefficient of the [learning function](#what-is-learning-function). The higher the value, the less processing, but the less accurate. |
|     npc.vlLevel      |       17        | This value is used to evaluate the VL when the NPC has not learned beyond this npc.learnCount.                                                   |
|    npc.learnCount    |       15        | If the learn function learns more than this number of times, the kick rating will be transferred to the learning function.                          |
|      kick.delay      |        2        | A delay between sending a broadcast message and kicking the player.                                                                              |
|   kick.defaultKick   |       25        | Kick if the NPC is attacked above this value. This value takes precedence if no learned data is found.                                           |
| decoration.lightning |      true       | A boolean whether to drop lightning effect\(no damage\) when kicking.                                                                            |
|   decoration.flame   |      true       | A boolean whether to apply a flame effect to the player when kicking.                                                                                  |
|  decoration.circle   |      true       | A boolean whether to draw a colored circle with effect to the player when kicking.                                                                     |
|     message.lynx     |      true       | A boolean whether Lynx Mod compatible.                                                                                                           |
| autoMessage.enabled  |      true       | Toggle the presence or absence of regular messages.                                                                                              |
|   autoMessage.time   |       15        | A minutes for recurring messages.                                                                                                                |


## What is this NPC\(WatchDog\)?

The Watchdog calls the NPC with a random username using the [words file](../src/main/resources/wordsx256.txt).  
The NPC skin is displayed randomly by included 1400 skin sets.

### What is \<ManagementID\>?

\<ManagementID\> is a 32-character alphanumeric string that is automatically assigned when the player submits the report.  
This ID is displayed when you run `/psac view` from the console.  
Also, can execute commands related to the \<ManagementID\> from the player.

### Why not automatically execute BAN commands in this plugin?

The plugin is concerned about falsely banning players due to false Watchdog detection.  
Therefore, the plugin does not ban players **automatically**.

## What is a learning function?

This plugin has a learning function that automatically adjusts the parameters using the actual cheat material.  
Learning cheat data can improve the accuracy of function decision to kick or not.  
The learning function of this plugin uses machine learning to use a neural network.

> [!WARNING] This feature is under development. This function may not learn completely.

### Learning mechanism

The learning feature of this plugin adjusts key parameters by iteratively calculating the average of the parameters when it detects a cheat or kicks.

## What is the `lang` property?

This plugin includes multi-languages and you can set `lang` property in _[config.yml](../src/main/resources/config.yml)_.  
You can't set different languages to `lang`, but you can set two, Japanese and English.  
The `lang` property can set value with aliases, and the value can be set even if lowercase and uppercase letters are mixed.  
You can set `lang` with this:

### English

- en-US
- en_US
- en-UK
- en_UK
- English

UK English is also included in the alias because this plugin's English is not much different from US English.

### Japanese

- ja-JP
- ja_JP
- jp
- Japanese

## What is the _[YAML resources file](../src/main/resources)_?

When you build PeyangSuperbAntiCheat.jar with `mvn package`, `mvn shade` is automatically executed.  
You can edit this file to change the plugin resources before building.


_[message.yml](../src/main/resources/message.yml)_ is **automatically included jar resource** and **used to change the PSAC message**.  
Programmatically, YAML is referenced as a node tree and anything related to **dynamic references such as "%%name%%" cannot be changed**.


_[config.yml](../src/main/resources/config.yml)_ is **automatically included jar resource** and **the plugin references the pre-build configuration dataset**.  
See [here](#config-settings) for configuration settings.

> **WARNING: Configuration settings will not change unless you change them before building.**


_[plugin.yml](../src/main/resources/plugin.yml)_ contains assembly information, commands, and permission settings for the plugin itself. **Therefore, do not change much.**

## What utility items for [/target](#target)?

Players can get the following utility items by executing [/target](#target).

|   Item    |           ID            | Description                                     |               Executing Command               |
| :-------: | :---------------------: | :---------------------------------------------- | :-------------------------------------------: |
| Dog head  |        AURA_BOT         | Summon [AuraBot NPC](#aurabot) to the target.   |        [/aurabot](#aurabot) \<Target\>        |
| Dog head  |       AURA_PANIC        | Summon [AuraPanic NPC](#acpanic) to the target. |        [/acpanic](#acpanic) \<Target\>        |
|   Arrow   |         TEST_KB         | Shoot an arrow invisible from target.           |         [/testkb](#testkb) \<Target\>         |
|  Compass  |         TRACKER         | Silent teleport to the target.                  | [/silentteleport](#silentteleport) \<Target\> |
|   Book    |          BANS           | The Kick/Ban record of the target is displayed. |         [/bans](#bans) -a \<Target\>          |
|   Arrow   |   TO_TARGET\<Number\>   | Go to next page.                                |         [/target](#target) \<Number\>         |
|   Clock   |          BACK           | Go back.                                        |                     none                      |
|   Arrow   | BACK_TOTARGET\<Number\> | Back to page 1.                                 |         [/target](#target) \<Number\>         |
|   Reed    |          PULL           | Pull the target.                                |           [/pull](#pull) \<Target\>           |
| Blaze Rod |      TARGET_STICK       | Target the player you are looking at.           |     [/target](#target) \<Looking Player\>     |

This example is replacing Minecraft's default command to [/psac kick](#arguments).  
[/psac kick](#arguments) can show particles, add decorations when kicking, and record to databases.

## What library does this plugin use?

See _[pom.xml](../pom.xml)_ for more information.  
It also describes the Source codes / Libraries / APIs used in [Thanks](#thanks).

## Did you find any bugs or errors?

We accept bugs and errors related to [GitHub issues](https://github.com/peyang-Celeron/PeyangSuperbAntiCheat/issues).  
I think that it will be handled by about two people, so please feel free to post.

#### Assignees

Depending on the language of the problem, the following persons are responsible for resolution:

- Japanese issue assignee: [@peyang-Celeron](https://github.com/peyang-Celeron) (and [@Lemonade19x](https://github.com/Lemonade19x)?)
- English issue assignee: [@Potato1682](https://github.com/Potato1682)


## Thanks

This plugin uses the following Libraries / APIs / Source codes:

- [brettwooldridge/HikariCP](https://github.com/brettwooldridge/HikariCP)
- dmulloy2/ProtocolLib [\[Spigot\]](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/protocollib.1997/) | [\[Bukkit\]](https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/protocollib)
- [jedk1/BookUtil.java](https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/resource-bookutil-1-8-1-9.131549/)
- [DarkBlade12/ReflectionUtils.java](https://github.com/DarkBlade12/ParticleEffect/blob/master/src/main/java/com/darkblade12/particleeffect/ReflectionUtils.java)
- [P2P-Develop/PeyangSuperLibrary](https://github.com/P2P-Develop/PeyangSuperLibrary)
- [PhantomUnicorns](https://stackoverflow.com/users/6727559/phantomunicorns)
- [Matrix API](https://matrix.rip/) [\[MC-Market\]](https://www.mc-market.org/resources/13999/)

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