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# PDF Archiver

Archive all incoming documents digitally to access and search them in an easier way.
Transfer the sorted documents to your smartphone or make a backup within seconds.

* Scan all incoming bills, letters etc. and save them on your computer/iCloud in an *untagged* folder.
* Put the original paper documents in a folder, sorted by year. Don't care about bills/insurance papers etc.. Just leave all of them in one box for the each year.
* Open the **PDF Archiver** and start tagging. Your documents will be moved from the *untagged* to your *Archive* folder.

## :rocket: Usage
1. Scan your documents with [PDF Archiver for iOS](http://ios.pdf-archiver.io)
2. Start tagging your files on macOS or iOS
3. There is not step 3 πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

## :scroll: Convention
* **Date:** `yyyy-mm-dd` Date of the document content.
* **Description:** `--ikea-tradfri-gateway` Meaningful description of the document.
* **Tags:** `__bill_ikea_iot` Tags which will help you to find the document in your archive.
Capital letters, spaces and language specific characters (such as `À, â, ü, ß`) will be removed to maximize the filesystem compatibility.

Your archive will look like this:
└── Archive
    β”œβ”€β”€ 2017
    β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ 2017-05-12--apple-macbook__apple_bill.pdf
    β”‚Β Β  └── 2017-01-02--this-is-a-document__bill_vacation.pdf
    └── 2018
     Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ 2018-04-30--this-might-be-important__work_travel.pdf
     Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ 2018-05-26--parov-stelar__concert_ticket.pdf
     Β Β  └── 2018-12-01--master-thesis__finally_longterm_university.pdf

This structure is independent from your OS and filesystem and makes it very easy to search files ...
* ... by tag via a searchterm like: `_tagname`, starting with `_`
* ... by description via a searchterm like: `-descriptionword`, starting with `-`
* ... by tag or description via a searchterm like: `searchword`,  starting with the term
* ... and even the file content: have a look at the [Pro Tips](#pro-tips)!

## :floppy_disk: Installation
Download it from the App Stores [iOS](http://ios.pdf-archiver.io) and [macOS](http://macos.pdf-archiver.io)!

Or clone the repository and build it:
* Downloaded and install [Xcode.app](https://apps.apple.com/app/xcode/id497799835)
* Get the project: `git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/PDF-Archiver/PDF-Archiver.git`
* Build and run `PDF Archiver`

## <a name="pro-tips"></a>:mortar_board: Pro Tips
### PDF Archiver for iOS
* Scan your documents with the [iOS App](http://ios.pdf-archiver.io)
* Use the text recognition from PDF Archiver and use the tag/date suggestions
* Validate the suggestions and save the document in your archive with the [iOS App](http://ios.pdf-archiver.io) or [macOS App](http://macos.pdf-archiver.io)

### PDF Archiver
* Use the `β†Ή` key for fast field switching
* You can use keyboard shortcuts from the [FAQs](https://pdf-archiver.io/faq)

## :interrobang: Help
* Take a look at the [FAQs](https://pdf-archiver.io/faq).
* Get in contact with us at [Discord](http://discord.pdf-archiver.io).

## :octocat: How to contribute
Rate the App in the [Mac App Store](http://macos.pdf-archiver.io).

All [contributions](https://github.com/PDF-Archiver/PDF-Archiver/blob/develop/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) are welcome!
Feel free to contribute to this project.
Submit pull requests or contribute tutorials - whatever you have to offer, it would be appreciated!

## :newspaper_roll: Featured on
* [Macobserver](https://www.macobserver.com/reviews/quick-look/review-pdf-archiver/) - How to Archive PDFs with PDF Archiver
* [iFun](https://www.ifun.de/pdf-archiver-kostenloser-ios-kompagnon-ergaenzt-die-mac-app-128930/) - Kostenloser iOS-Kompagnon ergΓ€nzt die Mac-App
* [Netzwelt](https://www.netzwelt.de/download/24613-pdf-archiver.html) - PDF-Dokumente einfach verwalten
* [Sir Apfelot](https://www.sir-apfelot.de/pdf-archiver-22021/) - PDFs verschlagworten, ordnen und archivieren
* [appgefahren.de](https://www.appgefahren.de/pdf-archiver-praktische-mac-app-hilft-beim-langfristigen-verwalten-von-dokumenten-220759.html) - Mac-App hilft beim langfristigen Verwalten von Dokumenten

## :book: Thanks and Donations
* [**The.Swift.Dev.**](https://theswiftdev.com/2018/05/17/how-to-use-icloud-drive-documents/) for a sponsorship option on a blogpost I used while writing this app.
* [**zngguvnf.org**](https://zngguvnf.org) discussing and creating this archive structure.
* [**Karl Voit**](http://karl-voit.at/managing-digital-photographs/) for the initial idea of a document naming convention.
* [**Nick Roach**](https://www.elegantthemes.com) for the [Icon](https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/1055071/document_file_icon).
* MAS Preview Sound: [Love Jones by @nop](http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/Lancefield/50789)