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### MTDevise Rails 5.1 Multi-Tenancy Engine Documentation  
PHC MTDevise Rails 5.1 engine adds multi-tenant and account management features to rails Devise gem. Plataformatec Devise and required custom Bootstrap Devise views included.  

* Multi-tenancy using subdomain scoping and account_id column.  
* Adds basecamp style logins to devise authentication gem.  
* Welcome, Dashboard with custom Devise views included.  
* Highly customizable views and layouts using standard bootstrap 3 code.  
* Central login screen for all tenants (users) or logins through a subdomain.  
* Mis-Spelling and redirect to welcome screen if subdomain none-existent.  
* Compatible with postgre, mysql and sqlite (for dev environments).  

#### Step 1 - Add user model to your app (Must be Done First!!)
Generate a user.rb file in your mainapp and add the code below

    rails g model User
    include Mtdevise::UserStorage

#### Step 2 - Add Mtdevise to your gemfile and run command  

    gem 'mtdevise', '~> 16.0'
    bundle exec install

#### Step 3 - Add and migrate mtdevise database tables

    rake railties:install:migrations
    rake db:migrate

#### Step 4 - Configure ActionMailer
* Mailer functions are required in order for mtdevise to operate.
* Mailer is used for confirmation and password reset functions.

#### Step 5 - Mount the Engine in your Routes File
Add this line at the end of the routes file.  

    mount Mtdevise::Engine, :at => '/'

#### Step 6 - Constrain the routs you want secured
All the routes you want to have multi-tenacy login functions goes in between the constraints block.

    constraints(Mtdevise::Constraints::SubdomainRequired) do
        # Routes Requiring Security & Multi-Tenancy Routes  

#### Step 7 - Modifications to MainApp Controllers & Database  
Your app needs modification to [controllers (example)](  
Any corresponding db database tables must have an accounts_id column


#### Step 8 - Add mtdevise extension to models  
Add the mtdevise extension to the top of all models for the routes configured in the previous step.  

    def self.scoped_to(account)
        where(:account_id =>

#### Step 9 - Configure scopes in your controller
Scope your controllers. Examples on github wiki or multi-tenant starter app.


#### Step 10 - Environment (ENV) Variables
Set a sent from email address for confirmation and password reset emails [more info here.](  .  


### Additional Information  

#### Views - Mtdevise Views Can be Customized  
Once installed views can be generated and customized to your apps needs.  

    rails generate mtdevise:views
    rake assets:clobber
    rake assets:precompile

#### Additional Documentation  
[Multi-Tenant Starter App](  
[Documentation (Github Wiki)](  
[Environment Variables](  
[Issues & Bug Reports](  
[Past Security Patch Notes](  
[Managed by PHCNetworks](  

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