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Test Coverage
# 0.4.0 - 2015-07-07

## Features
- Added support for grouping shapes together in a Group - [@Pr0phet]( GH-68
- Added support for calculating the offset and extent on a Slide. - [@Pr0phet]( GH-68
- Added support for Horizontal bar chart - [@rdoepke]( [@Progi1984]( GH-58
- Added support for hyperlink on picture (ODPresentation & PowerPoint2007) - [@Progi1984]( GH-49
- Added support for hyperlink on richtext (PowerPoint2007) - [@JewrassicPark]( GH-49
- Added support for notes slide (ODPresentation & PowerPoint2007) - [@Progi1984]( [@JewrassicPark]( GH-63
- Added option for explosion in Pie3D Chart (ODPresentation & PowerPoint2007) - [@Progi1984]( GH-76
- ODPresentation Writer : Support for fill in RichText - [@Progi1984]( GH-79
- ODPresentation Writer : Support for border style in RichText - [@Progi1984]( GH-79
- ODPresentation Writer : Support for Area Chart - [@Progi1984]( GH-82
- PowerPoint2007 Writer : Support for Area Chart - [@Progi1984]( GH-82
- ODPresentation Writer : Support for Bar Chart - [@Progi1984]( GH-82
- PowerPoint2007 Writer : Support for Bar Chart - [@Progi1984]( GH-82
- Added units in DocumentLayout - [@Progi1984]( GH-87
- Added support for transitions between slides - [@Progi1984](
- ODPresentation Writer : Support for Pie Chart & Stack Percent Bar Charts - [@jrking4]( GH-108
- PowerPoint2007 Writer : Support for Pie Chart & Stack Percent Bar Charts - [@jrking4]( GH-108

## Bugfix
- PSR-0 via composer broken - [@Progi1984]( GH-51
- ODPresentation Writer : Title in Legend in chart doesn't displayed - [@Progi1984]( GH-79
- ODPresentation Writer : Segments in Pie3D Chart are now in clockwise order, as in PowerPoint2007 Writer - [@Progi1984]( GH-79
- ODPresentation Writer : Axis in Line Chart have not tick marks displayed, as in PowerPoint2007 Writer - [@Progi1984]( GH-79
- ODPresentation Writer : Shadow don't work for RichTextShapes - [@Progi1984]( GH-81
- PowerPoint2007 Writer : Fill don't work for RichTextShapes - [@Progi1984]( GH-61
- PowerPoint2007 Writer : Border don't work for RichTextShapes - [@Progi1984]( GH-61
- PowerPoint2007 Writer : Hyperlink in table doesn't work - [@Progi1984]( GH-70
- PowerPoint2007 Writer : AutoFitNormal works with options (fontScale & lineSpacingReduction) - [@Progi1984]( [@desigennaro]( GH-71
- PowerPoint2007 Writer : Shadow don't work for RichTextShapes - [@Progi1984]( GH-81
- PowerPoint2007 Writer : Visibility of the Title doesn't work - [@Progi1984]( GH-107
- Refactor findLayoutIndex to findLayoutId where it assumes the slideLayout order was sorted. IMPROVED: unit tests - [@kenliau]( GH-95

## Miscellaneous
- Improved the sample 04-Table for having a Text Run in a Cell - [@Progi1984]( GH-84
- Improved the sample 04-Table for having two links in a Cell - [@Progi1984]( GH-93
- Improved the documentation about Table Shapes and cell width - [@Progi1984]( GH-104
- Some parts of code shared between PHPOffice projects have been moved to PhpOffice/Common - [@Progi1984](
- Refactored the PowerPoint97 Reader for managing the group shape and improving evolutions - [@Progi1984]( GH-110
- Added a sample (12) for PowerPoint97 Reader with tree of the PhpPowerPoint object - [@Progi1984]( GH-110