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# Charts

To create a chart, use `createChartShape` method of Slide.

``` php

$chartShape = $slide->createChartShape();

## Customization

### Manage how blank values are displayed

You can define how blank values are displayed with the method `setDisplayBlankAs`.

![Slideshow type](../../images/libreoffice_chart_displayblankas.png)

Differents types are available:

* `Chart::BLANKAS_GAP` for **Leave a gap**
* `Chart::BLANKAS_ZERO` for **Assume zero** (default)
* `Chart::BLANKAS_SPAN` for **Continue line**

``` php

use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart;

// Set the behavior
// Get the behavior
echo $chart->getDisplayBlankAs();

## Parts

### Axis

#### Title

You can define title for each axis (X & Y) with `setTitle` method.
You can apply a rotation with the `setTitleRotation` method with an expected paremeter in degrees.

``` php

use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Gridlines;

$line = new Line();

$shape = $slide->createChartShape();

$shape->getPlotArea()->getAxisX()->setTitle('Axis X');

#### Gridlines

You can define gridlines (minor and major) for each axis (X & Y).
For each gridline, you can custom the width (in points), the fill type and the fill color.

``` php

use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Gridlines;

$line = new Line();

$gridlines = new Gridlines();
$gridlines->getOutline()->getFill()->setFillType(Fill::FILL_SOLID)->setStartColor(new Color(Color::COLOR_BLUE));

$shape = $slide->createChartShape();

#### Bounds (Min & Max)

For Axis, you can define the min & max bounds with `setMinBounds` & `setMaxBounds` methods.
For resetting them, you pass null as parameter to these methods.

``` php

use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Gridlines;

$line = new Line();

$shape = $slide->createChartShape();

#### Crossing

!!! warning
    Available only on the PowerPoint2007 Writer

For Axis, `setCrossesAt` can be used to define where it should be crossed by the perpendicular/ horizontal axis.
The property can be defined by one of the three given constants or as an absolute value on the target axis.

``` php
use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Axis;
use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Type\Bar;

$bar = new Bar();

$shape = $slide->createChartShape();

// Usage of constant: Horizontal axis will cross the Y-Axis at `0`

// Usage of individual value: Horizontal axis will cross the Y-Axis at `3`

| Constant             | Description              |
| -------------------- | ------------------------ |
| `AXIS::CROSSES_AUTO` | Axis crosses at zero.    |
| `AXIS::CROSSES_MIN`  | Axis crosses at minimum. |
| `AXIS::CROSSES_MAX`  | Axis crosses at maximum. |

#### Reversed Order

You can reverse the order of a categorial or value axis trought `setIsReversedOrder`.

Notice: If you reverse the order of a axis, this automatically changes the position of the other axis.
To reset this effect, the axis intersection point on the other axis must be set to `Axis::CROSSES_MAX` using `setCrossesAt`.

``` php
use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Axis;
use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Type\Bar;

$bar = new Bar();

$shape = $slide->createChartShape();

// default value, will return false

// reverse order

// revert the automatic intersection switch on x axis

#### Outline

You can define outline for each axis (X & Y).

``` php

$line = new Line();

$shape = $slide->createChartShape();
$shape->getPlotArea()->getAxisX()->getOutline()->getFill()->setFillType(Fill::FILL_SOLID)->setStartColor(new Color(Color::COLOR_BLUE));
#### Tick Label
##### Position

You can define the tick label position with the `setTickLabelPosition` method.
For resetting it, you pass `Axis::TICK_LABEL_POSITION_NEXT_TO` as parameter to this method.

Differents types are available:

* `Axis::TICK_LABEL_POSITION_HIGH`: **Labels are at the high end of the perpendicular axis**
* `Axis::TICK_LABEL_POSITION_LOW`: **Labels are at the low end of the perpendicular axis**
* `Axis::TICK_LABEL_POSITION_NEXT_TO`: **Labels are next to the axis** (default)

``` php

use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Axis;

$line = new Line();

$shape = $slide->createChartShape();

##### Font

You can define the tick label font with the `setTickLabelFont` method.
For resetting it, you pass `null` as parameter to this method.

``` php

use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Axis;
use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Style\Color;
use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Style\Font;

$line = new Line();
$font = new Font();
$font->setColor(new Color('C00000'))

$shape = $slide->createChartShape();

#### Tick Marks

For Axis Y, you can define tick mark with `setMinorTickMark` & `setMajorTickMark` methods.
For resetting them, you pass `Axis::TICK_MARK_NONE` as parameter to these methods.

``` php

use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Axis;

$line = new Line();

$shape = $slide->createChartShape();

#### Unit

For Axis Y, you can define unit with `setMinorUnit` & `setMajorUnit` methods.
For resetting them, you pass null as parameter to these methods.

``` php

use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Axis;

$line = new Line();

$shape = $slide->createChartShape();
#### Visibility

You can define visibility for each axis (X & Y).

``` php

$line = new Line();

$shape = $slide->createChartShape();

### Title

By default, the title of a chart is displayed.
For hiding it, you define its visibility to false.

``` php

$line = new Line();
$shape = $slide->createChartShape();
// Hide the title

### Series

#### Display Informations
You can define if some informations are displayed.

``` php

$series = new Series('Downloads', $seriesData);

#### Font
You can custom the font of a serie.

``` php

$series = new Series('Downloads', $seriesData);
// Define the size

#### Label Position
You can define the position of the data label.
Each position is described in [MSDN](

``` php

$series = new Series('Downloads', $seriesData);

#### Marker
You can custom the marker of a serie, for Line & Scatter charts.

##### Customize the border

!!! warning
    Available only on the PowerPoint2007 Writer

``` php

use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Marker;
use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Style\Border;

$series = new Series('Downloads', $seriesData);
$marker = $series->getMarker();

##### Customize the fill

!!! warning
    Available only on the PowerPoint2007 Writer

``` php

use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Marker;
use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Style\Fill;

$series = new Series('Downloads', $seriesData);
$marker = $series->getMarker();

##### Customize the symbol

``` php

use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Marker;

$series = new Series('Downloads', $seriesData);
$marker = $series->getMarker();

#### Outline
You can custom the line of a serie, for Line & Scatter charts.

``` php

use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Style\Outline;

$outline = new Outline();
// Define the color
$outline->getFill()->setStartColor(new Color(Color::COLOR_YELLOW));
// Define the width (in points)

$series = new Series('Downloads', $seriesData);

### View3D

For enabling the autoscale for a shape, you must reset the height percent.

``` php


## Types

### Area


### Bar & Bar3D

#### Gap Width

You can define the gap width between bar or columns clusters. It is relatively defined as percentage of a bars width.
The default value is 150%. The value must be defined between 0 and 500.


$barChart = new Bar();

#### Overlap

You can define the bar overlap within bar or column clusters. It is relatively defined as percentage of a bars width.
The default value is `100%` for stacked and `0%` for grouped bar charts. The value must be defined between `-100` and `100`.

When setting the bar grouping type, the default overlap values will be set. Any change to the overlap must be made after setting the bar grouping type through `setBarGrouping`.

$barChart = new Bar();
// will set the overlap to the default value for grouped bars: 0

// a positive value will result in an overlapping

// a negative value will result in a gap

![Bar Overlap](../../images/chart_bar_overlap.png)

#### Stacking

You can stack multiples series in a same chart. After adding multiples series, you can define the bar grouping with `setBarGrouping` method of AbstractTypeBar.

``` php

$barChart = new Bar();
// OR
// OR

|                                                                             | Type         | Constant                     |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------ | ---------------------------- |
| ![Bar::GROUPING_CLUSTERED](../../images/chart_columns_52x60.png)            | Grouped Bars | Bar::GROUPING_CLUSTERED      |
| ![Bar::GROUPING_STACKED](../../images/chart_columnstack_52x60.png)          | Stacked Bars | Bar::GROUPING_STACKED        |
| ![Bar::GROUPING_PERCENTSTACKED](../../images/chart_columnpercent_52x60.png) | Stacked Bars 100% | Bar::GROUPING_PERCENTSTACKED |

### Line

#### Smooth line

You can enable or disable the smooth line with `setIsSmooth` method from `AbstractTypeLine`.
By default, smooth line is disabled.

``` php

$chart = new Line();
// Enable the smooth line
// Disable the smooth line
// Get status of smooth line

### Pie & Pie3D


### Radar

You can create a Radar Chart.

``` php

use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Type\Radar;

$radarChart = new Radar();

$shape = $slide->createChartShape();

### Scatter

#### Smooth line

You can enable or disable the smooth line with `setIsSmooth` method from `AbstractTypeLine`.
By default, smooth line is disabled.

``` php

$chart = new Scatter();
// Enable the smooth line
// Disable the smooth line
// Get status of smooth line