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Test Coverage
<a name="2020-07-27"></a>
### 2020-07-27

#### Bug Fixes

* move detect_port! into dev command     ([b93f029](/../../commit/b93f029))
* add sourcing of docker.env     ([66838ac](/../../commit/66838ac))

<a name="2020-07-26"></a>
### 2020-07-26

#### Features

* add postcss packages     ([783adf8](/../../commit/783adf8))
* allow for an encapsulated postcss & babel config     ([f95e15a](/../../commit/f95e15a))
* add @snowpack/babel-plugin-package-import for transforming imports     ([596df4a](/../../commit/596df4a))
* add postcss and babel config attrs to configuration     ([f0d51b6](/../../commit/f0d51b6))
* add @snowpack/plugin-babel to generator     ([3a7d872](/../../commit/3a7d872))
* generate configs with generator     ([1906a31](/../../commit/1906a31))
* add babel and postcss configs to templates     ([a0b0ec4](/../../commit/a0b0ec4))

#### Bug Fixes

* **config**
  * fix issue with configuration.rb, generate config     ([3d6a8f1](/../../commit/3d6a8f1))

* **generator**
  * now properly generates files     ([ba62564](/../../commit/ba62564))

* use the preset node_env prior to setting one.     ([abe788a](/../../commit/abe788a))
* Env now respects user set env vars     ([588b41f](/../../commit/588b41f))

<a name="2020-07-24"></a>
### 2020-07-24

#### Features

* add an example of using stylesheet link tags     ([889f241](/../../commit/889f241))
* add a mount directory configuration     ([c8556d7](/../../commit/c8556d7))
* add a compile rake task     ([607ef29](/../../commit/607ef29))
* updating templates     ([e126948](/../../commit/e126948))
* rewrite snowpack.config to js format     ([e6f89aa](/../../commit/e6f89aa))
* allow users to define a hostname and port     ([95ff03b](/../../commit/95ff03b))
* add rack-proxy for proxy requests     ([8635324](/../../commit/8635324))
* add snowpacks to example directory     ([bb3f1e9](/../../commit/bb3f1e9))
* have the runner specify a node_env     ([5f97e9a](/../../commit/5f97e9a))
* modify generators and update readme     ([a305177](/../../commit/a305177))
* Add a prior-to-install directory     ([fbca36d](/../../commit/fbca36d))
* add docker     ([945d27b](/../../commit/945d27b))

#### Bug Fixes

* gitignore to ignore node_modules     ([e1ee78d](/../../commit/e1ee78d))
* remove parcel-bundler, remove .travis.yml     ([08ecb2a](/../../commit/08ecb2a))

* **gitignore**
  * ignore tags     ([890ce35](/../../commit/890ce35))