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Test Coverage

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](


[0.11.0] - 2023-04-26

### Added

* Add storage support for redis gem v5 #63 justinhoward
* Add Redis 5 support for patch #67 justinhoward

[0.10.0] - 2023-04-05

### Added

* Support the opensearch-ruby gem #65 justinhoward

### Changed

* Split CI tasks into their own jobs #64 justinhoward

[0.9.0] - 2022-08-18

### Added

* Setup codecov code coverage #57 justinhoward

### Fixed

* Fix a regression where ConnectionPool was required for the redis storage #58 justinhoward

### Changed

* Change current_time to a float #59 justinhoward

### Removed

* Remove features deprecated in 0.8.5 #60 justinhoward

### Breaking

* `Faulty.current_time` is now a float instead of an integer
* The 3 argument form of `Storage::Interface#entry` deprecated in 0.8.5 is now
* The `error_module` circuit option deprecated in 0.8.5 is now removed.

[0.8.7] - 2022-08-11

### Added

* Add a Faulty#clear method to reset all circuits #55 justinhoward

### Fixed

* Update rubocop cleanup gemspec #56 justinhoward

[0.8.6] - 2022-02-24

### Added

* Define an inspect method that represent circuit #50 JuanitoFatas

[0.8.5] - 2022-02-17

### Added

* Add granular errors for Elasticsearch patch #48 justinhoward

### Fixed

* Fix yard warnings #49 justinhoward
* Fix crash in Redis storage backend if opened_at was missing #46 justinhoward

### Changed

* Return status conditionally for Storage::Interface#entry #45 justinhoward

### Deprecations

* Storage::Interface#entry should now accept an additional parameter
  `status`. If given, the method must return the updated status,
  otherwise if status is `nil` #entry may return nil. Previously #entry
  always returned a history array.
* The error_module option is deprecated. Patches should use the error_mapper
  option instead. The option will be removed in 0.9

[0.8.4] - 2022-01-28

### Added

* Add Elasticsearch client patch #44 justinhoward

[0.8.2] - 2021-10-18

### Fixed

* Fix crash for older versions of concurrent-ruby #42 justinhoward

[0.8.1] - 2021-09-22

### Changed

* Add cause message to CircuitTrippedError #40 justinhoward

### Fixed

* Record failures for cache hits #41 justinhoward

[0.8.0] - 2021-09-14

### Added

* Store circuit options in the backend when run #34 justinhoward

### Breaking Changes

* Added #get_options and #set_options to Faulty::Storage::Interface.
  These will need to be added to any custom backends
* Faulty::Storage::Interface#reset now requires removing options in
  addition to other stored values
* Circuit options will now be supplemented by stored options until they
  are run. This is technically a breaking change in behavior, although
  in most cases this should cause the expected result.
* Circuits are not memoized until they are run. Subsequent calls
  to Faulty#circuit can return different instances if the circuit is
  not run. However, once run, options are synchronized between
  instances, so likely this will not be a breaking change for most

[0.7.2] - 2021-09-02

### Added

* Add Faulty.disable! for disabling globally #38 justinhoward

### Changed

* Suppress circuit_success for proxy circuits #39 justinhoward

[0.7.1] - 2021-09-02

### Fixed

* Fix success event crash in log listener #37 justinhoward

[0.7.0] - 2021-09-02

### Added

* Add initial benchmarks and performance improvements #36 justinhoward

### Breaking Changes

The `circuit_success` event no longer contains the status value. Computing this
value was causing performance problems.

[0.6.0] - 2021-06-10

### Added

* Capture an error for BUSY redis backend when patched #30 justinhoward
* Add a patch for mysql2 #28 justinhoward

### Fixed

* docs, use correct state in description for skipped event #27 senny
* Fix CI to set REDIS_VERSION correctly #31 justinhoward
* Fix a potential memory leak in patches #32 justinhoward

[0.5.1] - 2021-05-28

### Fixed

* Fix Storage::FaultTolerantProxy to return empty history on entries fail #26 justinhoward

[0.5.0] - 2021-05-28

### Added

* Allow creating a new Faulty instance in Faulty#register #24 justinhoward
* Add support for patches to core dependencies starting with redis #14 justinhoward

### Fixed

* Improve storage #entries performance by returning entries #23 justinhoward

### Breaking Changes

* Faulty #[] no longer differentiates between symbols and strings when accessing
  Faulty instances
* Faulty::Storage::Interface must now return a history array instead of a
  circuit status object. Custom storage backends must be updated.

[0.4.0] - 2021-02-19

### Added

* Explicitly add support for Redis 3 and 4 #15 justinhoward
* Allow setting default circuit options on Faulty instances #16 justinhoward

### Changed

* Switch from Travis CI to GitHub actions #11 justinhoward
* Only run rubocop for Ruby 2.7 in CI #12 justinhoward
* Switch to codacy for quality metrics #17 justinhoward
* Allow passing custom circuit to AutoWire #22 justinhoward

### Fixed

* Small logic fix to README #19 silasb
* Fix Redis storage dependency on ConnectionPool #21 justinhoward

### Breaking Changes is replaced with AutoWire.wrap and no longer creates an instance
of AutoWire.

[0.3.0] - 2020-10-24

### Added

* Add tools for backend fault-tolerance #10
  * CircuitProxy for wrapping storage in an internal circuit
  * FallbackChain storage backend for falling back to stable storage
  * Timeout warnings for Redis backend
  * AutoWire wrappers for automatically configuring storage and cache
  * Better documentation for fault-tolerance

[0.2.0] - 2020-10-18

### Changed

* Remove Scopes and replace them with Faulty instances #9

### Breaking Changes

* `Faulty::Scope` has been removed. Use `` instead.
* `Faulty` is now a class, not a module

[0.1.5] - 2020-10-18

### Fixed

* Fix redis storage to expire state key when using CAS #8

[0.1.4] - 2020-10-18

### Fixed

* Improve spec coverage for supporting classes #6
* Fix redis bug where concurrent CAS requests could crash #7

[0.1.3] - 2020-09-29

### Added

* Add HoneybadgerListener for error reporting #4

### Fixed

* Fix bug where memory storage would delete the newest entries #5

[0.1.2] - 2020-08-28

### Fixed

* Fix Storage::FaultTolerantProxy open and reopen methods #2

[0.1.1] - 2020-08-28

### Fixed

* Fix a crash when Storage::FaultTolerantProxy created a status stub #1

[0.1.0] - 2020-08-27

Initial public release
