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# kitai (期待)
This is a copy of kotlin's require function.
It validates the condition you give it and if it's false will throw an IllegalArgumentException.

# Installation
- npm i -S @pepijn98/kitai
- yarn add @pepijn98/kitai

# Examples
See [examples](./examples) for more
// You can name this anything you want, I like "expect" since it fits the package name.
// You can even name it require just like kotlin (only if you don't use node's require function)
import expect from "@pepijn98/kitai";

function test(arg: number): void {
    expect(arg >= 0, () => `"arg" cannot be a negative number, was ${arg}`);
    // We now know that arg will not be a negative number
    // Do your extremly complex 9000 IQ mathematical equation here

test(-5); // Will throw an IllegalArgumentException
test(15); // Won't throw, yaay

# Name
Since it's a Japanese name I guess I should explain this, even though I don't speak Japanese and use translators.
Kitai written as 期待 in kanji, roughly means "Expectations" or "Expectation"
*(directly taken from google translate and deepl, please excuse my ignorance if it's completly wrong)*