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Test Coverage


    Retrieve a single message from Persephony.

    :messageId: {string} The :code:`messageId` of the desired message.

    :returns: {Promise<object>} A promise that resolves to the message matching the :code:`messageId` provided.
    :throws: Will throw an error on a failed response.


    Retrieve a list of messages associated with the :code:`accountId`

    :[filters]: {object} Properties to filter the list.

    :returns: {Promise<object>} A promise that resolves to a page of messages.
    :throws: Will throw an error on a failed response.


    Retrieve the next page of list results.

    :nextPageUri: {string} The URL to the next page of results.

    :returns: {Promise<object>} A promise that resolves to a message list page - the next page of messages.
    :throws: Will throw an error on a failed response.

create(from, to, text)

    Send an SMS message through the Persephony API.

    :from: {string} The phone number to use as the sender. This must be an incoming phone number you have purchased from Persephony (E.164 format).
    :to: {string} The phone number to send the message to.
    :text: {string} The text contained in the message. (maximum 254 characters.)

    :returns: {Promise<object>} A promise that resolves to the newly created message.
    :throws: Will throw an error on a failed response.