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Wrapper around Nyholm\Psr7 library with a few helper methods and a basic emitter. For use in WordPress during ajax calls.

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## Why? ##
Throughout a few of our modules we need to handle HTTP requests and responses. The WP_HTTP_* classes are great, but PS7 compliant libraries have a lot more to offer.

So this small module acts a wrapper for the Nyholm\Psr7 and Nyholm\Psr7Server libraries and gives a few helper methods. You can easily create and emit either Responses that extend **WP_HTTP_RESPONSE** or implements **ResponseInterface**

## Examples ##

### Creates a WP_HTTP_Response

use PinkCrab\HTTP\HTTP;
use PinkCrab\HTTP\HTTP;

$http = new HTTP();

$response = $http->wp_response(
    ['Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=UTF-8']

// OR 

$response = HTTP_Helper::wp_response(
    ['Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=UTF-8']

// Emit to client


As both have the same signatures, you can interchange at will. Obviously the PS7 Response has more functionality to fine tune the response.

### Creates a PS7 Response

use PinkCrab\HTTP\HTTP;
use PinkCrab\HTTP\HTTP;

$http = new HTTP();

$response = $http->ps7_response(
    ['Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=UTF-8']

// OR 

$response = HTTP_Helper::response(
    ['Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=UTF-8']

// Emit to client


### Creates a PS7 Request

use PinkCrab\HTTP\HTTP;
use PinkCrab\HTTP\HTTP_Helper;

$http = new HTTP();

$request = $http->psr7_request(

// OR 

$request = HTTP_Helper::request(


### Get ServerRequest fromGlobals
Returns a populated instance of ServerRequestInterface.

use PinkCrab\HTTP\HTTP;
use PinkCrab\HTTP\HTTP_Helper;

$server = (new HTTP())->request_from_globals();

// OR 

$server = HTTP_Helper::global_server_request();


### Create Stream
The PSR7 HTTP objects work with streams for the body, you can wrap all scalars values which can cast to JSON in a stream.

use PinkCrab\HTTP\HTTP;
use PinkCrab\HTTP\HTTP_Helper;

$stream = (new HTTP())->stream_from_scalar($data);

// OR 

$stream = HTTP_Helper::stream_from_scalar($data);

> The ````(new HTTP())->create_stream_with_json()```` has been marked as deprecated since 0.2.3. use ````(new HTTP())->stream_from_scalar()```` in its place.

## License ##

### MIT License ###  

## Change Log ##
* 1.0.0 - Removed HTTP::create_stream_with_json()
* 0.2.6 - Readme changes
* 0.2.5 - Removed object type hint for param in emit_response
* 0.2.4 - Typo on scalar (all typed as scala)
* 0.2.3 - Added in `HTTP_Helper` class, patched `ServerRequest` `fromGloabls` to include the raw $_POST in its body. 
* 0.2.2 - Added the helper for wrapping data as json in Stream
* 0.2.1 - Removed die() from end of Emit calls and just returned back void. Die to happen at other end
* 0.2.0 - Moved from Guzzle being injected in constructor to using custom HTTP (pink crab). Plug move to composer format.