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Test Coverage
# Mantle

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To learn more about Mantle and it's internal, see [this slide

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

    gem 'mantle'

or install manually by:

    $ gem install mantle

## Usage (in Rails App)

Setup a Rails initializer(`config/initializers/mantle.rb`):

Mantle.configure do |config|
  config.message_bus_redis = Redis.new(host: ENV["MESSAGE_BUS_REDIS_URL"] || 'localhost')
  config.message_handlers = {
    'account:update' => 'MyMessageHandler',
    'order' => ['MyMessageHandler', 'MyOtherMessageHandler']

The config takes a number of options, many of which have defaults:

Mantle.configure do |config|
  config.message_bus_redis = Redis.new(host: 'localhost') # default: localhost
  config.logger = Rails.logger # default: Logger.new(STDOUT)
  config.redis_namespace = "my-namespace" # default: no namespace
  config.message_handlers = {'deal:update' => 'MyHandler'} # default: {}

To make the installation of mantle easier, the following command will create
these files in a Rails application:

$ rails g mantle:install

If an application only pushes messages on to the queue and doesn't listen, the
following configuration is all that's needed:

Mantle.configure do |config|
  config.message_bus_redis = Redis.new(host: 'localhost') # default: localhost
  config.logger = Rails.logger # default: Logger.new(STDOUT)

Publish messages to consumers:

Mantle::Message.new("person:create").publish({ id: message['id'], data: message['data'] })

The first and only argument to `Mantle::Message.new` is the channel you want to publish the
message on. The `#publish` method takes the message payload (in any format you like)
and pushes the message on to the message bus pub/sub and also adds it to the
catch up queue so offline applications can process the message when they become available.

Define message handler class with `.receive` method. For example `app/models/my_message_handler.rb`

class MyMessageHandler
  def self.receive(channel, message)
    puts channel # => 'order'
    puts message # => { 'id' => 5, 'name' => 'Brandon' }

To run the listener:

$ bin/mantle

or with configuration:

$ bin/mantle -c ./config/initializers/other_file.rb

To run the processor:

$ bin/sidekiq -q mantle

If the Sidekiq worker should also listen on another queue, add that to the
command with:

$ bin/sidekiq -q mantle -q default

It will NOT add the `default` queue to processing if there are other queues
enumerated using the `-q` option.

## Testing

Requiring this library causes messages to be appended to an in-memory array.

# test/test_helper.rb
require 'mantle/testing'

class OrderMessage
  def perform(message)

class OrderMessageTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
  test "sends a mantle message on created order" do
    assert_equal 1, Mantle.messages.size

    msg = Mantle.messages.first
    assert_equal "order:create", msg.channel
    assert_equal mantle_message, msg.message


  def mantle_message
    { id: 5 }

Be sure to clear out messages so they don't build up during the test suite:

def teardown

## Publishing

To publish a new version of this gem:

* Branch off of `master`, commit your changes to this branch (incrementing the `VERSION` constant)
* Merge branch into `master`
* Checkout `master` locally and run:

rake build
gem push pkg/mantle-<new version number>.gem

You will be asked for email address and password credentials for `rubygems.org` - use the `engineering@pipelinedeals.com` credentials

All done! You should see the new version here: https://rubygems.org/gems/mantle

To cut a new github release for this version, click `New Release` from this repo's `Releases` tab.