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Test Coverage
# Summary for week 4

## Dario

This week I contacted the EPFL library with the optic of using one of their API to provide us with bibliographic information. This turned out to be more troublesome that I anticipated and I am still investigation how to obtain reliable useful information for our purposes. Since I spent half the week waiting to get information about the Library API I wasn't able to finish the programming part of my week's assignment. Maybe next time I have a task that involves taking to a third party I should also take a small task that can be done before meeting the third party.

## Joshua

This week I started out by fixing the tests, which allowed our test coverage to nearly double. Then I went and built on Sophie. I'm happy to make pieces work together.
Communication was better than last week I think.

Next week I hope to get the maintainability under control, even if I'm not sure this is possible.


## Nicolas

This week I tried finding/implementing a way to store/retrieve images for our sale/book catalogue. We also discussed the basic layout of the activity displaying the sales


## Raoul
I only worked 2h on my attributed task so couldn't finish it. The rest of my 8h were actually divided between trying to write tests for the parts using the MLKit and the camera (a mistake, but they amounted to a good amount of lines of codes, so we thought it was worth trying), installing the 2.7 inches emulator (and checking that layouts were alright on it), and a meeting between most members of our team about the UX flow and the UI.

I guess next week I should focus more on my official tasks, but the pressure put on our test-coverage still lead me to try to test the camera and the ML library, so I feel it was kind of justified. And I also don't think we should sacrifice UX/UI conversations just because we can't place them on the sprint board.


## Sophie (Scrum Master)
I adapted the layouts of my Activities, so that it adapts to the cirrus emulator screen, and I took the occasion to make the views more scalable (adding different scrolling views). I also wrote tests for the two filtering activities. The overall work was much more than 8 hours, but at least I was able to finish my task. There is just a minor fix that I need to do before merging to the main branch today and moving to the next task, which is loading the filtering parameters and display dynamically the two filtering activities.


## Zied

This week I solved more warnings on xml files and created the user profile page. The user profile page is still in my local branch because of some little adjustments that I still have to do. I also spent some time trying to find out how to test that an "external" view has been displayed (for Google authentification) but still didn't find a good solution for that. 
I will take this holiday week to finish entirely the user profile page so that I can focus on my next task of the week after the holiday (login and register with email and password).


## Overall team
This week the whole team focused on improving the test coverage. This was more difficult for some of us because their implementation use external libraries and frameworks that are very difficult to test. As the weeks pass, we will probably get a better sense of what is "testable" and how to test efficiently our code. We also did our two weekly meetings plus one long meeting to discuss of the user experience and the architecture of the UI and one meeting with the epfl's library to see if we can work with their API to query for the books in epfl.