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Test Coverage
# Summary for week 7

## Dario  
This week I greatly advanced the Firebase Book database, and I was able to merge it with main. I also did a refactoring of Sale, which was intended to be relatively small, but which turned out to be major. I did my hours of work and was productive I feel, so that was good.

## Joshua

This week I was able to completely implement the navigation bar and incorporate it into all pre-existing activities. I was able to see the progress we made since the beginning since I revisited a lot of old work.

Next week I hope I'll be able to work on something new


## Nicolas

This week I was tasked with two diametrically opposed tasks: the first one was setting up a way to store/retrieve images using firebase. We had already created a "test" during a previous week and determined that images could be stored quite easily. However, it turns out this is not exactly right; we are dealing with a permission error (java.nio not being able to open the file). Thus will probably keep me busy longer than expected. For the second task, I had to design an activity showing the details of a particular sale. This is 90% and will most likely be up for review very soon.

Next week, I would like to be on point with the "estimated number of hours" for a task (because even though I created shorter tasks, I am still over the limit due to unforseen complications)


## Raoul (Scrum Master)
I finally completed a lingering task by solving the remaining bug, my estimate on the remaining of this task was pretty accurate (only had to work one more hour on it than expected), so that balances out a bit with the total failure to estimate the whole of this task. I made decent progress on my other task but could not fully finish it. Spend some time reviewing PRs too and will soon spend some more to ensure the demo goes smoothly.

Overall good week, looking forward to move on next week.


## Sophie

This week I almost finished to make the Sale filtering activity dynamic. I worked on something that would scale very easily if at some point the different filtering/sorting parameters would change, and hopefully it will be very easy next week to integrate those changes in Book filtering activity.
I have currently problem to test the activity, because it uses recyclerViews that are nested into a scrollview, and it seems that espresso doesn't support this kind of scrolling. 


## Zied

This week I finished the registration by email and password and I have done some tests to be sure that it is working correctly. I have also done some changes and improvements for the User profile. Everything went well, no major bugs or waste of time. I hope next week will be the same for my new tasks.


## Overall team
I might be biased because of my own feeling of finalising an old task, but I have the feeling it's not just me and that it is for the whole team that the week went pretty well and that we could put the last touch on a bunch of PRs and finally merge them.