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Test Coverage
#if os(Linux)
import func Glibc.fclose
import struct Glibc.FILE
import func Glibc.fileno
import func Glibc.fopen
import func Darwin.fclose
import struct Darwin.FILE
import func Darwin.fileno
import func Darwin.fopen
/// The C function that opens a file given a path
private let cOpenFile = fopen
/// The C function that closes an open file stream
private let cCloseFile = fclose

extension CharacterPath: Openable {
    public typealias OpenOptions = FilePath.OpenOptions
    public typealias Descriptor = FILEType

     Opens the character device

     - Returns: The opened device

     - Throws: `OpenFileError.permissionDenied` when write access is not allowed to the path or if search permissions
                were denied on one of the components of the path
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.quotaReached` when the file does not exist and the user's quota of disk blocks or inodes
                on the filesystem has been exhausted
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.pathExists` when creating a path that already exists
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.badAddress` when the path points to a location outside your accessible address space
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.fileTooLarge` when the path is a file that is too large to be opened. Generally occurs on
                a 32-bit platform when opening a file whose size is larger than a 32-bit integer
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.interruptedBySignal` when the call was interrupted by a signal handler
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.invalidFlags` when an invalid value is specified in the `options`. May also mean the
                `.direct` flag was used and this system does not support it
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.shouldNotFollowSymlinks` when the `.noFollow` flag was used and a symlink was discovered
                to be part of the path's components
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.tooManySymlinks` when too many symlinks were encountered while resolving the path name
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.noProcessFileDescriptors` when the calling process has no more available file descriptors
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.noSystemFileDescriptors` when the entire system has no more available file descriptors
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.pathnameTooLong` when the path exceeds `PATH_MAX` number of characters
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.noDevice` when the path points to a special file and no corresponding device exists
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.noRouteToPath` when the path cannot be resolved
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.noKernelMemory` when there is no memory available
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.fileSystemFull` when there is no available disk space
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.pathComponentNotDirectory` when a component of the path is not a directory
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.readOnlyFileSystem` when the filesystem is in read only mode
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.pathBusy` when the path is an executable image which is currently being executed
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.wouldBlock` when the `.nonBlock` flag was used and an incompatible lease is held on the
                file (see fcntl(2))
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.createWithoutMode` when creating a path and the mode is nil
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.lockedDevice` when the device where path exists is locked from writing
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.ioErrorCreatingPath` (macOS only) when an I/O error occurred while creating the inode for
                the path
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.operationNotSupported` (macOS only) when the `.sharedLock` or `.exclusiveLock` flags were
                specified and the underlying filesystem doesn't support locking or the path is a socket and opening a
                socket is not supported yet
     - Throws: `CloseFileError.badFileDescriptor` when the underlying file descriptor being closed is already closed or
                is not a valid file descriptor
     - Throws: `CloseFileError.interruptedBySignal` when the call was interrupted by a signal handler
     - Throws: `CloseFileError.ioError` when an I/O error occurred
    public func open(options: OpenOptions) throws -> Open<CharacterPath> {
        guard options.mode != .none else { throw OpenFileError.invalidPermissions }

        guard let file = cOpenFile(string, options.rawValue) else { throw OpenFileError.getError() }

        return CharacterStream(self,
                               descriptor: file,
                               fileDescriptor: fileno(file),
                               options: options) !! "Failed to set the opened character device"

     Opens the character device

     - Parameters:
         - mode: The permissions to use for opening the device
     - Returns: The opened character device

     - Throws: `OpenFileError.permissionDenied` when write access is not allowed to the path or if search permissions
                were denied on one of the components of the path
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.quotaReached` when the file does not exist and the user's quota of disk blocks or inodes
                on the filesystem has been exhausted
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.pathExists` when creating a path that already exists
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.badAddress` when the path points to a location outside your accessible address space
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.fileTooLarge` when the path is a file that is too large to be opened. Generally occurs on
                a 32-bit platform when opening a file whose size is larger than a 32-bit integer
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.interruptedBySignal` when the call was interrupted by a signal handler
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.invalidFlags` when an invalid value is specified in the `options`. May also mean the
                `.direct` flag was used and this system does not support it
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.shouldNotFollowSymlinks` when the `.noFollow` flag was used and a symlink was discovered
                to be part of the path's components
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.tooManySymlinks` when too many symlinks were encountered while resolving the path name
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.noProcessFileDescriptors` when the calling process has no more available file descriptors
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.noSystemFileDescriptors` when the entire system has no more available file descriptors
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.pathnameTooLong` when the path exceeds `PATH_MAX` number of characters
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.noDevice` when the path points to a special file and no corresponding device exists
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.noRouteToPath` when the path cannot be resolved
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.noKernelMemory` when there is no memory available
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.fileSystemFull` when there is no available disk space
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.pathComponentNotDirectory` when a component of the path is not a directory
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.readOnlyFileSystem` when the filesystem is in read only mode
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.pathBusy` when the path is an executable image which is currently being executed
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.wouldBlock` when the `.nonBlock` flag was used and an incompatible lease is held on the
                file (see fcntl(2))
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.createWithoutMode` when creating a path and the mode is nil
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.lockedDevice` when the device where path exists is locked from writing
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.ioErrorCreatingPath` (macOS only) when an I/O error occurred while creating the inode for
                the path
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.operationNotSupported` (macOS only) when the `.sharedLock` or `.exclusiveLock` flags were
                specified and the underlying filesystem doesn't support locking or the path is a socket and opening a
                socket is not supported yet
     - Throws: `CloseFileError.badFileDescriptor` when the underlying file descriptor being closed is already closed or
                is not a valid file descriptor
     - Throws: `CloseFileError.interruptedBySignal` when the call was interrupted by a signal handler
     - Throws: `CloseFileError.ioError` when an I/O error occurred
    public func open(mode: OpenFileMode) throws -> Open<CharacterPath> {
        return try open(options: OpenOptions(mode: mode))

     Opens the file and runs the closure with the opened file

     - Parameters:
         - mode: The permissions to use when opening the file
         - closure: The closure to run with the opened file

     - Throws: `OpenFileError.permissionDenied` when write access is not allowed to the path or if search permissions
                were denied on one of the components of the path
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.quotaReached` when the file does not exist and the user's quota of disk blocks or inodes
                on the filesystem has been exhausted
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.pathExists` when creating a path that already exists
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.badAddress` when the path points to a location outside your accessible address space
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.fileTooLarge` when the path is a file that is too large to be opened. Generally occurs on
                a 32-bit platform when opening a file whose size is larger than a 32-bit integer
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.interruptedBySignal` when the call was interrupted by a signal handler
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.invalidFlags` when an invalid value is specified in the `options`. May also mean the
                `.direct` flag was used and this system does not support it
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.shouldNotFollowSymlinks` when the `.noFollow` flag was used and a symlink was discovered
                to be part of the path's components
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.tooManySymlinks` when too many symlinks were encountered while resolving the path name
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.noProcessFileDescriptors` when the calling process has no more available file descriptors
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.noSystemFileDescriptors` when the entire system has no more available file descriptors
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.pathnameTooLong` when the path exceeds `PATH_MAX` number of characters
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.noDevice` when the path points to a special file and no corresponding device exists
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.noRouteToPath` when the path cannot be resolved
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.noKernelMemory` when there is no memory available
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.fileSystemFull` when there is no available disk space
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.pathComponentNotDirectory` when a component of the path is not a directory
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.readOnlyFileSystem` when the filesystem is in read only mode
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.pathBusy` when the path is an executable image which is currently being executed
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.wouldBlock` when the `.nonBlock` flag was used and an incompatible lease is held on the
                file (see fcntl(2))
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.createWithoutMode` when creating a path and the mode is nil
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.lockedDevice` when the device where path exists is locked from writing
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.ioErrorCreatingPath` (macOS only) when an I/O error occurred while creating the inode for
                the path
     - Throws: `OpenFileError.operationNotSupported` (macOS only) when the `.sharedLock` or `.exclusiveLock` flags were
                specified and the underlying filesystem doesn't support locking or the path is a socket and opening a
                socket is not supported yet
     - Throws: `CloseFileError.badFileDescriptor` when the underlying file descriptor being closed is already closed or
                is not a valid file descriptor
     - Throws: `CloseFileError.interruptedBySignal` when the call was interrupted by a signal handler
     - Throws: `CloseFileError.ioError` when an I/O error occurred
    public func open(mode: OpenFileMode,
                     closure: (_ opened: Open<CharacterPath>) throws -> Void) throws {
        try open(options: OpenOptions(mode: mode), closure: closure)

     Closes the file (if previously opened)

     - Throws: `CloseFileError.badFileDescriptor` when the underlying file descriptor being closed is already closed or
                is not a valid file descriptor
     - Throws: `CloseFileError.interruptedBySignal` when the call was interrupted by a signal handler
     - Throws: `CloseFileError.ioError` when an I/O error occurred
    public static func close(opened: Open<CharacterPath>) throws {
        guard let descriptor = opened.descriptor else {
            throw ClosedDescriptorError.doubleClose

        guard cCloseFile(descriptor) == 0 else {
            throw CloseFileError.getError()

        // Upon file closure we should delete the buffer which may have been created for reading from the file
        opened.path.buffer = nil
        opened.path.bufferSize = nil