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Test Coverage
#if os(Linux)
import func Glibc.clearerr
import func Glibc.fflush
import func Glibc.fileno
import func Glibc.fsync
import func Glibc.fwrite
import func Glibc.setvbuf
import func Darwin.clearerr
import func Darwin.fflush
import func Darwin.fileno
import func Darwin.fsync
import func Darwin.fwrite
import func Darwin.setvbuf

private let cWriteFile = fwrite
private let cClearError = clearerr
private let cSetBuffer = setvbuf
private let cFlushStream = fflush
private let cSyncFile = fsync

import ErrNo
import struct Foundation.Data

extension FilePath: BufferedWritableByOpened {
     Seeks to the specified offset and writes the data

     - Parameter buffer: The data to write to the path

     - Throws: `WriteError.wouldBlock` when the path was opened with the `.nonBlock` flag but the write operation would
     - Throws: `WriteError.quotaReached` when the user's quota of disk blocks for the path have been exhausted
     - Throws: `WriteError.fileTooLarge` when an ettempt was made to write a file that exceeds the maximum defined file
                size for either the system or the process, or to write at a position past the maximum allowed offset
     - Throws: `WriteError.interruptedBySignal` when the API call was interrupted by a signal handler before any data
                was written
     - Throws: `WriteError.cannotWriteToFileDescriptor` when the underlying file descriptor is attached to a path which
                is unsuitable for writing or the file was opened with the `.direct` flag and either the buffer address,
                the byteCount, or the offset are not suitably aligned
     - Throws: `WriteError.ioError` when an I/O error occurred during the API call
     - Throws: `WriteError.fileSystemFull` when the file system is full
     - Throws: `WriteError.permissionDenied` when the operation was prevented because of a file seal (see fcntl(2))
    public static func write(_ buffer: Data, to opened: Open<FilePath>) throws -> Int {
        guard let descriptor = opened.descriptor else {
            throw ClosedDescriptorError.alreadyClosed

        // If the path has not been opened for writing
        guard opened.mayWrite else {
            throw WriteError.cannotWriteToFileStream

        // If there's nothing to write
        guard !buffer.isEmpty else { return 0 }

        let countWritten = cWriteFile([UInt8](buffer), buffer.count, 1, descriptor)
        guard countWritten == 1 else {
            throw WriteError()

        return buffer.count

    public static func setBuffer(mode: BufferMode, to opened: Open<FilePath>) throws {
        guard let descriptor = opened.descriptor else {
            throw ClosedDescriptorError.alreadyClosed

        let success: OptionInt
        if let buffer = mode.buffer {
            success = cSetBuffer(descriptor, buffer, mode.rawValue, mode.size)
        } else {
            success = cSetBuffer(descriptor, nil, mode.rawValue, mode.size)

        guard success == 0 else {
            throw ErrNo.lastError

    public static func flush(stream opened: Open<FilePath>) throws {
        guard let descriptor = opened.descriptor else {
            throw ClosedDescriptorError.alreadyClosed

        guard cFlushStream(descriptor) == 0 else { throw WriteError.getError() }

    public static func sync(from opened: Open<FilePath>) throws {
        guard let descriptor = opened.descriptor else {
            throw ClosedDescriptorError.alreadyClosed

        guard cSyncFile(fileno(descriptor)) != -1 else {
            throw SyncError.getError()

    public static func flush() throws {
        guard cFlushStream(nil) == 0 else { throw WriteError.getError() }