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import Cglob

/// The construct used and returned by globbing
public final class Glob {
    // swiftlint:disable identifier_name
    /// A pointer to the underlying glob_t struct used for the C glob(3) API calls
    var _glob: UnsafeMutablePointer<glob_t>
    // swiftlint:enable identifier_name
    /// Whether or not this library owns the underlying glob_t struct and can
    /// safely free it's memory on deinitialization
    private let owned: Bool

    /// The number of matches that should be found in the matches collection
    public var trueCount: Int { return Int(count - offset) }
    /// The number of matches + the offset
    public var count: Int { return Int(_glob.pointee.gl_pathc) }
    /** The paths that matched the globbing pattern

     NOTE: Since this is a computed variable, it would be more efficient to
     store this into a variable for use in your program if you intend to use
     it more than once. (Getting the files and then getting the directories
     constitutes multiple accesses and therefore multiple computations)
    public var matches: DirectoryChildren {
        // Create the children collection
        var children = DirectoryChildren()

        // Array of Strings of the matched paths. (char **)
        var item = _glob.pointee.gl_pathv

        // Skip the offset number of matches since those are reserved and will be nil
        for _ in 0..<offset {
            item = item?.successor()

        // Make sure the item pointed to is not nil or else we've hit the
        // end. The glob(3) docs say the array is null-terminated.
        while let pointee = item?.pointee {
            // Cast the char * pointee to a swift String
            children.append(String(cString: pointee))

            // Advance to the next item in the array
            item = item?.successor()

        return children

    /** The number of reserved items at the beginning of the matches in the
     underlying glob_t struct. Reserved items are ignored/skipped in the
     matches variable of this Glob object.
    public var offset: Int { return Int(_glob.pointee.gl_offs) }

    #if os(macOS)
    /** The limit on the number of matches to return. Intended to prevent DoS
     attacks. Only honored if the .limit GlobFlag is included.
    public var limit: Int {
        get { return Int(_glob.pointee.gl_matchc) }
        set { _glob.pointee.gl_matchc = OptionInt(newValue) }

    /// The C function to use to close directories (default is closedir(2))
    public var closedir: @convention(c) (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Void {
        get { return _glob.pointee.gl_closedir }
        set {
            _glob.pointee.gl_closedir = newValue

    #if os(Linux)
    public typealias GlobReadDirectoryReturnType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
    public typealias GlobReadDirectoryReturnType = UnsafeMutablePointer<dirent>
    /// The C function used to read directories (default is readdir(2))
    public var readdir: @convention(c) (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> GlobReadDirectoryReturnType? {
        get { return _glob.pointee.gl_readdir }
        set {
            _glob.pointee.gl_readdir = newValue

    /// The C function used to open directories (default is opendir(2))
    public var opendir: @convention(c) (UnsafePointer<CChar>?) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer? {
        get { return _glob.pointee.gl_opendir }
        set {
            _glob.pointee.gl_opendir = newValue

    #if os(Linux)
    public typealias GlobStatType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
    public typealias GlobStatType = UnsafeMutablePointer<stat>
    /// The C function used to lstat directories (default is lstat(2))
    public var lstat: @convention(c) (UnsafePointer<CChar>?, GlobStatType?) -> FileDescriptor {
        get { return _glob.pointee.gl_lstat }
        set {
            _glob.pointee.gl_lstat = newValue

    /// The C function used to stat directories (default is stat(2))
    public var stat: @convention(c) (UnsafePointer<CChar>?, GlobStatType?) -> FileDescriptor {
        get { return _glob.pointee.gl_stat }
        set {
            _glob.pointee.gl_stat = newValue

    /// The flags used by the glob (if it was previously used before)
    public var flags: GlobFlags { return GlobFlags(rawValue: _glob.pointee.gl_flags) }

    /// Initializes with an empty glob_t struct
    public init() {
        _glob = UnsafeMutablePointer.allocate(capacity: 1)
        _glob.initialize(to: glob_t())

        // Since we have sole control over the pointer, it's safe to deallocate
        // it at deinitialization
        owned = true

    /** Initializes with a pointer to the specified glob_t struct. Only use
     this initializer if you have a specific reason to own the management of
     your glob_t struct. You MUST call globfree(3) (or cGlobFree) with your
     glob_t struct when you are done or it will be a memory leak
    public init(glob: UnsafeMutablePointer<glob_t>) {
        _glob = glob

        // If the user is passing their own glob_t pointer, then we do not own
        // the management of it and they will have to free it themselves
        owned = false

    // When this object is deconstructed, be sure to free the glob pointer (or
    // you'll have a memory leak)
    deinit {
        if owned {