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#if os(Linux)
import var Glibc.errno
import func Glibc.geteuid
import func Glibc.getgrgid
import func Glibc.getgrnam
import func Glibc.getpwnam
import func Glibc.getpwuid
import struct Glibc.group
import struct Glibc.passwd
import var Darwin.errno
import func Darwin.geteuid
import func Darwin.getgrgid
import func Darwin.getgrnam
import func Darwin.getpwnam
import func Darwin.getpwuid
import struct Darwin.group
import struct Darwin.passwd

public typealias Passwd = passwd
public typealias Group = group

public extension Path {
    /// The home directory for the calling process's user
    var home: DirectoryPath? {
        return try? getHome()

    /// The home directory for the calling process's user
    static var home: DirectoryPath? {
        return try? getHome()

 Returns the home directory for a specified user

 - Parameter username: The username of the user whose home directory you wish to retrieve
 - Returns: The home directory of the specified user

 - Throws: `UserInfoError.userDoesNotExist` when there was no user found with the specified username
 - Throws: `UserInfoError.interruptedBySignal` when the API call was interrupted by a signal handler
 - Throws: `UserInfoError.ioError` when an I/O error occurred during the API call
 - Throws: `UserInfoError.noMoreProcessFileDescriptors` when the process has no more available file descriptors
 - Throws: `UserInfoError.noMoreSystemFileDescriptors` when the system has no more available file descriptors
 - Throws: `UserInfoError.outOfMemory` when there is insufficient memory to allocate the underlying C passwd struct
public func getHome(username: String) throws -> DirectoryPath {
    let info = try getUserInfo(username: username)
    return try DirectoryPath(String(cString: info.pw_dir)) ?! UserInfoError.invalidHomeDirectory

 Returns the home directory for a specified user

 - Parameter uid: The uid of the user whose home directory you wish to retrieve
 - Returns: The home directory of the specified user

 - Throws: `UserInfoError.userDoesNotExist` when there was no user found with the specified uid
 - Throws: `UserInfoError.interruptedBySignal` when the API call was interrupted by a signal handler
 - Throws: `UserInfoError.ioError` when an I/O error occurred during the API call
 - Throws: `UserInfoError.noMoreProcessFileDescriptors` when the process has no more available file descriptors
 - Throws: `UserInfoError.noMoreSystemFileDescriptors` when the system has no more available file descriptors
 - Throws: `UserInfoError.outOfMemory` when there is insufficient memory to allocate the underlying C passwd struct
public func getHome(uid: UID = geteuid()) throws -> DirectoryPath {
    let info = try getUserInfo(uid: uid)
    return try DirectoryPath(String(cString: info.pw_dir)) ?! UserInfoError.invalidHomeDirectory

 Returns information about the user requested

 - Parameter username: The username of the user whose information you wish to retrieve
 - Returns: A Passwd struct containing information about the user. (see getpwnam(3))

 - Throws: `UserInfoError.userDoesNotExist` when there was no user found with the specified username
 - Throws: `UserInfoError.interruptedBySignal` when the API call was interrupted by a signal handler
 - Throws: `UserInfoError.ioError` when an I/O error occurred during the API call
 - Throws: `UserInfoError.noMoreProcessFileDescriptors` when the process has no more available file descriptors
 - Throws: `UserInfoError.noMoreSystemFileDescriptors` when the system has no more available file descriptors
 - Throws: `UserInfoError.outOfMemory` when there is insufficient memory to allocate the underlying C passwd struct
func getUserInfo(username: String) throws -> Passwd {
    // getpwnam(2) documentation says "If one wants to check errno after
    // the call, it should be set to zero before the call."
    errno = 0
    return try getpwnam(username)?.pointee ?! UserInfoError.getError()

 Returns information about the user requested

 - Parameter uid: The uid of the user whose information you wish to retrieve
 - Returns: A Passwd struct containing information about the user. (see getpwuid(3))

 - Throws: `UserInfoError.userDoesNotExist` when there was no user found with the specified uid
 - Throws: `UserInfoError.interruptedBySignal` when the API call was interrupted by a signal handler
 - Throws: `UserInfoError.ioError` when an I/O error occurred during the API call
 - Throws: `UserInfoError.noMoreProcessFileDescriptors` when the process has no more available file descriptors
 - Throws: `UserInfoError.noMoreSystemFileDescriptors` when the system has no more available file descriptors
 - Throws: `UserInfoError.outOfMemory` when there is insufficient memory to allocate the underlying C passwd struct
func getUserInfo(uid: UID) throws -> Passwd {
    // getpwuid(2) documentation says "If one wants to check errno after
    // the call, it should be set to zero before the call."
    errno = 0
    return try getpwuid(uid)?.pointee ?! UserInfoError.getError()

 Returns information about the group requested

 - Parameter groupname: The name of the group whose information you wish to retrieve
 - Returns: A Group struct containing information about the group. (see getgrnam(3))

 - Throws: `GroupInfoError.groupDoesNotExist` when there was no group found with the specified group name
 - Throws: `GroupInfoError.interruptedBySignal` when the API call was interrupted by a signal handler
 - Throws: `GroupInfoError.ioError` when an I/O error occurred during the API call
 - Throws: `GroupInfoError.noMoreProcessFileDescriptors` when the process has no more available file descriptors
 - Throws: `GroupInfoError.noMoreSystemFileDescriptors` when the system has no more available file descriptors
 - Throws: `GroupInfoError.outOfMemory` when there is insufficient memory to allocate the underlying C group struct
func getGroupInfo(groupname: String) throws -> Group {
    // getgrnam(2) documentation says "If one wants to check errno after
    // the call, it should be set to zero before the call."
    errno = 0
    return try getgrnam(groupname)?.pointee ?! GroupInfoError.getError()

 Returns information about the group requested

 - Parameter gid: The gid of the group whose information you wish to retrieve
 - Returns: A Group struct containing information about the group. (see getgrgid(3))

 - Throws: `GroupInfoError.groupDoesNotExist` when there was no group found with the specified gid
 - Throws: `GroupInfoError.interruptedBySignal` when the API call was interrupted by a signal handler
 - Throws: `GroupInfoError.ioError` when an I/O error occurred during the API call
 - Throws: `GroupInfoError.noMoreProcessFileDescriptors` when the process has no more available file descriptors
 - Throws: `GroupInfoError.noMoreSystemFileDescriptors` when the system has no more available file descriptors
 - Throws: `GroupInfoError.outOfMemory` when there is insufficient memory to allocate the underlying C group struct
func getGroupInfo(gid: GID) throws -> Group {
    // getgrgid(2) documentation says "If one wants to check errno after
    // the call, it should be set to zero before the call."
    errno = 0
    return try getgrgid(gid)?.pointee ?! GroupInfoError.getError()