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Test Coverage
#if os(Linux)
import func Glibc.rmdir
import func Darwin.rmdir

extension DirectoryPath: Deletable {
     Deletes the directory

     - Throws: `DeleteDirectoryError.permissionDenied` when the calling process doesn't have write access to the
               directory containing the path or the calling process does not have search permissions to one of the path's
     - Throws: `DeleteDirectoryError.directoryInUse` when the directory is currently in use by the system or some process
               that prevents its removal. On linux this means the path is being used as a mount point or is the root
               directory of the calling process
     - Throws: `DeleteDirectoryError.badAddress` when the path points to a location outside your accessible address space
     - Throws: `DeleteDirectoryError.relativePath` when the last path component is '.'
     - Throws: `DeleteDirectoryError.tooManySymlinks` when too many symlinks were encountered while resolving the path
     - Throws: `DeleteDirectoryError.pathnameTooLong` when the path has more than `PATH_MAX` number of characters
     - Throws: `DeleteDirectoryError.noRouteToPath` when the path could not be resolved
     - Throws: `DeleteDirectoryError.pathComponentNotDirectory` when a component of the path was not a directory
     - Throws: `DeleteDirectoryError.noKernelMemory` when there is no available memory to delete the directory
     - Throws: `DeleteDirectoryError.directoryNotEmpty` when the directory cannot be deleted because it is not empty
     - Throws: `DeleteDirectoryError.readOnlyFileSystem` when the file system is in read-only mode and so the directory
               cannot be deleted
     - Throws: `DeleteDirectoryError.ioError` (macOS only) when an I/O error occurred during the API call
    public mutating func delete() throws {
        guard rmdir(string) != -1 else {
            throw DeleteDirectoryError.getError()