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public extension Deletable where Self: DirectoryEnumerable {
     Recursively deletes every path inside and below self

     - Warning: This cannot be undone and should be used with extreme caution
     - Note: In order to know which paths are being deleted, every directory that is encountered must be opened and, as a
             result, may throw

     - Throws: `OpenDirectoryError.permissionDenied` when the calling process does not have access to the path
     - Throws: `OpenDirectoryError.noProcessFileDescriptors` when the process has used all of its available file
     - Throws: `OpenDirectoryError.noSystemFileDescriptors` when the entire system has run out of available file
     - Throws: `OpenDirectoryError.pathDoesNotExist` when the path does not exist
     - Throws: `OpenDirectoryError.outOfMemory` when there is not enough available memory to open the directory
     - Throws: `OpenDirectoryError.pathNotDirectory` when the path you're trying to open exists and is not a directory.
               This should only occur if your DirectoryPath object was created before the path existed and then the path
               was created as a non-directory path type
     - Throws: `DeleteDirectoryError.permissionDenied` when the calling process doesn't have write access to the
               directory containing the path or the calling process does not have search permissions to one of the path's
     - Throws: `DeleteDirectoryError.directoryInUse` when the directory is currently in use by the system or some process
               that prevents its removal. On linux this means the path is being used as a mount point or is the root
               directory of the calling process
     - Throws: `DeleteDirectoryError.badAddress` when the path points to a location outside your accessible address space
     - Throws: `DeleteDirectoryError.relativePath` when the last path component is '.'
     - Throws: `DeleteDirectoryError.tooManySymlinks` when too many symlinks were encountered while resolving the path
     - Throws: `DeleteDirectoryError.pathnameTooLong` when the path has more than `PATH_MAX` number of characters
     - Throws: `DeleteDirectoryError.noRouteToPath` when the path could not be resolved
     - Throws: `DeleteDirectoryError.pathComponentNotDirectory` when a component of the path was not a directory
     - Throws: `DeleteDirectoryError.noKernelMemory` when there is no available memory to delete the directory
     - Throws: `DeleteDirectoryError.readOnlyFileSystem` when the file system is in read-only mode and so the directory
               cannot be deleted
     - Throws: `DeleteDirectoryError.ioError` (macOS only) when an I/O error occurred during the API call
     - Throws: `GenericDeleteError.cannotDeleteGenericPath` when the path is a type that is not Deletable. If you
               encounter this error, please log an issue on GitHub so I can add support for deleting the path type
     - Throws: `DeleteFileError.permissionDenied` when the calling process does not have write access to the directory
               containing the path or the calling process does not have search permissions to one of the path's
               components or the calling process does not have permission to delete the path
     - Throws: `DeleteFileError.pathInUse` when the path is in use by the system or another process
     - Throws: `DeleteFileError.badAddress` when the path points to a location outside your accessible address space
     - Throws: `DeleteFileError.ioError` when an I/O error occurred
     - Throws: `DeleteFileError.tooManySymlinks` when too many symlinks were encountered while resolving the path
     - Throws: `DeleteFileError.pathnameTooLong` when the path has more than `PATH_MAX` number of characters
     - Throws: `DeleteFileError.noKernelMemory` when there is no available mermory to delete the file
     - Throws: `DeleteFileError.readOnlyFileSystem` when the file system is in read-only mode and so the file cannot be
     - Throws: `CloseFileError.badFileDescriptor` when the file descriptor isn't open or valid (should only occur if
               you're manually closing it outside of the normal Pathman API)
     - Throws: `CloseFileError.interruptedBySignal` when a signal interrupts the API call
     - Throws: `CloseFileError.ioError` when an I/O error occurred during the API call
    mutating func recursiveDelete() throws {
        let childPaths = try children(options: .includeHidden)

        // Delete everything except for directories
        for var path in childPaths.notDirectories {
            try path.delete()

        // Recursively delete any subdirectories
        for var directory in childPaths.directories {
            try directory.recursiveDelete()

        // Now that the directory is empty, delete it
        try delete()