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Test Coverage
#if os(Linux)
import func Glibc.clearerr
import let Glibc.EOF
import func Glibc.feof
import func Glibc.fgetc
import func Glibc.fread
import func Glibc.getline
import func Glibc.ungetc
import func Darwin.clearerr
import let Darwin.EOF
import func Darwin.feof
import func Darwin.fgetc
import func Darwin.fread
import func Darwin.getline
import func Darwin.ungetc
/// The C function used to read from an opened file descriptor
private let cReadFile = fread
private let cIsEOF = feof
private let cClearError = clearerr
private let cGetCharacter = fgetc
private let cUngetCharacter = ungetc
private let cGetLine = getline

import struct Foundation.Data

private var _buffers: [FilePath: UnsafeMutableRawPointer] = [:]
private var _bufferSizes: [FilePath: Int] = [:]

private var alignment = MemoryLayout<CChar>.alignment

extension FilePath: CharacterReadableByOpened, LineReadableByOpened, DefaultReadByteCount {
    /// The buffer used to store data read from a path
    var buffer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer? {
        get { return _buffers[self] }
        nonmutating set {

            guard let newBuffer = newValue else {
                _buffers.removeValue(forKey: self)

            _buffers[self] = newBuffer

    /// The size of the buffer used to store read data
    var bufferSize: Int? {
        get { return _bufferSizes[self] }
        nonmutating set {
            guard let newSize = newValue else {
                _bufferSizes.removeValue(forKey: self)

            buffer = UnsafeMutableRawPointer.allocate(byteCount: newSize, alignment: alignment)
            _bufferSizes[self] = newSize

     Read data from a descriptor

     - Parameter sizeToRead: The number of bytes to read from the descriptor
     - Returns: The Data read from the descriptor

     - Throws: `ReadError.wouldBlock` when the file was opened with the `.nonBlock` flag and the read operation would
     - Throws: `ReadError.badFileDescriptor` when the underlying file descriptor is invalid or not opened
     - Throws: `ReadError.badBufferAddress` when the buffer points to a location outside you accessible address space
     - Throws: `ReadError.interruptedBySignal` when the API call was interrupted by a signal handler
     - Throws: `ReadError.cannotReadFileDescriptor` when the underlying file descriptor is attached to a path which is
               unsuitable for reading or the file was opened with the `.direct` flag and either the buffer addres, the
               byteCount, or the offset are not suitably aligned
     - Throws: `ReadError.ioError` when an I/O error occured during the API call
    public static func read(bytes sizeToRead: ByteRepresentable = FilePath.defaultByteCount,
                            from opened: Open<FilePath>) throws -> Data {
        guard let descriptor = opened.descriptor else {
            throw ClosedDescriptorError.alreadyClosed

        // If we don't have permissions to read then throw
        guard opened.mayRead else {
            throw ReadError.cannotReadFileStream

        // If there's nothing to read, just return
        guard opened.size > 0 else { return Data() }

        let bytes = sizeToRead.bytes
        let bytesToRead = bytes > opened.size ? Int(opened.size) : bytes

        // If we haven't allocated a buffer before, then allocate one now
        if opened.path.buffer == nil {
            opened.path.bufferSize = bytesToRead
            // If the buffer size is less than bytes we're going to read then reallocate the buffer
        } else if let bSize = opened.path.bufferSize, bSize < bytesToRead {
            opened.path.bufferSize = bytesToRead

        // Reading the file returns the number of bytes read (or 0 if there was an error or the eof was encountered)
        let bytesRead = cReadFile(opened.path.buffer!, 1, bytesToRead, descriptor)
        guard bytesRead != 0 || cIsEOF(descriptor) != 0 else {
            throw ReadError()

        // Return the Data read from the descriptor
        return Data(bytes: opened.path.buffer!, count: bytesRead)

    public static func nextLine(strippingNewline: Bool = true, from opened: Open<FilePath>) throws -> Data {
        guard let descriptor = opened.descriptor else {
            throw ClosedDescriptorError.alreadyClosed

        var buffer: [UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>?] = [nil]
        var size = 0
        let bytesRead = cGetLine(&buffer, &size, descriptor)

        // swiftlint:disable identifier_name
        guard let _bytes = buffer.first, let bytes = _bytes else { return Data() }
        // swiftlint:enable identifier_name
        return Data(bytes: bytes, count: strippingNewline ? bytesRead - 1 : bytesRead)

    public static func nextCharacter(from opened: Open<FilePath>) throws -> Character {
        guard let descriptor = opened.descriptor else {
            throw ClosedDescriptorError.alreadyClosed

        // If we don't have permissions to read then throw
        guard opened.mayRead else {
            throw ReadError.cannotReadFileStream

        let char = cGetCharacter(descriptor)

        guard char != EOF else {
            throw ReadError()

        guard let scalar = Unicode.Scalar(Int(char)) else {
            throw CharacterError.invalidUnicodeScalar(char)

        return Character(scalar)

    public static func ungetCharacter(_ character: Character, to opened: Open<FilePath>) throws {
        guard let descriptor = opened.descriptor else {
            throw ClosedDescriptorError.alreadyClosed

        // If we don't have permissions to write then throw
        guard opened.mayWrite else {
            throw WriteError.cannotWriteToFileStream

        for char in character.unicodeScalars {
            let intValue = Int32(char.value)
            guard cUngetCharacter(intValue, descriptor) == intValue else {
                throw WriteError()