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/// A type used to express filesystem paths
public struct GenericPath: Path, ExpressibleByStringLiteral, ExpressibleByArrayLiteral, Comparable {
    public static let pathType: PathType = .unknown

    // swiftlint:disable identifier_name
    public var _path: String

    public let _info: StatInfo
    // swiftlint:enable identifier_name

    public init(_ str: String) {
        if str.count > 1, str.hasSuffix(GenericPath.separator) {
            _path = String(str.dropLast())
        } else {
            _path = str
        _info = StatInfo(_path)
        try? _info.getInfo()

    /// Initialize from an array of path elements
    public init(_ components: [String]) {
        _path = components.filter { comp in
            !comp.isEmpty && comp != GenericPath.separator
        }.joined(separator: GenericPath.separator)
        if let first = components.first, first == GenericPath.separator {
            _path = first + _path
        _info = StatInfo(_path)
        try? _info.getInfo()

    /// Initialize from a variadic array of path elements
    public init(_ components: String...) {

    /// Initialize from a slice of an array of path elements
    public init(_ components: ArraySlice<String>) {

    public init<PathType: Path>(_ path: PathType) {
        _path = path._path
        _info = StatInfo(path)
        try? _info.getInfo()

    /// Initialize from a string literal
    public init(stringLiteral value: String) {

    /// Initialize from a string array literal
    public init(arrayLiteral components: String...) {

    public static func + (lhs: GenericPath, rhs: GenericPath) -> GenericPath {
        var newPath = lhs.string
        let right = rhs.string

        if !newPath.hasSuffix(GenericPath.separator) {
            newPath += GenericPath.separator

        if right.hasPrefix(GenericPath.separator) {
            newPath += right.dropFirst()
        } else {
            newPath += right

        return GenericPath(newPath)

    public static func + (lhs: GenericPath, rhs: String) -> GenericPath {
        return lhs + GenericPath(rhs)

    public static func + (lhs: String, rhs: GenericPath) -> GenericPath {
        return GenericPath(lhs) + rhs

    // swiftlint:disable shorthand_operator
    public static func += (lhs: inout GenericPath, rhs: GenericPath) {
        lhs = lhs + rhs

    public static func += (lhs: inout GenericPath, rhs: String) {
        lhs = lhs + rhs

    // swiftlint:enable shorthand_operator