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#if os(Linux)
import func Glibc.chmod
import func Darwin.chmod

public extension Path {
     Changes the permissions of the path

     - Parameter permissions: The new permissions to use on the path

     - Throws: `ChangePermissionsError.permissionDenied` when the calling process does not have the proper permissions to
                modify path permissions
     - Throws: `ChangePermissionsError.badAddress` when the path points to a location outside your accessible address
     - Throws: `ChangePermissionsError.ioError` when an I/O error occurred during the API call
     - Throws: `ChangePermissionsError.tooManySymlinks` when too many symlinks were encountered while resolving the path
     - Throws: `ChangePermissionsError.pathnameTooLong` when the path has more than `PATH_MAX` number of characters
     - Throws: `ChangePermissionsError.pathDoesNotExist` when the path does not exist
     - Throws: `ChangePermissionsError.noKernelMemory` when there is insufficient memory to change the path's permissions
     - Throws: `ChangePermissionsError.pathComponentNotDirectory` when a component of the path is not a directory
     - Throws: `ChangePermissionsError.readOnlyFileSystem` when the file system is in read-only mode
    mutating func change(permissions: FileMode) throws {
        guard chmod(string, permissions.rawValue) == 0 else {
            throw ChangePermissionsError.getError()