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# Native runtime type checking

Native Models provides a way to map objects in a clean and typed way. The main goal is to ensure runtime type checking and consistent models for APIs.

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## Quick Start

### 1. Install

yarn install nativemodels

### 2. Define your model schema

const { computed, string } = require('nativemodels/datatypes');
const { email } = require('nativemodels/customtypes');

const schema = {
  email: email(),
  firstName: string(),
  fullName: computed((record) => `${record.firstName} ${record.lastName}`),
  lastName: string(),

module.exports = schema;

### 3. Create and consume your model

const { createModel } = require('nativemodels');
const schema = require('./schema');

const userModel = createModel(schema);
const userData = {
  email: '',
  firstName: 'John',
  lastName: 'Smith',

const user = userModel(userData);
 * {
 *     email: '',
 *     firstName: 'John',
 *     fullName: 'John Smith',
 *     lastName: 'Smith',
 * }