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 * This is the settings page and the page where the profile
 * selection is taking place. The various submit buttons
 * it has on this page will be conditionally
 * displayed according to the plguin
 * settings.
 * (array) $profile - This is the connected profile currently
 * being used by the Toplytics Widget. We use this in our
 * template to understand if we are connected and chose
 * an actual profile or not and display the relevant
 * information accordingly.
 * (array) $profiles - These are all the profiles available
 * on the profiles selection screen.
 * (string) $auth - This variable contains the way we have
 * authenticated for the plugin. (public / private)
 * (string) $lastUpdateTime - the date in the proper ISO format
 * which also supports translation.
 * (string) $lastUpdateCount - The number of items updated from
 * analytics on the last update.

<form method="post" action="options.php">
    <?php settings_fields( 'toplytics' ); ?>
    <?php do_settings_sections( 'toplytics' ); ?>
    <?php submit_button(); ?>