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Utilities for working with HathiTrust materials and APIs.
import io
import logging
import os.path
import time
from datetime import datetime

import pymarc
import requests
from cached_property import cached_property
from django.conf import settings
from eulxml import xmlmap
from pairtree import pairtree_client, pairtree_path, storage_exceptions

from ppa import __version__ as ppa_version

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class HathiItemNotFound(Exception):
    """Item not found in bibliographic or data API"""


class HathiItemForbidden(Exception):
    """Permission denied to access item in data API"""


class HathiBaseAPI:
    """Base client class for HathiTrust APIs"""

    #: base api URL for all requests
    api_root = ""

    def __init__(self):
        # create a request session, for request pooling
        self.session = requests.Session()
        # set a user-agent header, but  preserve requests version information
        headers = {
            "User-Agent": "ppa-django/%s (%s)"
            % (ppa_version, self.session.headers["User-Agent"])
        # include technical contact as From header, if set
        tech_contact = getattr(settings, "TECHNICAL_CONTACT", None)
        if tech_contact:
            headers["From"] = tech_contact

    def __del__(self):
        # close the request session

    def _make_request(self, url, params=None):
        """Make a GET request with the configured session. Takes a url
        relative to :attr:`api_root` and optional dictionary of parameters.
        Returns the response for status 200 OK; raises
        :class:`HathiItemNotFound` for 404 and :class:`HathiItemForbidden`
        for 403.
        url = "%s/%s" % (self.api_root, url)
        rqst_opts = {}
        if params:
            rqst_opts["params"] = params

        start = time.time()
        resp = self.session.get(url, **rqst_opts)
        logger.debug("get %s %s: %f sec", url, resp.status_code, time.time() - start)
        if resp.status_code ==
            return resp
        if resp.status_code ==
            raise HathiItemNotFound
        if resp.status_code ==
            raise HathiItemForbidden

class HathiBibliographicAPI(HathiBaseAPI):
    """Wrapper for HathiTrust Bibliographic API.

    api_root = ""

    def _get_record(self, mode, id_type, id_value):
        url = "volumes/%(mode)s/%(id_type)s/%(id_value)s.json" % {
            "mode": mode,
            "id_type": id_type,
            "id_value": id_value,  # NOTE: / in ark ids is *not* escaped
        resp = self._make_request(url)
        # for an invalid id, hathi seems to return a 200 ok
        # but json has no records
        if not resp.json().get("records", None):
            raise HathiItemNotFound
        return HathiBibliographicRecord(resp.json())

    def brief_record(self, id_type, id_value):
        """Get brief record by id type and value.

        :returns: :class:`HathiBibliographicRecord`
        :raises: :class:`HathiItemNotFound`
        return self._get_record("brief", id_type, id_value)

    def record(self, id_type, id_value):
        """Get full record by id type and value.

        :returns: :class:`HathiBibliographicRecord`
        :raises: :class:`HathiItemNotFound`
        return self._get_record("full", id_type, id_value)

    # also possible: get multiple records at once

class HathiBibliographicRecord:
    """Representation of a HathiTrust bibliographic record."""

    def __init__(self, data):
        self._data = data
        # for a single bib api json result, we only want the first item
        self.record_id = list(data["records"].keys())[0] = list(data["records"].values())[0]

    def title(self):
        """First title (standard title)"""
        # returns list of titles - standard title; could also have
        # title without leading article and other language titles

    def pub_dates(self):
        """list of available publication dates"""

    def copy_details(self, htid):
        """Details for a specific copy identified by hathi id"""
        for item in self._data["items"]:
            if item["htid"] == htid:
                return item

    def copy_last_updated(self, htid):
        """Return last update date for a specificy copy identified by
        hathi id.  Returns as :class:``"""
        # get last update from copy details
        last_update = self.copy_details(htid)["lastUpdate"]
        # use datetime to parse, then return just thed ate
        return datetime.strptime(last_update, "%Y%m%d").date()

    def marcxml(self):
        """Record marcxml if included (full records only), as an instance of
        marcxml = self._data["records"][self.record_id].get("marc-xml", None)
        if marcxml:
            return pymarc.parse_xml_to_array(io.StringIO(marcxml))[0]

class _METS(xmlmap.XmlObject):
    """Base :class:`~eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject`. with METS namespace configured"""

    ROOT_NAMESPACES = {"m": ""}

class StructMapPage(_METS):
    """Single logical page within a METS StructMap"""

    #: page order
    order = xmlmap.IntegerField("@ORDER")
    #: page label
    label = xmlmap.StringField("@LABEL")
    #: order label
    orderlabel = xmlmap.StringField("@ORDERLABEL")
    #: identifier for a text or ocr file, from a file pointer
    text_file_id = xmlmap.StringField(
        'm:fptr/@FILEID[contains(., "TXT") or contains(. , "OCR")]'

    ## example struct map page
         <METS:fptr FILEID="HTML00000001"/>
         <METS:fptr FILEID="TXT00000001"/>
         <METS:fptr FILEID="IMG00000001"/>
       <METS:file SIZE="1003" ID="HTML00000496" MIMETYPE="text/html" CREATED="2017-03-20T10:40:21Z"
         CHECKSUM="f0a326c10b2a6dc9ae5e3ede261c9897" SEQ="00000496" CHECKSUMTYPE="MD5">
    """  # noqa: E501

    def display_label(self):
        """page display labeel; use order label if present; otherwise use order"""
        return self.orderlabel or str(self.order)

    def text_file(self):
        """:class:`METSFiile` corresponding to the text file pointer for this page"""
        return METSFile(
                '//m:file[@ID="%s"]' % self.text_file_id,

    def text_file_location(self):
        """location for the text file"""
        return self.text_file.location

class METSFile(_METS):
    """File location information within a METS document."""

    #: xml identifier
    id = xmlmap.StringField("@ID")
    #: sequence attribute
    sequence = xmlmap.StringField("@SEQ")
    #: file location
    location = xmlmap.StringField("m:FLocat/@xlink:href")
    # example file
    """<METS:file SIZE="1" ID="TXT00000001" MIMETYPE="text/plain"
        CREATED="2016-06-24T09:04:15Z" CHECKSUM="68b329da9893e34099c7d8ad5cb9c940"
        SEQ="00000001" CHECKSUMTYPE="MD5">

class MinimalMETS(_METS):
    """Minimal :class:`~eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject` for METS that maps only
    what is needed to support page indexing for :mod:`ppa`."""

    #: list of struct map pages as :class:`StructMapPage`
    structmap_pages = xmlmap.NodeListField(
        'm:structMap[@TYPE="physical"]//m:div[@TYPE="page"]', StructMapPage

class HathiObject:
    """An object for working with a HathiTrust item with data in a
    locally configured pairtree datastore."""

    # Pairtree version statement usd by pairtree package
    pairtree_version_stmt = (
        "This directory conforms to Pairtree Version 0.1. Updated spec: "
        + ""

    def __init__(self, hathi_id):
        # HathiTrust record id
        self.hathi_id = hathi_id
        # Identifiers for owning institution and volume which form the overall
        # HathiTrust record id: [lib_id].[vol_id]
        self.lib_id, self.vol_id = hathi_id.split(".", 1)
        # Pairtree prefix
        self.pairtree_prefix = f"{self.lib_id}."
        # Content directory for this work within the appropriate pairtree
        # which is based on a pairtree encoded version of the volume id
        self.content_dir = pairtree_path.id_encode(self.vol_id)

    def pairtree_client(self):
        """Initialize a pairtree client for the pairtree datastore this
        object belongs to, based on its HathiTrust record id."""
        store_dir = os.path.join(settings.HATHI_DATA, self.lib_id)

        # Check if store_dir exists, check if pairtree files exist
        if os.path.isdir(store_dir):
            # Check if "pairtree_prefix" file exists. If not, create it.
            pairtree_prefix_fn = os.path.join(store_dir, "pairtree_prefix")
            if not os.path.isfile(pairtree_prefix_fn):
                with open(pairtree_prefix_fn, mode="w") as writer:
            # Check if "pairtree_version0_1" file exists. If not, create it.
            # Note: Mimicking paitree packages behavior. File contents are not
            #       actually verified
            pairtree_vn_fn = os.path.join(store_dir, "pairtree_version0_1")
            if not os.path.isfile(pairtree_vn_fn):
                with open(pairtree_vn_fn, mode="w") as writer:

        return pairtree_client.PairtreeStorageClient(

    def pairtree_object(self, ptree_client=None, create=False):
        """get a pairtree object for this record

        :param ptree_client: optional
            :class:`pairtree_client.PairtreeStorageClient` if one has
            already been initialized, to avoid repeated initialization
            (currently used in hathi_import manage command)
        if ptree_client is None:
            # get pairtree client if not passed in
            ptree_client = self.pairtree_client()

        # return the pairtree object for current work
        return ptree_client.get_object(self.vol_id, create_if_doesnt_exist=create)

    def delete_pairtree_data(self):
        """Delete pairtree object from the pairtree datastore.""""Deleting pairtree data for %s", self.hathi_id)
        except storage_exceptions.ObjectNotFoundException:
            # data is already gone; warn, but not an error
                "Pairtree deletion failed; object not found %s", self.hathi_id

    def _content_path(self, ext, ptree_client=None):
        """path to zipfile within the hathi contents for this work"""
        pairtree_obj = self.pairtree_object(ptree_client=ptree_client)
        # - expect a mets file and a zip file
        # NOTE: not yet making use of the metsfile
        # - don't rely on them being returned in the same order on every machine
        parts = pairtree_obj.list_parts(self.content_dir)
        # find the first zipfile in the list (should only be one)
        filepaths = [part for part in parts if part.endswith(ext)]
        if not filepaths:
            # An error has occurred -- there is no zip file here in parts
            raise storage_exceptions.PartNotFoundException
        return os.path.join(
            pairtree_obj.id_to_dirpath(), self.content_dir, filepaths[0]

    def zipfile_path(self, ptree_client=None):
        """path to zipfile within the hathi contents for this work"""
        return self._content_path("zip", ptree_client=ptree_client)

    def metsfile_path(self, ptree_client=None):
        """path to mets xml file within the hathi contents for this work"""
        return self._content_path(".mets.xml", ptree_client=ptree_client)

    def mets_xml(self) -> MinimalMETS:
        """load METS xml file from pairtree and initialize as an instance
        of :class:`MinimalMETS`

        :rtype: :class:`MinimalMETS`
        :raises: :class:`storage_exceptions.ObjectNotFoundException` if the
            object is not found in pairtree storage
        :raises: :class:`storage_exceptions.PartNotFoundException` if the
            mets.xml flie is not found in pairtree storage for this object
        return xmlmap.load_xmlobject_from_file(self.metsfile_path(), MinimalMETS)