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Test Coverage
{% comment %}
Page preview snippet displays page thumbnail and highlight text from
keyword search.  Used on both DigitizedWork list and detail views.

Expected context variables:
  - item_id: source id for the work the page belongs to
  - page: page result with page.order attribute (page label/order, for determining thumbnail url)
  - highlights: dictionary of Solr highlighting results
{% endcomment %}
{% load ppa_tags %}
<div class="page">
  {% if source == 'HathiTrust' %}
    {% hathi_page_url item_id page.order as page_link %}
  {% elif source == 'Gale' %}
    {% gale_page_url source_url page.order as page_link %}
  {# currently no other sources with page level content, so no other case needed #}
  {% endif %}
    <div class="preview">
        <a href="{{ page_link }}"
          target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
          {% if source == 'HathiTrust' %}
          {% page_image_url item_id page.order 225 as 1x_img %}
          {% page_image_url item_id page.order 450 as 2x_img %}
          {# img with data-src/srcset attributes for lazy-loading  #}
          <img data-src="{{ 1x_img }}" data-srcset="{{ 1x_img}}, {{ 2x_img }} 2x"
              alt="page {{ page.label }}"/>
            {# noscript image for fallback when javascript is disabled #}
            <img src="{{ 1x_img }}" srcset="{{ 1x_img}}, {{ 2x_img }} 2x"
              alt="page {{ page.label }}"/>
          {% elif source == 'Gale' %}
          {# NOTE: may want to move to a template tag at some point #}
          {% with 2x_img=""|add:image_id|add:"?format=png&boundbox=725+450" 1x_img=""|add:image_id|add:"?format=png&boundbox=225+350" %}
          <img src="{{ 1x_img }}" srcset="{{ 1x_img}}, {{ 2x_img }} 2x"
              alt="page {{ page.label }}"/>
          {% endwith %}
          {% endif %}
    {% if page.title %}<a>p. {{ page.title }}</a>{% endif %}
    <div class="snippets">
          <p class="page-number">
            <a href="{{ page_link }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
              p. {{ page.label }}
        {% for snippet in highlights.content %}
        <p class="snippet">{{ snippet|solr_highlight }}</p>
        {% endfor %}