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# Printfection Ruby API [![Build Status](]( [![Code Climate](]( [![Test Coverage](](

Implementation of the [Printfection API]( for Ruby.

At a high level, the Printfection API can be used to create, modify, place, and cancel orders. `Orders` are made up of a set of line items and a shipping address, but orders also expose detailed information about their products, sizes, assets, quantities, and availability.

`Campaigns` are logical groups of items used to organize your orders. Orders are always associated to exactly one campaign, and only items associated to a given campaign can be placed in an order in the same campaign. For example, your company's marketing department might have a Giveaway campaign with coffee mugs to reward loyal customers, and your engineering department might have a Purchase campaign with nerdy swag to outfit new hires.

Some campaigns have special abilities. Orders in `giveaway` and `freeforall` campaigns have a code and a web URL that can be used to redeem (i.e. place) that order. Orders in `freeforall` campaigns can be a gift and include a gift message.

You can read the full API documentation and object reference [here](

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'printfection'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install printfection

## Usage

First, configure your API token. This can be found in your account on [](

require "printfection"

Printfection.api_token = "e3ce1ddf152d5533ca4a3d3543006bac6d57b2ac"

If you're using Rails, `config/initializers/printfection.rb` is a good place for this.

### Retrieving an order

order = Printfection::Order.retrieve(5)

### Listing all orders

orders = Printfection::Order.all
orders = Printfection::Order.all limit: 5, offset: 10

By default, list calls are automatically paginated and limited to 100 objects per request.

### Creating an order

At a minimum, a new order can be created with just a `campaign_id`:

order = Printfection::Order.create(campaign_id: 1)
  #=> #<Printfection::Order id: 1, campaign_id: 1>

Once you have created an order, you can then begin adding line items. A line item requires an `item_id`, `quantity`, and a `size_id` if the item has sizes.

# Creating a line item with a size.
  item_id: 1,
  size_id: 2,
  quantity: 3
  #=> #<Printfection::LineItem id: 1, order_id: 1, item_id: 1, size_id: 2, quantity: 3>

# Creating a line item without a size.
  item_id: 2,
  quantity: 6
  #=> #<Printfection::LineItem id: 2, order_id: 1, item_id: 2, quantity: 6>


You can retrieve existing line items to update them:

line_item = order.line_items.retrieve(1)
  #=> #<Printfection::LineItem id: 1, order_id: 1, item_id: 1, quantity: 3>

line_item.quantity = 12
  #=> true

  #=> 12

And delete them:

line_item = order.line_items.retrieve(2)
  #=> #<Printfection::LineItem id: 2, order_id: 1, item_id: 2, quantity: 6>

  #=> true

Provide a shipping address for the order.

order = Printfection::Order.retrieve(1)
  #=> #<Printfection::Order id: 1 ...>

order.ship_to = {
  name: "Joseph Schmo",
  address: "123 Main Street",
  address2: "Suite 101",
  company: "ACME Inc.",
  city: "Denver",
  state: "Colorado",
  zip: "80202",
  country: "United States"
  #=> true

Whoops, that should be shipped to Sally.

```ruby = "Sally Schmo"
  #=> true

Finally, when you are finished building the order, place it:

order = Printfection::Order.retrieve(1)
  #=> true

Or cancel it:

order = Printfection::Order.retrieve(1)
  #=> true

### Retrieving an item

item = Printfection::Item.retrieve(1)
  #=> #<Printfection::Item id: 1 ...> #=> "My Awesome T-Shirt"
item.color #=> "Green" #=> "American Apparel 50/50 T-Shirt"

  #=> [#<Printfection::Campaign id: 1 ...>, #<Printfection::Campaign id: 2 ...>]

  #=> [#<Printfection::Size id: 1 ...>, #<Printfection::Size id: 2 ...>]

  #=> [#<Printfection::Asset id: 1 ...>, #<Printfection::Asset id: 2 ...>]


### Listing all items

items = Printfection::Items.all
  #=> [#<Printfection::Item id: 1 ...>, #<Printfection::Item id: 2 ...>]

### Retrieving a campaign

campaign = Printfection::Campaign.retrieve(1)
  #=> #<Printfection::Campaign id: 1 ...> #=> "My Awesome T-Shirt"
campaign.type #=> "giveaway" #=> "My Awesome Giveaway Campaign" #=> true


### Listing all campaigns

campaigns = Printfection::Campaign.all
  #=> [#<Printfection::Campaign id: 1 ...>, #<Printfection::Campaign id: 2 ...>]

Printfection objects expose all JSON data from the API responses as accessor methods. The full API documentation can be [found here](

For additional examples, check out out the [examples directory](examples).

## Errors

Our API bindings can raise exceptions for many reasons, such as a trying to place an incomplete order, invalid parameters, authentication errors, and network unavailability.

Most API errors are captured and raised as a `Printfection::Error`. This makes it easy to gracefully handle exceptions.

  order = Printfection::Order.create(campaign_id: 1)
  # This order does not have any line items and
  # does not have a shipping address,
  # so trying to place this order will raise.
rescue Printfection::Error => e
  # Something went wrong placing this order.
  puts e.message
rescue StandardError => e
  # Something else went wrong.
  puts e.message

## License


## Issues & Support


## Contributing

1. Fork it ( )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create a new Pull Request