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# Changelog for @jsbits

The format of this document is based on [Keep a Changelog](

## \[Unreleased]

### Added

- Codacy exclussions.

### Changed

- Makes homepage of package.json point to subrepo.

### Fixed

- Linting errors.

## \[1.1.3] - 2018-12-29

### Added

- `easterDay` function, to calculate Easter day dates.
- Badge for bundle size in the Readme of subrepos.
- BrowserStack image.

### Changed

- Replace the BSD license with the MIT license.
- Bumb new versions in the suprepos.
- Update Readme to reflect the global changes.
- Update hading of Changelogs.
- Update markdownlint config.
- Update devDependencies
- Keep Rollup v6.8, not all its plugins are prepared for v1
- revised jscc templates for current jscc API style.
- minor changes to .gitignore

### Removed

- Codebeat badge and files.

## \[1.1.2] - 2018-12-06

### Added

- Add markdownlint rules in .markdownlint.json
- benchmark package, to test performance.
- Add AppVeyor CI test.
- Updated devDependencies, build requeriments is node 6.14

### Fixed

- Remove trailing comma in tsconfigs, to make happy json linter.

### Removed

- The script "start" of package.json, it has issues with ts-node and mocha definitions.

## \[1.1.1] - 2018-11-16

### Added

- Codebeat exclussions for some scripts.
- Yarn workspaces, to allow per subrepo testing.

Changes on templates and additional files on suprepos allows granular development and testing.

### Changed

- Per subrepo Changelog.
- More strict ESLint rules.
- Links to functions in the main Readme go to subrepo Readme.

From this version, changes that affect the generated code will also be recorded in the Changelog of the affected subrepos.

### Fixed

- Issues with codebeat linters.
- Fix script for function list creation, to avoid markdown lint warnings.

## \[1.1.0] 2018-11-12

### Added

- Add .gitignore to subrepos, just to comply with best practices.
- Badges to Readme in the subrepos
- Typings to the prototype methods, if required.
- Support for replacements with unescaped strings in the wrappers.

### Changed

- Now the exports are named functions (useful for debugging).

- add-months: proto.js injects the setters `addMonths` and `addUTCMonths`.

  This goes more according to how the rest of the `Date.prototype` methods work. Because the 1.0 is a version without diffusion, the change is made in the minor version.

- Test for Date.prototype.addMonths now works w/the new specs.

- add-months: Only works with Date and number types.

  The behavior of the Date constructor with a string parameter is inconsistent, ven in node.js (v6 _always_ treat full ISO without timezone as UTC).

### Fixed

- Wrong export in typings, now CJS build is done with TS and generates proto.

  index.d.ts had an incorrect `export`, now the CJS build is done without Rollup, which does not work with the `export =` syntax of TS.
  Also, the tests failed after a "clean" when not finding proto.js; now they are generated during the CJS build.

- escape-regex-str: Bad written example, showing incorrect result.

- Issues with markdown linter.

- Coverage reports working.

- Test and examples of add-months

## \[1.0.0] - 2018-11-09

First public release, with 5 functions, CI tests and 100% coverage.