import {Module} from '../Module.js';
import {events} from './DataSourcesEvents.js';
import {default as PubSub} from 'pubsub-js';
// # Kronicle.DataSource class
// depends: [Kronicle.Module](Module.html), [Kronicle.DataSourcesEvents](DataSourcesEvents.html), pubsub-js
// This class is used to implement a CRUD datasource for use in Kronicle.
// The constructor takes an args object which has the following properties:
// - source - a datasource implementation.
// - name - the name of the datasource.
export class DataSource extends Module {
constructor(args = {source: undefined, name: ''}) {
let emptySource = {
login: (user, pass, cb) => { cb(); return; },
create: (item, cb) => { cb(); return; },
update: (item, cb) => { cb(); return; },
remove: (item, cb) => { cb(); return; },
get: (item, cb) => { cb(); return; }
this.source = args.source || emptySource;
return this;
// ## login method
// This is impemented in the source if the datasource requires a login.
// The method takes three arguments
// - user - the username needed for login.
// - pass - the password needed for login.
// - cb - the callback to be called after login attempt, this is passed two arguments
// - err - if an error is caused by the login attemp.
// - data - a successful login data object, often the user or token used in an API
// An OnLogin event is triggered after the attempt, it's passed the user and pass arguments.
login(user, pass, cb) {
this.source.login(user, pass, (err, data) => {
this._doCbIfExists(cb, err, data);
PubSub.publish(events.OnLogin, user, pass, events.OnLogin);
// ## create method
// This method is implemented in the source to create a new source item.
// The method takes two arguments
// - item - the item to be created.
// - cb - the callback to be called after creation, this is passed two arguments
// - err - if an error is caused by the creation attempt.
// - data - a successfully created item.
// An OnCreate event is triggered after the attempt, it's passed the item as an argument.
create(item, cb) {
this.source.create(item, (err, data) => {
this._doCbIfExists(cb, err, data);
PubSub.publish(events.OnCreate, item, events.OnCreate);
// ## update method
// This method is implemented in the source to update a source item.
// The method takes two arguments
// - item - the item to be updaed.
// - cb - the callback to be called after the update, this is passed two arguments
// - err - if an error is caused by the update attempt.
// - data - a successfully updated item.
// An OnUpdate event is triggered after the attempt, it's passed the item as an argument.
update(item, cb) {
this.source.update(item, (err, data) => {
this._doCbIfExists(cb, err, data);
PubSub.publish(events.OnUpdate, item, events.OnUpdate);
// ## remove method
// This method is implemented in the source to remove a source item.
// The method takes two arguments
// - item - the item to be removed.
// - cb - the callback to be called after the removal, this is passed two arguments
// - err - if an error is caused by the removal attempt.
// - data - a successfully removed item.
// An OnRemove event is triggered after the attempt, it's passed the item as an argument.
remove(item, cb) {
this.source.remove(item, (err, data)=> {
this._doCbIfExists(cb, err, data);
PubSub.publish(events.OnRemove, item, events.OnRemove);
// ## get method
// This method is implemented in the source to get a source item.
// The method takes two arguments
// - item - the item to get.
// - cb - the callback to be called after attempting to get the item, this is passed two arguments
// - err - if an error is caused by the get attempt.
// - data - a successfully retrieved item.
// An OnGet event is triggered after the attempt, it's passed the item as an argument.
get(item, cb) {
this.source.get(item, (err, data) => {
this._doCbIfExists(cb, err, data);
PubSub.publish(events.OnGet, item, events.OnGet);
// ## onLogin method
// This method is used as a hook into the OnLogin event.
// It is passed one argument:
// - cb - the callback to be called after a login attemp, it's passed the following arguments.
// - user - the username of the attempt.
// - pass - the password of the attempt.
onLogin(cb) {
PubSub.subscribe(events.OnLogin, cb);
// ## onCreate method
// This method is used as a hook into the OnCreate event.
// It is passed one argument:
// - cb - the callback to be called after a create attempt, it's passed the following argument
// - item - the item that was attempted to be created.
onCreate(cb) {
PubSub.subscribe(events.OnCreate, cb);
// ## onUpdate method
// This method is used as a hook into the OnUpdate event.
// It is passed one argument:
// - cb - the callback to be called after an update attempt, it's passed the following argument
// - item - the item that was attempted to be updated.
onUpdate(cb) {
PubSub.subscribe(events.OnUpdate, cb);
// ## onRemove method
// This method is used as a hook into the OnRemove event.
// It is passed one argument:
// - cb - the callback to be called after a removal attempt, it's passed the following argument
// - item - the item that was attempted to be removed.
onRemove(cb) {
PubSub.subscribe(events.OnRemove, cb);
// ## onGet method
// This method is used as a hook into the OnGet event.
// It is passed one argument:
// - cb - the callback to be called after a retrieval attempt, it's passed the following argument
// - item - the item that was attempted to be retrieved.
onGet(cb) {
PubSub.subscribe(events.OnGet, cb);
// ## _doCBIfExists
// This method is to be used internally and not meant to be used by consuming modules.
// This method checks if a callback exists and if so, calls it with err and data arguments passed to it.
// It take three arguments:
// - cb - the callback to check and call if exists.
// - err - an error to be passed to the callback if exists.
// - data - the data to be passed to the callback if exists.
_doCbIfExists(cb, err, data) {
cb(err, data);