Entropy is the worlds first DAO controlled
fleet of sailing hackspaces.
%h3 Funds
%strong 132
%span.text-muted Ether
.progress-bar.progress-bar-warning{ style: "width: 2%" }
%h3 Citizens
%strong --
.progress-bar{ style: "width: 2%" }
%h3 Active Actions
%strong --
%h3 Status
%strong alpha
%a.portfolio-box{:href => "#"}
= image_tag "Token_GetName.png", class: "img-responsive"
Have your name written on the boat, among all other citizens
%a.portfolio-box{:href => "#"}
= image_tag "Token_ComeAboard.png", class: "img-responsive"
Come aboard and help sail the boats in the Entropy fleet around the
%a.portfolio-box{:href => "#"}
= image_tag "Token_Incubator.png", class: "img-responsive"
Float ideas to the onboard incubator, grow projects onboard
%a.portfolio-box{:href => "#"}
= image_tag "Token_Route.png", class: "img-responsive"
Direct the fleet, suggest where we go and what we do there
%h2.section-heading Mission
We have a shared passion for the emerging decentralised movement and
are embarking on a global voyage to explore how new technology can be
used to create a more equal and sustainable society for all.
%h2.section-heading Decentralized, OpenSource Freedom
%p.lead Community Hub | Hackspace | Blockchain Incubator
Dramatically bringing the intangible right to the heart of major
cities around the world, with an onboard crypto cafe, incubator,
hackspace and global fairtrade goods delivery.
%h2.section-heading The Entropy DAO
= image_tag 'entropyDappDesc.png', class: "img-responsive wow fadeIn"
Anyone can become part of Entropy, all citizens share equal
control over where Entropy goes, it's purpose and what the community
is aiming for. As the project grows, we can support more vessels in
the fleet.
= image_tag 'world_map_2.png', class: "img-responsive wow fadeIn"
%h2.section-heading Route
The Entropy Fleet steadily heads West on a schedule directed and voted
for by the community, avoiding storm seasons while harnessing the
natural trade winds.
The community decides the next port of call and what happens there -
be it an Ethereum Beach Party, rebuilding a disaster struck region or
a cinema night projected onto the sail.
%h2.section-heading Goals
The following objectives define the initial purpose of the project,
but as the community grows these may be extended, added to, removed or
changed by Entropy holders.
Anyone can join the community with not only a say in what is done and
where it goes, but they can volunteer to help sail there.
%h3 Sustainability
%li.text-muted.lead Less Than Zero Energy Impact, Communications & Movement
%li.text-muted.lead Innovate from Waste Materials in the Onboard Hackspace
%li.text-muted.lead Re-establish Long Forgotten Trade Routes based on Fairness and Equality
.text-center{"data-wow-delay" => ".1s", :style => "visibility: visible; animation-delay: 0.1s; animation-name: bounceIn;"}
%h3 Dreaming
%li.text-muted.lead Explore possibilities created by emergent technology
%li.text-muted.lead Inspire people to make the changes they can bring to the world - dream big
%li.text-muted.lead Allow people to experience what’s possible: every citizen has the opportunity to come aboard
.text-center{"data-wow-delay" => ".2s", :style => "visibility: visible; animation-delay: 0.2s; animation-name: bounceIn;"}
%h3 New Paths
%li.text-muted.lead Experiment with different organisation structures
%li.text-muted.lead Model DAO - see what’s possible, recyclable for other projects
%li.text-muted.lead 100% Transparency - Decisions, Finances, Collaboration - We believe in transparent organisation
.text-center{"data-wow-delay" => ".3s"}
%h3 Just the Beginning
%p.text-muted.lead Entropy is part of an emerging fleet, heading under full sail into the unknown of the new world
= image_tag "sails_up.jpg", class: "img-responsive project-image"
The Boat
Quiet, Relaxed, EcoFriendly, Entropy 01 is large enough to host events and comfortable enough to travel on aroud the world.
= image_tag "makerspace_1.jpg", class: "img-responsive project-image"
Full onboard workshop, 3d Printing, IoT components, everything you need to learn and experiment with blockchain together with plenty of fresh coffee
= image_tag "decentralised.png", class: "img-responsive project-image"
Funding, planning and running Entropy is pushing the boundaries of what an organisation can be, building Open Source projects to help others follow the same path
%h2.section-heading Guardians
%p We're an enthusiastic and friendly group of technologists, creatives, environmentalists and dreamers
= image_tag "helena_1.jpg", class: "img-responsive profile_pic"
%p Helena Teichrib
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= image_tag "lucas_1.jpg", class: "img-responsive profile_pic"
%p Lucas Tauil De Freitas
%a{:href => ""}
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= image_tag "anne_2.png", class: "img-responsive profile_pic"
%p Anne Schön
%a{:href => ""}
= image_tag "joran_rain.png", class: "img-responsive profile_pic"
%p Joran Kikke
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%a{:href => "ỏ͕̉r͕̻͕̉̉̉ả̻͕̉n-kikke-0b08065"}
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