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using Promact.Core.Repository.AttachmentRepository;
using Promact.Core.Repository.LeaveReportRepository;
using Promact.Erp.DomainModel.Models;
using Promact.Erp.Util.StringConstants;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Web.Http;

namespace Promact.Erp.Core.Controllers
    public class LeaveReportController : BaseController
        #region Private Variables 
        private readonly ILeaveReportRepository _leaveReport;
        private readonly IAttachmentRepository _attachmentRepository;
        private readonly ApplicationUserManager _userManager;

        #region Constructor
        public LeaveReportController(ILeaveReportRepository leaveReport, IAttachmentRepository attachmentRepository,
            ApplicationUserManager userManager, IStringConstantRepository stringConstant) : base(stringConstant)
            _leaveReport = leaveReport;
            _attachmentRepository = attachmentRepository;
            _userManager = userManager;

        #region Public methods
       * @api {get} api/leaveReport
       * @apiVersion 1.0.0
       * @apiName GetLeaveReport
       * @apiGroup LeaveReport    
       * @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
       * HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
       * {
       *     "Description":"A report will be generated based on the leave status of all the employees"
       *     "EmployeeId" : "2d5f21e0-f7e7-4027-85ad-3faf8e1bf8bf"
       *     "EmployeeName" : "Gourav Agarwal"
       *     "EmployeeUserName" : ""
       *     "TotalSickLeave" : "7"
       *     "TotalCasualLeave" : "14"
       *     "UtilisedCasualLeave" : "5"
       *     "BalanceCasualLeave" :  "9"
       *     "UtilisedSickLeave" : "2"
       *     "BalanceSickLeave" :  "5"
       *     "Role" : "Employee"
       * }
        public async Task<IHttpActionResult> LeaveReportAsync()
            return Ok(await _leaveReport.LeaveReportAsync(GetUserId(User.Identity)));

        * @api {get} api/leaveReport/{id}
        * @apiVersion 1.0 
        * @apiName GetLeaveReportDetails
        * @apiGroup LeaveReport
        * @apiParam {string} id    
        * @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
        * HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
        * {
        *     "Description":"A report will be generated based on the leaves taken by a particular employee "
        *     "EmployeeName" : "Gourav Agarwal"
        *     "EmployeeUserName" : ""
        *     "LeaveFrom" : "21/5/16"
        *     "StartDay" : "Monday"
        *     "LeaveUpto" : "23/5/16"
        *     "EndDay" : "Wednesday"
        *     "Reason" : "Marriage"
        *     "Type" : "cl"
        * }
        public async Task<IHttpActionResult> LeaveReportDetailsAsync(string id)
            if (id != null)
                return Ok(await _leaveReport.LeaveReportDetailsAsync(id));
                return BadRequest();
