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Test Coverage
  config_read: read role configuration
  config_write: write role configuration
  auth_read: read role assignment permissions
  auth_write: write role assignment permissions
  list_members: list role members
  roles_clone: clones existing roles

  roles: manage roles
  roles_config: role configuration
  roles_auth: configure role assignment authorizations
  roles_auth_add: add a new role assignment authorization
  roles_auth_remove: remove a role assignment authorization
  roles_add: assign a role to a member
  roles_clone: clone an existing role
  roles_remove: remove a role from a member
  roles_perma_add: assign a role permanently to a member
  roles_perma_unset: remove the perma flag from a member role
  roles_perma_remove: remove a perma role from a member
  roles_list: list all members with a specific role
  roles_perma_list: list all permanent role assignments

roles: Roles
configure_role: configure {} role
role_not_set: ":x: Role not set."
role_set: "Role has been set successfully. :white_check_mark:"
log_role_set: "**{} role** has been **set to** {} ({})"

role_auth: Role Assignment Authorizations
no_role_auth: No role assignment authorizations have been created yet.
role_auths: Role Authorizations
user_auths: User Authorizations
no_auth_for_bots: You cannot authorize bots to assign roles.
role_auth_already_exists: Role assignment authorization already exists.
role_auth_created: Role assignment authorization has been created successfully.
log_role_auth_created: Role assignment authorization `@{}` -> `@{}` has been created.
role_auth_not_found: Role assignment authorization does not exist.
role_auth_removed: Role assignment authorization has been removed successfully.
log_role_auth_removed: Role assignment authorization `@{}` -> `@{}` has been removed.
role_not_authorized: You are not allowed to manage this role.
member_list: Member List
  one: "Member List of @{} ({cnt} Member)"
  many: "Member List of @{} ({cnt} Members)"
member_list_line: ":small_orange_diamond: {} ({})"
no_members: No member was found with this role.
role_already_assigned: Role has already been assigned to this member.
role_not_assigned: Role has not yet been assigned to this member.
added_perma_role: Role {} has been permanently assigned to {} ({}).
removed_perma_role: Perma role {} has been removed from {} ({}).
cannot_remove_perma: This role has been permanently assigned to this member and can therefore only be removed by using the `{}roles perma_remove` command.
perma_reassigned: Perma role {} has been reassigned to {} ({}). If you want to remove this role, please use the `{}roles perma_remove` command.
no_perma_roles: No permanent role assignments.
perma_roles: Permanent Role Assignments
could_not_reassign: Could not reassign perma role {} to {} ({}).
clone_no_permission: I cannot clone this role because I do not have `manage_roles` permission on this server.
failed_to_clone_role_permissions: ":warning: Could not clone following permissions:"