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Test Coverage
  read: List and view custom commands
  write: Create, edit and delete custom commands

  custom_commands: Manage custom commands
  add: |
    Create a new custom command
    Go to {}, compose your message, click on `Share Message` and copy the link.
  show: Show details about a given custom command
  test: Send the message of a given custom command into the current channel without mentioning any user or role
  edit_: Edit a given custom command
    enabled: Enable/disable a custom command
    name: Change the name of a custom command
    description: Change the description of a custom command
    channel_parameter_enabled: |
      Enable/disable the `channel` parameter of a custom command

      :warning: **Enabling this parameter allows any user who can execute this command to send the configured message to any channel in which the bot has `send_messages` permission!**
    channel: Specify a text channel into which the message of a custom command should be sent
    delete_command: Delete the command message after the custom command has been executed successfully
    permission_level: Set the minimum permission level required to execute this custom command
    requires_confirmation: Enable/disable a confirmation message before sending the message of the custom command
    user_parameter: Enable/disable the `user` parameter of a custom command
    data: |
      Change the message content of this custom command
      Go to {}, compose your message, click on `Share Message` and copy the link.
      To load the current message content, use the `cc show` command.
  alias: Create an alias for a given custom command
  unalias: Delete a given custom command alias
  remove: Delete a given custom command

not_found: Custom command does not exist!
custom_commands: Custom Commands
custom_command: Custom Command
not_allowed: You are not allowed to manage this custom command!
not_allowed_permission_level: You are not allowed to manage this permission level!
no_custom_commands: No custom commands have been created yet.
message: Message
name: Name
aliases: Aliases
description: Description
channel_parameter: Channel Parameter
channel: Channel
delete_command: Delete command after successful execution
required_permission_level: Required Permission Level
requires_confirmation: Confirmation Required
user_parameter: User Parameter
invalid_length: Command names cannot contain more than 32 characters.
invalid_chars: Command name contains invalid characters.
invalid_length_description: Command descriptions cannot contain more than 256 characters.

alias_not_found: Alias does not exist!
already_exists: Command already exists!
invalid_url: Invalid Discohook URL!
invalid_url_instructions: |
  Invalid Discohook URL!
  Please go to {}, compose your message, click on `Share Message` and copy the link.
could_not_send_message: One or more messages could not be sent!
cc_already_disabled: Custom command has already been disabled!
not_disabled: Custom command is not disabled!
parameter_already_enabled: Channel parameter has already been enabled!
parameter_already_disabled: Channel parameter has already been disabled!
channel_parameter_enabled: Channel cannot be set while the `channel` parameter is enabled!
already_enabled: Already enabled!
already_disabled: Already disabled!
too_many_aliases: You cannot create more than 8 aliases for a custom command!

  title: Test Custom Command?
  description: Would you like to test this custom command now? The message will be sent to this channel and mentioned users/roles will not be pinged. You can also test the custom command later by using the `{}cc test` command.

confirmation: Confirmation
confirm: Are you sure you want to execute the `{}` command in {}?
canceled: ":x: Canceled"
confirmed: "Confirmed :white_check_mark:"

warning: ":warning: Warning"
limits_exceeded: Message limits exceeded! Please edit the message content using the `{}cc edit text {} <url>` command and make sure to remove any empty embeds!
empty_embed: Message contains an empty embed! Please edit the message content using the `{}cc edit text {} <url>` command and remove the empty embed!
empty_message: This custom command contains an empty message! Please edit the content of this custom command using the `{}cc edit text {} <url>` command and remove the empty message!

cannot_delete: Could not delete [this message]({}) in {} because I don't have `manage_messages` permission there!

  created: "**Custom command** `{}` has been **created**."
  renamed: "**Custom command** `{}` has been **renamed** to `{}`."
    set: "**Description** of the **custom command** `{}` has been updated:\n\n{}"
    unset: "**Description** of the **custom command** `{}` has been removed."
    enabled: "**Channel parameter** of **custom command** `{}` has been **enabled**."
    disabled: "**Channel parameter** of **custom command** `{}` has been **disabled**."
    set: "**Messages** of **custom command** `{}` will now be **sent** to {}."
    unset: "**Messages** of **custom command** `{}` will now be **sent** to the channel in which the **command was invoked**."
    enabled: "After successful execution of the **custom command** `{}` the **command message** will be **deleted**."
    disabled: "After successful execution of the **custom command** `{}` the **command message** will **not be deleted** anymore."
  permission_level: "**Required permission level** of **custom command** `{}` has been **set** to `{}`."
    enabled: "**Confirmation message** has been **enabled** for **custom command** `{}`."
    disabled: "**Confirmation message** has been **disabled** for **custom command** `{}`."
    enabled: "**User parameter** of **custom command** `{}` has been **enabled**."
    disabled: "**User parameter** of **custom command** `{}` has been **disabled**."
  data: "**Message content** of **custom command** `{}` has been **updated**."
  disabled: "**Custom command** `{}` has been **disabled**."
  enabled: "**Custom command** `{}` has been **enabled**."
  alias: "**Alias** `{}` has been **added** to **custom command** `{}`."
  unalias: "**Alias** `{}` has been **removed** from **custom command** `{}`."
  deleted: "**Custom command** `{}` has been **deleted**."