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Test Coverage
  override_owner: pretend to be the owner of a dynamic voice channel
  dyn_read: read dynamic voice channel configuration
  dyn_write: write dynamic voice channel configuration
  dyn_rename: rename a dynamic voice channel
  link_read: read voice channel links
  link_write: write voice channel links

  voice: manage voice channels
  voice_dynamic: manage dynamic voice channels
  voice_dynamic_add: create a new dynamic voice channel group
  voice_dynamic_remove: remove a dynamic voice channel group
  voice_info: show information about a given dynamic voice channel
  voice_rename: rename a dynamic voice channel
  voice_owner: transfer voice channel ownership
  voice_lock: lock a dynamic voice channel
  voice_hide: hide a dynamic voice channel
  voice_show: unhide a dynamic voice channel
  voice_unlock: unlock a dynamic voice channel
  voice_add: add a member to a dynamic voice channel
  voice_remove: remove a member from a dynamic voice channel
  voice_link: manage links between voice channels and roles
  voice_link_add: link a voice channel with a role
  voice_link_remove: delete the link between a voice channel and a role
  help: show a list of voice channel commands

no_links_created: No links have been created yet.
link_already_exists: Link already exists.
link_created: "Link has been created between voice channel `{}` and role <@&{}>. :white_check_mark:"
log_link_created: "**Link** has been **created** between voice channel `{}` and role `@{}`."
link_not_found: Link does not exist.
link_deleted: "Link has been deleted. :white_check_mark:"
log_link_deleted: "**Link** has been **deleted** between voice channel `{}` and role `@{}`."
could_not_remove_roles: Could not remove role {} from {}.
could_not_add_roles: Could not add role {} to {}.

dyn_group_already_exists: This channel is already part of an existing voice channel group.
invalid_user_role: The role {} does not have `view_channel` and `connect` permissions in this voice channel. Please either grant this role the required permissions in this channel or specify a (different) role which should have access to this voice channel group.
dyn_group_created: "Dynamic voice channel group has been created successfully. :white_check_mark:"
log_dyn_group_created: "A new **dynamic voice channel group** has been **created**."
dyn_group_not_found: This channel is not part of any voice channel group.
  one: "{cnt} channel"
  many: "{cnt} channels"
no_dyn_group: No dynamic voice channel groups have been created yet.
dyn_group_removed: "Dynamic voice channel group has been removed successfully. :white_check_mark:"
log_dyn_group_removed: "A **dynamic voice channel group** has been **removed**."
dyn_voice_created: ":sparkles: Channel has been created by {}."
dyn_voice_joined: ":tada: {} joined this channel."
dyn_voice_left: ":door: {} left this channel."
dyn_voice_help_title: Voice Channel Commands
dyn_voice_help_content: |
  :lock: `{prefix}vc lock` - lock this voice channel
  :man_detective: `{prefix}vc hide` - lock and hide this voice channel
  :eye: `{prefix}vc show` - unhide this voice channel
  :unlock: `{prefix}vc unlock` - unlock and unhide this voice channel
  :white_check_mark: `{prefix}vc add <member>` - add a member to this voice channel
  :x: `{prefix}vc remove <member>` - kick and remove a member from this voice channel
  :label: `{prefix}vc rename [<name>]` - rename this voice channel
  :tools: `{prefix}vc owner <member>` - transfer ownership of this voice channel
  :information_source: `{prefix}vc info [<channel>]` - show information about a voice channel
  :grey_question: `{prefix}vc help` - show this embed
  Note that these commands can be used in any text channel.
not_in_voice: You have to be in a dynamic voice channel to use this command.
user_not_in_voice: User is not in a dynamic voice channel.
private_voice_owner_required: You are not the owner of this voice channel.
user_added: ":white_check_mark: {} has been added to this voice channel."
cannot_add_user: "{} could not be added."
user_removed: ":x: {} has been removed from this voice channel."
cannot_remove_user: "{} could not be removed."
not_added: "{} has not been added to this voice channel."
user_not_in_this_channel: User is not in the same private voice channel.
bot_no_owner_transfer: You cannot transfer ownership to a bot.
already_owner: "{} is already the owner of this voice channel."
voice_owner_changed: ":tools: {} is now the owner of this voice channel."
voice_channel: Voice Channel
already_locked: This voice channel is already locked.
already_hidden: This voice channel is already hidden.
locked: ":lock: {} has locked this voice channel."
hidden: ":man_detective: {} has hidden this voice channel."
visible: ":eye: {} has made this voice channel visible again, but it is still locked."
already_unlocked: This voice channel is already unlocked.
unlocked: ":unlock: {} has unlocked this voice channel."
channel_not_locked: This voice channel is not locked.
not_hidden: This voice channel is not hidden.
could_not_overwrite_permissions: Could not modify permission overwrites in {}.
no_text_channel: "{} has no associated text channel."
could_not_send_voice_msg: Could not send message to {}.
could_not_kick: Could not kick {} out of {}.
text_channel_for: Text Channel for {}
could_not_create_text_channel: Could not create text channel for {}.
could_not_create_voice_channel: Could not create new voice channel.
could_not_delete_channel: Could not delete {}.
could_not_add_reactions: Could not add control reactions to [this message]({}) in {}.
could_not_clear_reactions: Could not remove control reactions from [this message]({}) in {}.
cannot_edit: I cannot edit this channel.
renamed: ":label: {} has renamed this channel from `{}` to `{}`."
rename_failed: Renaming this channel failed.
rename_rate_limit: |
  Thanks to [Discord's stupid channel edit rate limit](, I can't rename this channel right now. :rolling_eyes:
  Please try again later.
rename_confirmation: Rename this Voice Channel?
rename_description: A voice channel with this name already exists. Do you want to rename this voice channel anyway?
canceled: ":x: Canceled"
confirmed: "Confirmed :white_check_mark:"
no_custom_name: You are not allowed to set a custom channel name! Omit the `name` parameter to choose a random name or pick a name from [these lists](!

  info: Info
  help: Help
  lock: Lock
  unlock: Unlock
  hide: Hide
  show: Unhide

voice_info: "Voice Channel Information"
voice_owner: "Owner"
    one: "{cnt} Member"
    many: "{cnt} Members"
    one: "{}/{cnt} Member"
    many: "{}/{cnt} Members"
voice_state: "State"
voice_name: "Name"

  unlocked: ":unlock: Unlocked"
  locked: ":lock: Locked"
  hidden: ":man_detective: Hidden"