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# Bot Info

Contains information about the bot and its tasks.

## `info`

Shows information about the bot.


The information given by this command includes:

- Bot name and description
- Author
- Contributors
- Version
- Number of enabled cogs
- Github repository
- PyDrocsid [Discord](../../../discord){target=_blank} and [GitHub]({target=_blank} links
- Prefix
- Help command
- Where to submit bug reports and feature requests

## `version`

Returns the bot's current version.


## `github`

Returns information about the bot's GitHub repository.


## `contributors`

Returns a list of all people that contributed to the bot.


## `cogs`

Returns a list of all cogs currently in use.


## Status Message

The bot displays a status message that is updated every 20 seconds. The list of status strings is defined under the `profile_status` [translation key](../../../library/translations/){target=_blank}.