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Test Coverage
  clear: clear aoc leaderboard cache
  link_read: read aoc links
  link_write: write aoc links
  role_read: read aoc role configuration
  role_write: write aoc role configuration

join_title: How to Join the Private Leaderboard
join_instructions: |
  1. Log in at
  2. Go to
  3. Enter the code `{}`
  Good Luck, Have Fun! :christmas_tree: :gift:

leaderboard_header: "**Private Leaderboard (Advent of Code {})**"
last_update: "Last Update:"

links: Advent of Code - User Links
no_links: No member has been linked yet.
link_already_exists: A link already exists for this user.
link_created: Link has been created.
link_not_found: Link not found.
link_removed: Link has been removed.

aoc_role: Advent of Code - Role
min_rank: Minimum Rank
role_set: Advent of Code role has been configured.
log_role_set: "Advent of Code role has been set to `@{}` ({})."
role_disabled: Advent of Code role has been disabled.
rank_set: Minimum rank for Advent of Code role has been configured.
log_rank_set: Minimum rank for Advent of Code role has been set to {}.
invalid_rank: Invalid rank.

not_verified: You have to be verified to use this command.
invalid_url: Invalid URL. Only GitHub repositories are allowed.
published: Repository has been published successfully.
not_published: No repository has been published yet.
unpublished: Repository has been removed from your profile.

solutions: Advent of Code - Solution Repositories
no_solutions: No solutions have been published yet.