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Test Coverage
  bypass: bypass invite checks
  manage: manage allowed invites

illegal_invite_link: >
  :x: Illegal discord invite link!
  Please contact a team member to submit a request for whitelisting the invitation.
  Use the command `{}` to get a list of all allowed discord servers.
log_illegal_invite: |
  **Deleted** a message of {} in {} because it contained one or more **illegal discord invite** links: {}
log_illegal_invite_not_deleted: |
  {} sent a **message** in {} which contained one or more **illegal discord invite** links: {}
  **The message could not be deleted** because I don't have `manage_messages` permission in this channel.
allowed_servers_title: Allowed Discord Servers
allowed_servers_description: "Any link to these servers is allowed to post:\n\n"
no_server_allowed: ":x: No discord servers allowed."
invalid_invite: Invalid invite.
allowed_server_not_found: Allowed discord server not found.
allowed_server: Allowed Discord Server
server_name: Server Name
server_id: Server ID
invite_link: Invite Link
invite_link_expired: Invite Link (expired)
applicant: Applicant
approver: Approver
date: Date
server_already_whitelisted: This server has already been whitelisted.
server_whitelisted: "Server has been whitelisted successfully. :white_check_mark:"
log_server_whitelisted: "**Discord Server** `{}` has been **added** to the whitelist. :white_check_mark:"
server_not_whitelisted: Server is not whitelisted.
server_removed: "Server has been removed from the whitelist successfully. :white_check_mark:"
log_server_removed: "**Discord Server** `{}` has been **removed** from the whitelist."
invite_updated: "Invite link for `{}` has been updated. :white_check_mark:"
log_invite_updated: "{} just **updated** the **invite link** for `{}`."
invites: Invites
ulog_invite_approved: ":+1:  **Invite approved** by {}: {}"
ulog_invite_removed: ":-1:  **Invite removed** by {}: {}"
ulog_illegal_post: ":no_entry_sign: **Posted an illegal invite** in {}: {}"
description: Description
confirm: "Confirm"
clear_description: "Are you sure that you want to delete the description?"
description_cleared: "Description for `{}` was cleared!"
log_description_cleared: "{} just **cleared** the **description** for `{}`"
description_updated: "Updated description from `{}` to `{}` for `{}`!"
log_description_updated: "{} just **updated** the **description** for `{}` from `{}` to `{}`"
description_too_long: "The length of the description has to be smaller than 500 characters!"