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Test Coverage
  bypass: bypass mediaonly checks
  read: read mediaonly configuration
  write: write mediaonly configuration

  mediaonly: manage media only channels
  list: list media only channels
  add: add a media only channel
  remove: remove a media only channel

mediaonly: MediaOnly
deleted_nomedia: >
  Only pictures are allowed in this channel.
  For conversations please use the channels designated for this purpose.
log_deleted_nomedia: "**Deleted a message** of {} in **media only channel** {} because it did not contain an image."
log_nomedia_not_deleted: >
  MediaOnly could not delete a message of {} in {} because I don't have `manage_messages` permission there.
media_only_channels_header: "Media only channels"
no_media_only_channels: ":x: No media only channels."
channel_already_media_only: Channel is already a media only channel.
channel_now_media_only: "Channel is now a media only channel. :white_check_mark:"
log_channel_now_media_only: "**Channel** {} has been **added** to the list of **media only channels**."
channel_not_media_only: Channel is not a media only channel.
channel_not_media_only_anymore: "Channel is not a media only channel anymore. :white_check_mark:"
log_channel_not_media_only_anymore: "**Channel** {} has been **removed** from the list of **media only channels**."
media_only_not_changed_no_permissions: >
  Media only channel could not be added because I don't have `manage_messages` permission there.
ulog_deletion: ":frame_photo: **Sent** a message without a picture to the mediaonly channel {}."