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Test Coverage
  send: send a message as the bot
  edit: edit messages sent by the bot
  delete: delete a message
  clear: delete lots of messages at once

  send: send messages as the bot
  send_text: send a normal message
  send_embed: send an embed
  send_copy: copy a message (specify message link)
  send_discohook: |
    send a discohook message
    Go to {}, compose your message, click on `Share Message` and copy the link.
  edit: edit messages sent by the bot
  edit_text: edit a normal message (specify message link)
  edit_embed: edit an embed (specify message link)
  edit_copy: copy a message into another message (specify message links)
  edit_discohook: |
    edit a discohook message
    Go to {}, compose your message, click on `Share Message` and copy the link.
  delete: delete a message (specify message link)
  clear: "delete the last <count> messages in this channel"
  discohook: create a discohook link for an existing message

messages: Messages
send_embed_title: "Send me the title of the embed! Send {} to cancel."
send_embed_content: "Ok, now send me the content of the embed! Send {} to cancel."
could_not_send_message: Message could not be sent because I don't have `send_messages` permission in this channel.
send_message: "Now send me the message! Send {} to cancel."
msg_could_not_be_sent: Message could not be sent.
msg_sent: "Message has been sent successfully. :white_check_mark:"
msg_send_cancel: "Sending a message has been cancelled :x:"
could_not_send_embed: Message could not be sent because I don't have `embed_links` permission in this channel.
could_not_edit: This message cannot be edited because the bot is not the author of the message.
send_new_message: "Now send me the new message! Send {} to cancel!"
msg_edited: "Message has been edited successfully. :white_check_mark:"
cannot_delete_dm: Private messages cannot be deleted.
could_not_delete: Message could not be deleted because I don't have `manage_messages` permission in this channel.
msg_deleted: "Message has been deleted successfully. :white_check_mark:"
title_too_long: Title is too long.
cannot_edit_files: Files cannot be edited.
cancel: CANCEL

confirmation: Confirmation
clear_channel: Clean Channel
count_between: You cannot delete less than 1 or more than 100 messages.
  one: Are you sure you want to delete the last message in {}?
  many: Are you sure you want to delete the last {cnt} messages in {}?
canceled: ":x: Canceled"
confirmed: "Confirmed :white_check_mark:"
clearing: Deleting messages in {} ({}/{})
msg_not_deleted: Some messages could not be deleted!
  one: "{cnt} message has been deleted in {}!"
  many: "{cnt} messages have been deleted in {}!"
  one: "{} deleted {cnt} message in {}."
  many: "{} deleted {cnt} messages in {}."

cannot_read_messages: You cannot read messages in {}.
discohook_empty: This discohook link does not contain any messages.
discohook_multiple_messages: This discohook link contains more than one message.
discohook_multiple_embeds: This discohook link contains more than one embed.
discohook_create_failed: Discohook link could not be created.
discohook_invalid: Invalid discohook link