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Test Coverage
  warn: warn a user
  mute: mute a user
  kick: kick a user
  ban: ban a user

  member: ":bust_in_silhouette: Member"
  member_id: ":dna: Member ID"
  channel: ":compass: Channel"
  duration: ":clock2: Duration"
  reason: ":scroll: Reason"
    one: "{cnt} day"
    many: "{cnt} days"
  days_infinity: "*Permanent*"

jump_url: "{} [[Jump]]({})"
no_dm: ":warning: User does not allow direct messages."
reason_too_long: "Reason is too long. :pencil:"
invalid_duration_inf: Invalid duration. Try `inf` instead.

report: ":speech_balloon: Report"
cannot_report: This member cannot be reported.
no_self_report: You cannot report yourself.
reported_response: "User reported successfully :white_check_mark:"
log_reported: ":speech_balloon: Member reported"

warn: ":warning: Warn"
cannot_warn: This member cannot be warned.
warned: "{} just warned you on {}:```\n{}\n```"
warned_response: "User warned successfully :white_check_mark:"
log_warned: ":warning: Member warned"

mute: ":mute: Mute"
unmute: ":loud_sound: Mute"
mute_role_not_set: User could not be muted because no mute role is configured.
cannot_mute: This member cannot be muted.
cannot_unmute: This member cannot be unmuted.
already_muted: User is already muted for the given period of time.
  one: "{} just muted you on {} for {cnt} day:```\n{}\n```"
  many: "{} just muted you on {} for {cnt} days:```\n{}\n```"
muted_inf: "{} just muted you on {}:```\n{}\n```"
muted_response: "User muted successfully :white_check_mark:"
log_muted: ":mute: Member muted"
log_unmuted_expired: "Unmuted automatically because the mute time for this user has expired."
unmuted_response: "User unmuted successfully :white_check_mark:"
log_unmuted: ":loud_sound: Member unmuted"
not_muted: User is not muted.
cannot_assign_mute_role: Cannot manage mute role `@{}` ({})
cannot_update_timeout: Could not update timeout on {} ({})
cannot_remove_timeout: Could not remove timeout from {} ({})

kick: ":x: Kick"
kicked: "{} just kicked you from {}:```\n{}\n```"
kicked_response: "User kicked successfully :white_check_mark:"
log_kicked: ":x: Member kicked"
cannot_kick: This member cannot be kicked.
cannot_kick_permissions: User could not be kicked because I don't have `kick_members` permission on this server.

ban: ":no_entry: Ban"
unban: ":white_check_mark: Ban"
cannot_ban: This member cannot be banned.
already_banned: This member is already banned for the given period of time.
cannot_ban_permissions: User could not be banned because I don't have `ban_members` permission on this server.
  one: "{} just banned you from {} for {cnt} day:```\n{}\n```"
  many: "{} just banned you from {} for {cnt} days:```\n{}\n```"
banned_inf: "{} just banned you from {}:```\n{}\n```"
banned_response: "User banned successfully :white_check_mark:"
log_banned: ":no_entry: Member Banned"
log_unbanned_expired: "Unbanned automatically because the ban time for this user has expired."
not_banned: This member is not banned.
unbanned_response: "User unbanned. :white_check_mark:"
log_unbanned: ":white_check_mark: Member Unbanned"
cannot_unban_permissions: User could not be unbanned because I don't have `ban_members` permission on this server.
cannot_unban_user_permissions: User {} ({}) could not be unbanned because I don't have `ban_members` permission on this server.

reported_cnt: ":speech_balloon:  Reported"
warned_cnt: ":warning:  Warned"
muted_cnt: ":mute:  Muted"
kicked_cnt: ":x:  Kicked"
banned_cnt: ":no_entry:  Banned"
active_passive: "active: `{}`\npassive: `{}`"
  one: "(plus `{cnt}` autokick)"
  many: "(plus `{cnt}` autokicks)"

active_sanctions: Active Punishments
none: None
status_banned: ":no_entry: User is banned from this server."
  one: ":no_entry: User is banned for {cnt} day from this server ({left} left)."
  many: ":no_entry: User is banned for {cnt} days from this server ({left} left)."
status_muted: ":mute: User is muted on this server."
  one: ":mute: User is muted for {cnt} day on this server ({left} left)."
  many: ":mute: User is muted for {cnt} days on this server ({left} left)."

  reported: ":speech_balloon: **Reported** by {} because of `{}`"
  warned: ":warning: **Warned** by {} because of `{}`"

        one: ":mute: **Muted** by {} for {cnt} day because of `{}`"
        many: ":mute: **Muted** by {} for {cnt} days because of `{}`"
      inf: ":mute: **Muted** permanently by {} because of `{}`"
        one: ":mute: **Mute upgraded** by {} to {cnt} day because of `{}`"
        many: ":mute: **Mute upgraded** by {} to {cnt} days because of `{}`"
      inf: ":mute: **Mute upgraded** to permanent by {} because of `{}`"
  unmuted: ":loud_sound: **Unmuted** by {} because of `{}`"
  unmuted_expired: ":loud_sound: **Unmuted** because the mute time has expired."

  kicked: ":x: **Kicked** by {} because of `{}`"
  autokicked: ":hourglass: **Kicked** automatically."

        one: ":no_entry: **Banned** by {} for {cnt} day because of `{}`"
        many: ":no_entry: **Banned** by {} for {cnt} days because of `{}`"
      inf: ":no_entry: **Banned** permanently by {} because of `{}`"
        one: ":no_entry: **Ban upgraded** by {} to {cnt} day because of `{}`"
        many: ":no_entry: **Ban upgraded** by {} to {cnt} days because of `{}`"
      inf: ":no_entry: **Ban upgraded** to permanent by {} because of `{}`"
  unbanned: ":white_check_mark: **Unbanned** by {} because of `{}`"
  unbanned_expired: ":white_check_mark: **Unbanned** because the ban time has expired."