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    NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this
    license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ or send a
    letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View,
    California, 94041, USA.
.. _citing_guide:
.. currentmodule:: qinfer

Citing QInfer and Related Projects

Citing Released Versions

If you use **QInfer** in your publication or presentation, we would appreciate it
if you cited our work. We recommend citing **QInfer** by using the BibTeX

      author       = {Christopher Granade and
                      Christopher Ferrie and
                      Steven Casagrande and
                      Ian Hincks and
                      Michal Kononenko and
                      Thomas Alexander and
                      Yuval Sanders},
      title        = {{QInfer}: Library for Statistical Inference in Quantum Information},
      month        = september,
      year         = 2016,
      doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.157007},
      url          = {http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.157007}

Pre-Release Versions

If you wish to cite **QInfer** functionality that has not yet appeared in a
released version, it may be helpful
to cite a given SHA hash as listed on
`GitHub <https://github.com/QInfer/python-qinfer/commits/master>`_ (the
hashes of each commit are listed on the right hand side of the page).
A recommended BibTeX entry for citing a particular commit is::

      author       = {Christopher Granade and
                      Christopher Ferrie and
                      Steven Casagrande and
                      Ian Hincks and
                      Michal Kononenko and
                      Thomas Alexander and
                      Yuval Sanders},
      title        = {{QInfer}: Library for Statistical Inference in Quantum Information},
      month        = may,
      year         = 2016,
      url =    "https://github.com/QInfer/python-qinfer/commit/bc3736c",
      note =   {Version \texttt{bc3736c}.}

In this example, ``bc3736c`` should be replaced by the
particular commit being cited, and the date should be replaced by the date
of that commit.

Automatic Citation Collection

QInfer also supports the use of the `duecredit`_ project to automatically
collect citations for a bibliography. This support is still experimental,
and may not yet generate complete bibliographies, so please manually check
the resulting bibliography. In any case, to get started, install `duecredit`_::

    $ pip install duecredit

If your project then uses a script to generate and/or analyze data, then you
can use `duecredit`_ to collect citations for Python modules and functions
called by your script. For example, if your project can be run as
`python script.py`, use the following command to collect a bibliography::

    $ python -m duecredit script.py

Alternatively, it may be more reliable to use environment variables to turn
on `duecredit`_ collection, since this approach also works with 
Jupyter Notebook::

    $ export DUECREDIT_ENABLE=yes # Bash
    PS> $Env:DUECREDIT_ENABLE = "yes" # PowerShell
Or, from within an Jupyter Notebook, environment variables can be set before
import using::

    import os
    os.environ['DUECREDIT_ENABLE'] = 'yes'
    import qinfer as qi

Whenever it is detected that this variable is true, any uses of **Qinfer** in a 
given folder (even multiple distinct runs) will maintain 
a file in the same folder called ``.duecredit.p`` that contains 
a representation of your bibliography. This file is updated whenever **Qinfer**
uses a module, class, or method that is appropriately tagged with a citation.

If you wish to see the citation compilaton of a *single* python session, 
you can dump the current state with::


On the other hand, to print it out the entire ``.duecredit.p`` collection 
in BibTeX form, use the summary functionality of `duecredit`_::

    $ duecredit summary --format=bibtex

Note that this summary will also include projects such as NumPy and SciKit-Learn
that are supported by `duecredit`_, as well as any other projects which natively
host citation metadata through `duecredit`_.  For example::

    $ export DUECREDIT_ENABLE=yes
    $ ipython
    In [1]: import qinfer as qi
    In [2]: exit

    DueCredit Report:
    - Scientific tools library / numpy (v 1.11.1) [1]
    - Bayesian inference for quantum information / qinfer (v 1.0) [2]
    - Machine Learning library / sklearn (v 0.17.1) [3]
        - Affinity propagation clustering algorithm / sklearn.cluster.affinity_propagation_ (v 0.17.1) [4]

    3 packages cited
    1 module cited
    0 functions cited


    [1] Van Der Walt, S., Colbert, S.C. & Varoquaux, G., 2011. The NumPy array: a structure for efficient numerical computation. Computing in Science & Engineering, 13(2), pp.22–30.
    [2] Granade, C. et al., 2016. QInfer: Statistical Inference Software for Quantum Applications. arXiv:1610.00336 [physics, physics:quant-ph, stat].
    [3] Pedregosa, F. et al., 2011. Scikit-learn: Machine learning in Python. The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 12, pp.2825–2830.
    [4] Frey, B.J. & Dueck, D., 2007. Clustering by Passing Messages Between Data Points. Science, 315(5814), pp.972–976.

The bibliography entries defined by QInfer are organized according to different
*tags*, making it easier to filter through the results of `duecredit`_. In particular,
QInfer uses the following citation tags, as defined in the `duecredit documentation

- ``implementation``: The tagged function is an implementation of the cited work.
- ``experiment``: Concerns experimental demonstrations of an algorithm or procedure. This tag
  is similar to, but distinct from, the ``use`` tag defined by `duecredit`_.

These tags can be controlled using the ``DUECREDIT_REPORT_ALL`` and ``DUECREDIT_REPORT_TAGS``
environment variables. By default, all tags by ``implementation`` are hidden, such that
summaries of the collected bibliography describe which software implementations are used
in the course of a project.

For more details on how to use `duecredit`_, please see their `documentation on
GitHub <https://github.com/duecredit/duecredit/blob/master/README.md>`_.

.. _duecredit: https://github.com/duecredit/duecredit/